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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

This is why we need PR. Tories come in and govern for long stretches with 35-40% of the vote, inflicting years if hardship on the majority of people. Then Labour come in and are like kids in a sweetie shop, they never want to share power so they keep the system as it is. They feel their short stretches in government make up for it. It doesn't. 

PR would keep the lunatic fringes out of power; FPTP has kept them in power. Steve Baker was a government minister FFS!

I'm 44. Tories have been in power for 31 of those 44 years. So I'm not at all excited at the prospect of a Labour government that will last 5-10 years only to be replaced by the Tories for the next 15. 

Of course it’s worse if your Scottish.  1955, the year I was born, was the last time more people in Scotland voted Conservative than for any other party.  Yet we have had decades of Tory rule imposed on us due the the political union.

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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Of course it’s worse if your Scottish.  1955, the year I was born, was the last time more people in Scotland voted Conservative than for any other party.  Yet we have had decades of Tory rule imposed on us due the the political union.

I guess PR for the UK would reduce (but not remove) that as an argument for independence.  I wonder if that would shift support for independence much.

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3 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I guess PR for the UK would reduce (but not remove) that as an argument for independence.  I wonder if that would shift support for independence much.

Was there not on referendum on introducing PR to Westminster votes. Suppose I could go Google but I voted in is so narrows it down to post Sept 2000.

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Just now, RH33 said:

Was there not on referendum on introducing PR to Westminster votes. Suppose I could go Google but I voted in is so narrows it down to post Sept 2000.

Possibly, I don’t remember but, y know.  Dems have a total boner for it so could have been a coalition bribe so they’d approve cutting benefits and privatising the NHS.  I’m going to have to google that now.

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9 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Was there not on referendum on introducing PR to Westminster votes. Suppose I could go Google but I voted in is so narrows it down to post Sept 2000.


2 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

2011. 67.9% against.

It’s slowly coming back.

It wasn’t technically PR that was rejected but the AV (?) system of PR.

If we’d had a brexit style choice where yes votes were for whatever the voter hoped would happen then it might have been different.  

but the people had their say. So guess that’s that

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1 minute ago, RH33 said:

Ah I didn't remember that it was a specific for of PR we voted on.

IIRC the Lib Dems backtracked on every other policy they had to get the referendum as part of the "coalition" deal.

And even then, the proposal wasn't even close to what they had argued for in their GE Manifesto

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6 minutes ago, ForzaViola said:

My memory of this is pretty vague but I'm sure the Lib Dems agreed to vote with the Tories on the punitive Welfare Reform bill in exchange for the carrier bag tax. Didn't they fold on student loans or tuition fees or similar in exchange for the PR vote? 

Aye, Nick Clegg is a duplicitous arsehole. He didn't have principles but he sold out the party's principles for a tiny bit of power. Now he's the acceptable face of Facebook or the guy they trot out in front of Government committees. 

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They're selling off the land acquired for HS2 at a loss which will prevent an incoming government reviving the project. No doubt prospective buyers have already been identified among their donors, hedge fund mates and others desperate to get their snouts in another trough of public money. 

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The patsy sent out to do the Fri morning tv rounds was claiming Labour only won due to the Tory vote staying at home. He then went on to say it was a "worrying" night for Labour as their total votes gained only increased by a few hundred since the GE. The arrogance and ignorance of these fuckers knows no bounds. 

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I just heard a phone in on Radio 4. Not sure i've heard such a thing before. Anyway, they were speaking to Tory voters about the by election and the Tories. They were all really old and quite confused. One guy admitted he hadn't actually voted Tory since Thatcher stopped school milk, one wanted to criticise Rishi for slashing the aid budget and causing tens of thousands of deaths in the developing world but was "true blue and will always vote Conservative" and one was disappointed because, "like everyone else" she voted for brexit "for common sense reasons to cut  emissions by growing our own fruit and fishing our own waters." 


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2 hours ago, btb said:

Even in the world of Tory sleazy, sadistic bullying MPs the latest revelations about Peter Bone take the biscuit, another by-election in the offing?

Spare us devout MPs like Peter Bone. If we ever had faith in them, it is long gone | Catherine Bennett | The Guardian

Love this bit.

Bone says the misconduct allegations are “false and untrue” and also from a short period “more than 10 years ago”.

In other words, it never happened and anyway it was only briefly and a long time ago.

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32 minutes ago, GordonD said:

Love this bit.

Bone says the misconduct allegations are “false and untrue” and also from a short period “more than 10 years ago”.

In other words, it never happened and anyway it was only briefly and a long time ago.

When he was sixty one.

I for one support age related sentencing mitigations.

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