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Afghanistan Crisis

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2 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

The *abundant* mineral resources of Afghanistan are precisely why the Chinese & the Russians are positioning themselves as they are…

I mean fair, I was being hyperbolic.

But these aren’t resources that we have in any meaningful sense sought to exploit in over 20 years. If there was a strategic resource interest in control of Afganistan and NATO really is as callously self interested as several people on this thread claims it is, then we wouldn’t be looking at a US withdrawal at all, would we?

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18 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

He's still called Lord Miles

I don't really care about the intricacies 

Lord Air Miles as he's known now. Supposed to have given out the name of an ex-translator for the Brits out on social media who helped him get safe in Kabul.

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32 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

This article seems to omit the fact he's actually Lord Miles



31 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

He calls himself Lord Miles. He isn’t a Lord. He went on the internet and pretended to buy land.


30 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

He's still called Lord Miles

I don't really care about the intricacies 

That’s it!  I’m going to buy one of these titles: “Lord Granny of Danger” has a certain ring to it.  

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4 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Taliban press conference now. A man with very full eyebrows taking questions from American news. It's all very surreal.

"Women are a very important part of society and we guarantee their safety."


naNEzNm (3).gif

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The Afghan war in a nutshell -

As usual the USA and UK stick their noses into other peoples business. Thousands of lives lost on both countries military personal as well as civilians. Billions (I'm guessing) spent on arms and training of the Afghan army who seem incompetent at best and compliant at worst, in allowing the Taliban to waltz into government. Womens rights looking like theyll bo longer exist and they'll probably end up as "wifes" - glorified skivvies and sex objects to the cretions in the Taliban. The end. 

What a sorry mess 

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2 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

Going to out myself a little here which i wouldn't normally do but only because i find your take on this pretty disrespectful to everyone that has spent time out there trying to help. I was there during the original Op Veritas and subsequent Herricks before leaving in 09 and i can tell you from a first person perspective you couldn't be further away from the reality of what was going on. 

The level of brutality you saw there especially in the early days you couldn't possibly comprehend, its barbarism that i would expect to see if i had lived in medieval times and this was a ruling force doing this to their own countrymen and often so their women. It's was so far backward that it was genuinely fucking upsetting, i genuinely don't have the words to describe it to you and do it justice but to suggest we reciprocated this level of torture or that the taking of life unnecessarily was something that happened daily is also pretty upsetting tbf.

I don't know of anyone who went out there and didn't have a fondness for the Afghan people who mostly were just trying to live their lives. I've seen many of their lives turn around just because of our presence there. We showed them kindness and we tried to help them in any way we could especially the children because when they grow up and the Taliban try to recruit them or tell them the West is evil they may remember just how much we cared about them and not follow that path.

Sadly what you see now was in someway inevitable. Many of these Taliban soldiers you see now were likely ANA at some point and likely trained by us. Looking at the pictures of the ordnance they carry and simple things such as their trigger discipline when you pictures or videos of them suggest that hence why they have been so quick to mobilise and take back control. 

Anyway that was longer than i intended it to be when probably a simple f**k off would have done


The one good thing Detournement has achieved in this thread is to provoke this post. Ta.


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22 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

The Afghan war in a nutshell -

As usual the USA and UK stick their noses into other peoples business.

Sorry, but you absolutely must be fucking joking.

Does this jog your memory at all?

I'll give you a clue - it was very much the USA's business. As a result it was all of NATO's business.


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And, relevant to a football board, the impact on Afghanistan's women footballers:


Some quotes:

"We encouraged women and girls to stand up and be bold, and now I am telling them to take photos down, shut down your social media and try to shut down their voices. This causes so much pain,"

"The players have been so vocal, standing up for women's rights, and now their lives are in grave danger."

"I remember we went to an international tournament and we stood under our flag. I remember the first time we heard the national anthem, it was emotional. We were all crying because it was such a great achievement for us."

"Help us protect those women whose identities are exposed. Help us get our players safe."

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I see the similarities between the Taliban and Boko Haram. Obviously what happens in Nigeria is done on a much smaller scale than we're seeing in Kabul. Rampaging through villages, treating women like shit and taking them as wifes etc. I wonder if we only hear so much of Afghanistan because we've never involved ourself in Nigeria...

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10 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Sorry, but you absolutely must be fucking joking.

Does this jog your memory at all?

I'll give you a clue - it was very much the USA's business. As a result it was all of NATO's business.


The US originally said something along the lines of "the Taliban would be nuked/smoked out in the matter of days". Staying for 20 years was never on the agenda that was "released" to the public

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