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Worst Types of Posts on Pie and Bovril

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1 minute ago, Mark Connolly said:


Was he properly banned this time? The first time, he asked to be banned, then came back about a week later.

DomDom got the boot from @Tynierose because he kept saying the mods were allowing something or someone to do something by letting someone keep making new accounts. I forget what the specific problem was.

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I’ve posted about this many times but I like posts about cliques. There have been several eras of alleged forum cliques - initially in the mid 2000s some posters became mates after the fives tournaments and would post about meeting up, which seemed to rile up other posters who weren’t included. Eventually quite a few of these posters drifted away or began posting less. Not long after quite a few of the Stenny fans became prominent posters and the P&B football team started up causing accusations of cliques forming again. One memorable post on this was from forum serial killer WTM, who in one of his many frankly terrifying rants, boasted about getting a green dot or supportive post from a prominent Stenny poster. 

These posters have again drifted away somewhat, certainly from the GN forum but there are still accusations of cliques. Now though, there isn’t the same offline element, it comes down to dotting wars. You disagree with poster A and your post gets downvotes but poster B and C so you accuse them of being a clique. 

There’s obviously something in forums that encourages this behaviour. There are some people who tend to be socially excluded from groups, for a variety of reasons. Some of those people might become sensitive to being in an outgroup and an online forum means you can react more negatively to this exclusion than in daily life. 

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3 hours ago, G51 said:

Pretty much the only valuable posts on this site are the lower league forums, where you can collect genuinely useful betting information that isn’t really available elsewhere, and sometimes you’ll even get it before the bookies do. For fellow gambling degenerates that enjoy betting Leagues 1 & 2, it can be very useful.

The rest of this site consists of the nonsense views of middle aged, middle class white guys who think of themselves as progressive and/or politically correct because they vote SNP and post “lol DRoss!!” in the politics forum sometimes. It should be absolutely no surprise that the rest of the site is a bin fire when 90% of the population is that deluded.

I think that hyperbolic in the extreme and it doesn’t your position no favours to use age, ethnicity and sex as pejoratives.

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

DomDom got the boot from @Tynierose because he kept saying the mods were allowing something or someone to do something by letting someone keep making new accounts. I forget what the specific problem was.

He continually accused the moderating team of being complicit with homophobia, racism, bigotry and of causing global warming etc etc on a regular basis.

We naturally took umbrage at his accusations which he continued to make.  Having met the moderators I know they aren't though I must admit Keith contributes to global warming with his hair dryer.

It all became very tiresome therefore he was punted.  We do our best to be as fair and balanced as we can be and at times we make mistakes but tone continually accused of the above was unnecessary.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

These posters have again drifted away somewhat, certainly from the GN forum but there are still accusations of cliques. Now though, there isn’t the same offline element, it comes down to dotting wars. You disagree with poster A and your post gets downvotes but poster B and C so you accuse them of being a clique. 


We went fully online at the onset of Covid. In addition to the WhatsApp we've got a thriving Slack chat, Discord server and regular Zoom calls. You're always welcome back, brother. 

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most of the everyday stuff is tolerable, even the shitposting, but there's rarer stuff that actively annoys me, despite this being a Scottish hot food and beverage forum.

I'm not sure how best to describe it but the kind of dog-with-a-bone posters that will not let something go. Maybe it's out of misplaced arrogance, maybe a bit of "I MUST HAVE THE LAST WORD ON THIS FOR I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG". Whatever it is driving it, it grinds my gears even reading other people doing it to other people.

Of note: Supras and his rape apologist thing that finally got him punted. renton said something like Supras posting style ended up giving H_B a kind of posting PTSD from having so many exhausting arguments with him, i quite liked that description, very much a "Cool, I broke his brain!" vibe to their later heated interactions. Beyond that, he was obsessed with drug legalisation, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Mario Balotelli, to a thread derailing extent whenever the topic was in vogue on P&B. Using the P&B search function to find his own username and getting caught out because he was mentioned in one of the more obscure subforums and someone caught on like "hang on why has he popped into this thread on Taiwanese dishwashing machines" was... yeah.

also that misc other football thread where whatshisface (not fuzzyafro but the other alias, genuinely cant mind it) became an abrasive dick over who Scotland's best sportsman was, and anyone naming Andy Murray must be a fucking idiot, to the extent it got him a suspension.

Some of the Afghanistan thread ended up in the same vein, too.

Another is when people have been rinsed in an argument and just go "well, guess we'll have to just agree to disagree." It's sort of unintentionally funny but it nags at me in a way, kind of like seeing somebody 5-0 up against someone on PES or something with 10 minutes left on the clock and their opponent just goes "well, guess we'll have to just agree to call this a draw".

edit: Oh and I'm beaten to it but yeah, DomDomposting. I think the effect was perhaps multiplied by the constant username changes.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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5 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

I'm not sure how best to describe it but the kind of dog-with-a-bone posters that will not let something go. Maybe it's out of misplaced arrogance, maybe a bit of "I MUST HAVE THE LAST WORD ON THIS FOR I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG". Whatever it is driving it, it grinds my gears even reading other people doing it to other people.


5 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Another is when people have been rinsed in an argument and just go "well, guess we'll have to just agree to disagree." It's sort of unintentionally funny but it nags at me in a way, kind of like seeing somebody 5-0 up against someone on PES or something with 10 minutes left on the clock and their opponent just goes "well, guess we'll have to just agree to call this a draw".

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Edited by welshbairn
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