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2022 Scottish Local Elections 5th May ** Official Match Thread**


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3 hours ago, SlipperyP said:


Glenn Campbell - How did the SNP get so good at winning?  Then basically has no answer...but, but the Tories up here are not as bad & Labour have a really good leader in Scotland.

Pathetic BBC  

To the neutral observer/viewer, the orchestrated self perpetuating rolling coverage this week of the ferry "scandal" by GMS and associated BBC Scotland news segments would have seemed very odd. To those now familiar with Glenn Campbell's agenda, it was a clear unashamed attempt to try and influence sway voter intentions in the immediate run up to the local elections.

They probably thought they would have landed more of an impact than just Arran - in their wash-up, they will probably remain perplexed as to why barely anyone now gives a flying f**k to anything BBC Scotland reports on in regard to Scottish politics. 

BBC Bias for this nonsense......

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32 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

That's because the bigger picture is that Labour didn't gain those 500 seats. That's all that matters.

Only Labour can beat the Tories at the next GE and they certainly didn't appear to be a government in waiting based on those results.

Yip, the longer Bojo stays in power the better it is for the SNP.

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27 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

That's because the bigger picture is that Labour didn't gain those 500 seats. That's all that matters.

Only Labour can beat the Tories at the next GE and they certainly didn't appear to be a government in waiting based on those results.

That's true, I think the Tories could win another election with a "coalition of chaos" type campaign. Labour have so much material to use but Keir can't get traction, for someone who was a prosecutor he really lacks a show, instead it quite simple and methodical when building his argument. I don't think it will win back the heart lands leaving Labour as basically a party of the metropolitan areas of England.

26 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

@101 since your here. You mention Boris maybe pushing through a no confidence vote, to save him.

I heard this on LBC before the results were even announced.  I think you maybe onto something here. He gets past NCV and the more shite will hit the fan, but nobody can touch him.

Yeh and by the next time they could ditch him it could be election time which might be a risky strategy.

That said plenty choppy waters to navigate, the 500 seat loss will hang around until the next fine if he gets 4 or 5 fines plus the Sue Gray report that would be tricky. All the while Northern Ireland won't have an assembly because of his Brexit deal and the SNP will be sniffing about for the second referendum and should the NIP be resolved a Unification poll for Ireland could be on the cards.

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Johnson would be quite happy to go so long as he wasn’t seen as being pushed out imo.  Let’s face it the useless twat doesn’t really want to do the job, it’s too much like hard work.

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43 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

So after everything that has happened with the Tories over the last 2 years, the public give their verdict.

The Tories get a relatively small kicking at the ballot box (they really ought to have have been decimated) but no other party really benefits from it.

In Scotland, the Tory votes were equally shared amongst 4 other parties and in England, Labour didn't really gain much at all.

Last night's results don't appear to be pointing towards the Tories losing power at the next Westminster election. Starmer clearly isn't the man to get rid of them. If Johnson can survive this, you have to wonder how he is ever going to be removed.

I'm not sure I understand the joy on this thread over these results.

Current evidence points to a hung Parliament with the range of outcomes somewhere between both of the main parties being roughly level on 270-280 seats (50ish short of a majority) and Labour getting 305 and being clearly the largest party albeit still 20ish short of an outright win.


Either of these scenarios lead to a Labour government, IMO. The only question is whether a Lab-Lib coalition is possible or will they have to get the SNP involved?

The Tories are very short on allies at the moment. The only realistic chance of them staying in government is to win a majority or get very very close to doing so. Of their previous allies, the DUP are going to be decimated and the Lib Dems would rather get into bed with Starmer. 

33 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

By the Tory rules if he survives then he can't be challenged again for a year 

That’s under the rules of the 1922 committee who can change them as they please. They were preparing to scrap that one year rule if May hadn’t announced her resignation when she did and will do so again to dispose of Johnson if they wish. 

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

Johnson would be quite happy to go so long as he wasn’t seen as being pushed out imo.  Let’s face it the useless twat doesn’t really want to do the job, it’s too much like hard work.

Not sure, like most entertainers, they want to be in the spotlight for as long as possible.  

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

And that's a major problem for anyone wanting a different Westminster government.

The man has absolutely zero charisma and you have to wonder why they keep electing these people to run their party. That's 3 in a row they['ve had at Westminster (Brown, Corbyn and now Starmer) and I've lost count of how many of them they've had running the party in Scotland. I'm honestly scratching my head over this.

Also, IMO, until they ditch this attitude that Tory voters themselves are racist, selfish thick c***s they're going nowhere.

It's almost as though they don't want to be in power again.

I would say that is not a factor at all within the current Labour Party. Their acceptance of Brexit is testament to that. I think generally across Scotland that is the perception - rightly or wrongly - but Labour would bend over backwards and happily shape policies accordingly to entice those Tory voters in the red wall "back".

Edited by KingRocketman II
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Even when the media take their thumb off the scales for the Tories like they have done in the run up here, Labour are barely able to poll as the largest party in Westminster terms.

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7 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

The man has absolutely zero charisma and you have to wonder why they keep electing these people to run their party. That's 3 in a row they['ve had at Westminster (Brown, Corbyn and now Starmer) and I've lost count of how many of them they've had running the party in Scotland. I'm honestly scratching my head over this

Unfortunately, you are looking at the US presidential as so mant others have been suck into. In other words, you're playing the man not the ball..


9 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Also, IMO, until they ditch this attitude that Tory voters themselves are racist, selfish thick c***s they're going nowhere.

What else could you call them, with being stealth UKIP party now. The electorate have been hoodwinked.  They live in fear, where is no fear.  Look at Hartlepool for example,  

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yep. The problem isn't and never has been the media.

The problem is the Labour party itself. They give the impression of being a party of the past - protest, unions, stifling conformity, the 70's. There's no exciting vision anywhere. Even the name of the party sucks the life out of me. Labour. Fucks sake.

It's all 50 shades of "beige" and they remain the only major party I have never voted for.

If Labour gave the impression of being a party of protest and Unions they'd be a lot more popular. 


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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:


Is it beer o'clock again at your place? 🤔

Good comeback, shattered.  Keep up the good work, you racist, selfish, thick c**t.


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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You see, you CAN post in clear, coherent English.

Well done. Have a Charles.

Thanks for that, but we call it a Kennedy now. (or in your case an Ingram)

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20 minutes ago, coprolite said:

If Labour gave the impression of being a party of protest and Unions they'd be a lot more popular. 


That’s true but only up to a point.  England as a whole is now firmly established as a right of centre country.  I think Labour would pick up votes if they were more dynamic on left wing policies but for every vote they gained they’d risk losing another.

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22 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yep. The problem isn't and never has been the media.

The problem is the Labour party itself. They give the impression of being a party of the past - protest, unions, stifling conformity, the 70's. There's no exciting vision anywhere. Even the name of the party sucks the life out of me. Labour. Fucks sake.

They are trying to sell postcards to a generation brought up with instant messaging.

It's all 50 shades of "beige" and they remain the only major party I have never voted for.

Combining a response to this and your previous post replying to me.


I actually think Corbyn made Brown and Starmer look even duller. Corbyn got a huge bump in membership, however the media were out for him from day one and turned any floating voters off him.

The problem stems from the Labour party wanting to return to the Center ground and want a steady pair of hands, this is difficult to do when you are the opposition to a Right Wing Populist.

Scottish Labour should give them a cheat code to avoiding political obscurity, they have been out in the wilds for ages and UK Labour face the same if they lose the next GE, which is likely.

They need to elect someone who has some charisma, preferably representative of the current big political issue and can simply narrate a plan. "Get Brexit Done"/ "Stronger for Scotland"

Something like "Cheaper bills for all" or "The Government you deserve" 

I'm not a communications expert obviously but look at the power a well driven slogan can get you support in places where people aren't political. That and get folk out to vote, the English turnout was woefully low. Not if this should be particularly difficult for the second largest political party but Christ they are making heavy work of it.

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2 hours ago, Detective Jimmy McNulty said:

Vote vT does have a certain ring to it.

If anything, you could piss off the silly tory villages by putting these up on all the lampposts.



V for victory




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56 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yep. The problem isn't and never has been the media.

Aye mate, we've had one non Conservative MP win an election in the last 43 years and he was the godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch's kids.

Our world leading batshit crazy media who grew up with, went to school with and socialise with our ruling class are definitely not a problem.

56 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

The problem is the Labour party itself. They give the impression of being a party of the past - protest, unions, stifling conformity, the 70's. 

Outwith the 4 years of Corbyn's leadership, if this is the impression the Labour Party has given you, I can only surmise that you haven't been paying the slightest bit of attention these last 25 years.

56 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

they remain the only major party I have never voted for.

I'm utterly shocked that you would consider a bit of mild social democracy beyond the pale.


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1 hour ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Yip, the longer Bojo stays in power the better it is for the SNP.

I get the impression there's a lot of posters on here that would prefer Boris Johnson in charge rather than Keir Starmer because of their Indy fantasies.  

They seem to actually get annoyed when Keir does well and use the same attack lines that Tories do. Very sad to see some people putting their Nationalist views ahead of soft social democracy. 

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