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God Save The Queen


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She just died ? Wow. I didn't know that. You are telling me now for the 1st time. She led an amazing life, what else can you say ? Wether you agree or not she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life. I am actually sad to hear that. I'm sad to hear that.

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I sense a deficit in decorum in this place.*

I for one stood up for the national anthem a few moments ago on the nation's broadcaster, the BBC. I stood up and through flowing tears, I saluted in her honour.**

Thank god for Nicholas Witchell***




**I didn't but gammons everywhere did 

***It doesn't exist and it's a shame NW does


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6 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

Get the public holidays confirmed

Official week of mourning while the pyre is built please. 

Shut everything except the pubs. 

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Funny old week. We just got rid of a prime minister who was a right charlie, now we’ve got a king who’s a right charlie. We get a new Liz in to replace a right charlie, and a charlie to replace an auld Liz.

I need a lie down.

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