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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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1 minute ago, TheScarf said:

Zelenskyy asking for talks with Putin it seems.

Already been posted on here but Putin phoned Macron today and french reports are saying he has gone full scale ",yer da" 

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So, Ukraine falls to Russia; do the sanctions get magically lifted? Surely to f**k Putin, and Russia at large, can't survive the scale of what's going to happen over the next month?

Edited by SweeperDee
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13 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Already been posted on here but Putin phoned Macron today and french reports are saying he has gone full scale ",yer da" 

How long until France surrenders?


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7 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

So, Ukraine falls to Russia; do the sanctions get magically lifted? Surely to f**k Putin, and Russia at large, can't survive the scale of what's going to happen over the next month?

I dont think the sanctions will be lifted, but.....

I also doubt that Putin gives a shiny shite about "Russia at large", he has built walls around himself - figuratively and in reality - in order that he is as safe as any despot can be from the "lone gunman" type assassin.

He feels immune, thinks everyone is against him, and it would be unsurprising if - having taken Ukraine - he moves elsewhere (Baltics etc).

The only jobby in his ointment is that the pesky Ukrainians are fighting like mad, and will continue to do so. Its "relatively" simple for Russias diddy conscript army to overwhelm somewhere like Crimea, but a country of 40/50m who despise you is something else.

The Russian army got skelped (as did everyone else) by a relatively small number of Afghans, with shit and old weapons. Ukraine has a decent supply of western firepower, and a much larger %age of the population looking to fight. It could take years for him to fully subjugate them.

.............unless he uses battlefield nuclear weapons, of course.

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32 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I think the sanctions are much tougher than were expected. There is targeting of Russian reserves and the massive drop in value of large Russian companies, most state owned or controlled, would suggest it hasn’t been baked in. I don’t think they thought that 

The idea that China are backing Russia is a bit fanciful as well. Chinese media have stayed neutral and they abstained rather than veto the Security Council motion about the war. Why would China risk their economic stability, growth and trade with the West to back Russia?

I think they thought that there would be some diplomatic blowback and upgraded sanctions on the oligarchs but that it would be manageable. The harshness of the sanctions, cash machines running out of money, payments systems impact, large firms pulling out, is going to have a significantly higher impact. The fact it’s all happening at once as well is delivering a significant blow.

Yeah, Beijing will never back him publicly. A weakened Putin and Russia in thrall to Xi is surely preferable to either a Russia with one foot in and out of Europe or any new regime that's more aligned with the West.

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38 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

So, Ukraine falls to Russia; do the sanctions get magically lifted? Surely to f**k Putin, and Russia at large, can't survive the scale of what's going to happen over the next month?

He'd be as well just Nuking us all as pretty much screwed and backed in to a "there's no coming back from this" corner.

Let's just hope that he isn't thinking along these lines also....

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27 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

I suspect this massive convoy of tanks, armour and artillery that's sitting outside Kyiv is ultimately going to be used to level the city. Putin is at the "F*ck you all" stage to the rest of the world and is going to repeat what he did to Grozny in 1999.

Being widely reported that the convoy hasn't moved in a couple of days due to breakdowns/ logistical problems and is being attacked heavily

I put a link up yesterday from yank Intel and here's the mod 



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Just now, doulikefish said:

Being widely reported that the convoy hasn't moved in a couple of days due to breakdowns/ logistical problems and is being attacked heavily

Maybe it's a huge hoax on Putin's part.  Put your older shite tanks out on display, take the crews back to Russia (maybe) and then let the Ukranians waste their weapons before you come back with the good stuff.

If it happens, you read it here first.  If it's a pile of poo, I'll delete this post.

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1 minute ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

I sincerely hope you are correct.

 I hope the reports are correct also

Something that's been noticed by a few observers is that the Russians are not straying to far from main routes/roads which means the countryside is a bog or there navigation is poor 

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2 minutes ago, The DA said:

Maybe it's a huge hoax on Putin's part.  Put your older shite tanks out on display, take the crews back to Russia (maybe) and then let the Ukranians waste their weapons before you come back with the good stuff.


This would surely mean that this major route would end up blocked with wrecked vehicles etc .

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He'd be as well just Nuking us all as pretty much screwed and backed in to a "there's no coming back from this" corner.
Let's just hope that he isn't thinking along these lines also....
That's the only direction I can see this heading. He's fucked and he knows it. As Russia is further and further shunned the more pressure he comes under and the tighter the corner he's backing into. Russia will become like N Korea a total pariah state but unlike NK millions of Russians now know what the trappings of wealth are like and they surely will be massive kickback to where Putin is currently leading them to. I simply can't see an outcome that suits Putin in all this and that makes someone like him extremely dangerous. Nothing he does in the coming weeks should come as too much of a surprise.

Easier said than done but he needs taking out and quickly !
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That's the only direction I can see this heading. He's fucked and he knows it. As Russia is further and further shunned the more pressure he comes under and the tighter the corner he's backing into. Russia will become like N Korea a total pariah state but unlike NK millions of Russians now know what the trappings of wealth are like and they surely will be massive kickback to where Putin is currently leading them to. I simply can't see an outcome that suits Putin in all this and that makes someone like him extremely dangerous. Nothing he does in the coming weeks should come as too much of a surprise.

Easier said than done but he needs taking out and quickly !
If the rumours of disgruntled FSB agents are true then you'd suspect there may be some plotting to do just that.
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