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Prince Philip Deid

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Guest TheJTS98
3 minutes ago, Antlion said:

I always got the impression he was one of those arseholes (who crop up in prominent positions of all kinds) who just enjoyed saying offensive and nasty things because he knew the people he was saying them to would be unable (if they wanted to keep their jobs) to respond with a sturdy “f**k right off”. The more he was enabled, the worse he got, probably thinking he was no end of a wit.

He may have been. But we're guessing.

It's also likely that he had absolutely no idea how to relate to normal people whatsoever, so just constantly fucked it up and came from an environment where he'd never had any reason to really care.

What the f**k does he know about someone who works in a factory?

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Those Just Eat and Just Throw up posts (not going to quote them) in reference to Nikki Grahame are awful. Should be deleting them IMO.

Didn’t see them so they may well have been incredibly offensive, and appreciate the circumstances are different, but there were no complaints about the numerous (hilarious) memes about Phil biting the dust. Possibly a bit of double standards?

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58 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

When Diana died it was quite hard to be sure how in or out of step with public mood any individual was, since all we really had was normal media telling us we were all completely fucking devastated. This time that trick doesn't work.

People start to get out of a trap when they realise not everybody wants to be in it.

A key factor with Diana was that she already in the news at the time.  The tabloids were all into the Diana and Dodi story and every day it was "what are they up to now?"

Then, all of a sudden they were dead.  It was like killing off a main character in a TV show.  Totally unexpected, even for people who don't give a shit about the Royal Family.

99 year man in declining health and now he is gone.   Hardly a surprise.

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22 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
24 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:
I think that's the point. He couldn't choose that.
Me and you would likely have come out the same.

And as I said, he'll have been surrounded with PR folk telling him what was and wasn't acceptable to say in public and he was either too stupid to listen or just didn't care. My money is firmly on the latter.

I think that Queen's Consort gig could go one of two ways...you had the likes of Prince Albert who created a real role for himself behind the scenes and was surprisingly progressive for his time...not to mention helping to get the UK out of a war with the US in 1860-odd where the UK would have almost inevitably had their arses handed to them.

For 70 years in the job, Philip's legacy was an awards scheme and some dodgy one-liners.

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6 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Didn’t see them so they may well have been incredibly offensive, and appreciate the circumstances are different, but there were no complaints about the numerous (hilarious) memes about Phil biting the dust. Possibly a bit of double standards?

I don't think humour/digs around a highly controversial 99 year old dying is the same as laughing at a young lassie who struggled with an eating disorder for years and eventually died from it

Its a fair point you raise, there is quite a lot of times where a death or accident gets joked about on here. Sometimes for years after the event.  I think most folk instinctively know where the line is though. 

I just don't think there is a shred of humour in laughing at someone who died of anorexia personally. 

Edited by Bairnardo
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Guest TheJTS98
2 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I think that Queen's Consort gig could go one of two ways...you had the likes of Prince Albert who created a real role for himself behind the scenes and was surprisingly progressive for his time...not to mention helping to get the UK out of a war with the US in 1860-odd where the UK would have almost inevitably had their arses handed to them.

For 70 years in the job, Philip's legacy was an awards scheme and some dodgy one-liners.

That's true. And part of the issue is that there just isn't a real role any more for Royals. Society and politics have moved on.

What's Camilla meant to do when Charles becomes King, for example? Who is going to take her seriously in any kind of political role? Why should they?

Prince Phillip had a naval career and was seemingly quite good at that. Then suddenly that's over and he spends 70 years trying to keep busy. That must be a weird life and I don't envy him it.

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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I don't think humour/digs around a highly controversial 99 year old dying is the same as laughing at a young lassie who struggled with an eating disorder for years and eventually died from it

Its a fair point you raise, there is quite a lot of times where a death or accident gets joked about on here. Sometimes for years after the event.  I think most folk instinctively know where the line is though. 

I just don't think there is a shred of humour in laughing at someone who died of anorexia personally. 

I’m inclined to agree, but who’s for us to police what is acceptable for jokes and what isn’t? 

For example there are plenty of jokes made without comment about things like 9/11 where thousands died, yet it’s unacceptable to make a joke in this instance. There’s always going to be a line for each individual, just think they are blurred very easily.

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10 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I think that Queen's Consort gig could go one of two ways...you had the likes of Prince Albert who created a real role for himself behind the scenes and was surprisingly progressive for his time...

You could've said the same about Philip in the 1950s and 60s. Maybe if like Bertie he'd clocked out in his 40s his legacy would've been a bit different?...


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32 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

I don't disagree with any of that.

But my point is more about the level of information available to the public.

When Betty II dies it will be horrendous. Simply the biggest news event imaginable. But there'll be a relatively strong public backlash that would not have been possible in the 90s. And people will know there are loads like them.

I wouldn’t think it will start as a backlash, more complete indifference.  Previous monarchs were these god like figures probably because they were rarely seen and people knew no different.  You might hear the king on the radio from time to time but all carefully stage managed.  TV and media these days have put paid to that.  The royal affairs/divorces have also further dispelled the myth they are somehow different or special.

as more and more people eventually question the purpose of the royals that’s when it may become a backlash.  No way it’s ever happening with Lizzie.  Like her or loath her she has a certain dignity that garners her a level of respect.  I doubt Charlie has that so he’ll have a tough shift.  William might get a pass because of his mother but after that it could be a struggle to find any relevance for them.

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9 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I don't think humour/digs around a highly controversial 99 year old dying is the same as laughing at a young lassie who struggled with an eating disorder for years and eventually died from it

Its a fair point you raise, there is quite a lot of times where a death or accident gets joked about on here. Sometimes for years after the event.  I think most folk instinctively know where the line is though. 

I just don't think there is a shred of humour in laughing at someone who died of anorexia personally. 

Yeah I agree with this, I am ambivalent around his death, I am neither happy or sad just totally meh. I watched the first few Big Brother series & really disliked her but I have a lot of sympathy for her being in the grip of a mental illness so encompassing that it killed her at that age, I have quite a dark sense of humour but I find her story rather sad & not something to joke about.

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11 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

That's true. And part of the issue is that there just isn't a real role any more for Royals. Society and politics have moved on.

What's Camilla meant to do when Charles becomes King, for example? Who is going to take her seriously in any kind of political role? Why should they?

Prince Phillip had a naval career and was seemingly quite good at that. Then suddenly that's over and he spends 70 years trying to keep busy. That must be a weird life and I don't envy him it.

I think a lot of the "gaffes" might have been down to him being bored and wanting to cause a bit of friction to liven things up...I can only imagine what it must be like being dragged round factories or wherever and meeting people that you've got absolutely no interest in decade after decade. In a way it's almost understandable that he adopted the general demeanour of a septuagenarian stroppy teenager.

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I’m inclined to agree, but who’s for us to police what is acceptable for jokes and what isn’t? 
For example there are plenty of jokes made without comment about things like 9/11 where thousands died, yet it’s unacceptable to make a joke in this instance. There’s always going to be a line for each individual, just think they are blurred very easily.
The only thing I would be inclined to add is that its pretty easy to draw a line from poor attitudes towards mental health, and the unnecessary suffering of millions of people in this country. On that basis, I personally see mental health as generally off limits for humour. We have a huge societal problem with this sort of thing.

We don't have a huge societal problem with the deaths of 99 year old guys who have led an unthinkably wealthy and luxurious life.
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6 minutes ago, throbber said:

The sad thing is some people are easier to laugh at than others after they have died. Prince Philip is about as easy as it gets to crack at joke at on account of his age, status, wealth and the fact he was a racist.

I suppose the line you’re talking about comes from a combination of who the dead person was, how they died and whether or not the joke was funny. I’ve cracked jokes and laughed at some things that were cracked in the immediate aftermath of someone’s death but there has always been something actually funny being said in the joke. I’ve also been absolutely horrified in the company of people who are doing the same thing but it’s apparent they are just being dicks and laughing at the dead for the sake of it,cracking unfunny jokes without any sort of funny punchline. The case of the just eat stuff is completely unfunny shite poking fun at mental illness and a young person dying, I don’t think anyone could possibly find it funny because there isn’t anything laughable being presented.

"My sense of humour is more acceptable than your sense of humour" type post.

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The only thing I would be inclined to add is that its pretty easy to draw a line from poor attitudes towards mental health, and the unnecessary suffering of millions of people in this country. On that basis, I personally see mental health as generally off limits for humour. We have a huge societal problem with this sort of thing.

We don't have a huge societal problem with the deaths of 99 year old guys who have led an unthinkably wealthy and luxurious life.

Generally I agree with this. I personally don’t find jokes about mental health issues and death funny in the slightest (e.g. on here when Chester Bennington killed himself it was open season for “In the end it doesn’t even matter” jokes), but without wanting to go full Ricky Gervais on it, I hate the idea that because a joke offends someone it should be banned/censored. Humour varies person to person and people are more than welcome to find jokes offensive and give someone stick for them, but they shouldn’t be allowed to use offence to have censorship.

If you’re some weirdo royalist like that guy with the Union Jack hat, then the Prince Philip jokes would be incredibly offensive and upsetting, but I find them hilarious, and he has no right to demand they are not allowed.

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Are you punching up or punching down would be my first port of call.

Arguably the lassie was a celebrity but I doubt she had any more wealth, power and status than many folk on here. 

Princess Diana and John Prescotts bulimia seemed to be fair game at the time  but it didn't kill them and I doubt these days it would be.


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2 hours ago, mizfit said:


Watched the news before MOTD Last night and I couldn’t believe some of the general public they’d interviewed.

One woman was crying saying she felt a calling to windsor castle to pay her respects.

The c**t would’ve walked past the other c**t in the street and not batted and eyelid.


I saw that. My irony meter exploded at the woman who said, "Fortunately most people have obeyed the request not to turn up here."

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