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Normal Island

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51 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Don’t want to give the scum the clicks, but they’ve been put back from Nov 4th to Nov 22nd, you’ll still be able to get some mate. 

Christmas in November ruined.

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  • Probably already covered/touched on in the thread but Jimmy Saville staying completely untouchable until his death. Never been much of a conspiracy theorist but it's blatantly obvious that he was being protected from facing jail time by The Powers That Be... whoever they are.
  • Falkland Islands; any mention of Argentina making moves to claim the territory gets some people frothing at the mouth with anger, dont think its cropped up recently but i think it comes around every few years and gets the Daily Mail seething. Similar thing happened with Gibraltar and Brexit I think over news items that Spain would make moves to claim Gibraltar post-Leave.
  • live news announcing that the British government literally had no plans in place if Leave won at the Brexit referendum
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oh yeah! Keeping it football related - some of the West Ham/Olympic Stadium stuff is really mad. They've got a really suspiciously, conspicuously good deal out of it afaik.


Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Mrs F is from North Yorks and last night we were in Whitby for their annual, cross dressing, Steampunk, Dracula fest. Like the Rocky Horror without the songs. Fair enough if you like that sort of stuff and they seem like good people, but I'm well out of my comfort zone. She wants me to dress up next year!!!

Since I went there last they've now opened a "Blitz cafe". Windows taped up and it looked like the Goodnight sweetheart set from the outside. Not the same one as mentioned on the other thread.

Probably spanned about 3 threads there.😀


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The "cancel culture" knicker wetters finally getting their wish and making it illegal to be mean on the internet. Be warned I will continue to pursue my enemies with vigour in spite of this.

The great piece of normal island flair on this is that it is in response to an mp being murdered (in the real world not the quote tweets) by someone with no discernible online footprint 

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