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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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5 minutes ago, Rovers_Lad said:

Apologies if this has been answered as not waded through all of the posts but

With  such damning evidence how did this not reach a criminal court/ conviction?


Not to spark conspiracy...but:


Ms Clair was finally told in July 2011 the case would not be going to trial. Ogg, who had left the unit, came back to meet her personally to claim the case, previously described as strong, was apparently now “an aeroplane without fuel”.

Ogg, who died two years ago, would later say the decision was taken by then Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland but on his recommendation. Goodwillie was then being represented by Paul McBride, a leading QC. He died suddenly in 2012 and Mulholland spoke at his funeral. Ogg was close to McBride and, after his death, said: “We have been very close friends all our professional lives and a light has gone out of the life of Scotland.”

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2 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Far be it from me to stick up for HMRC, but presumably the tax bill wasn’t just made up from nowhere and was in fact because he owed them 42 grand in taxes from earlier on.

c**t was an EPL footballer - if he’s too thick to have managed to keep any of that money then so be it. 

Surely he would have been PAYE? Where did this tax bill come from?

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2 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

Not entirely sure if rape has ever been acceptable TBH.

Absconding with semi-conscious women certainly used to be. c***s used to brag about dragging off some stranger at the end of the night because they were too pished know what they were doing. They'd have been offended to be considered a predatory rapist.

We've even had posters on here admitting that that they were hoping colleagues would get pissed enough at parties that they'd be vulnerable enough to acquiesce to their advances, which thankfully seems to have become a less-common attitude with the youngsters.

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5 minutes ago, MyNameIsClarence said:

That's true, but I think people also forget the specific instances of this case. 

This was a girl so drunk she couldn't properly support her body weight being spotted by two guys at a completely different level of intoxication, predated upon, taken to a second location and raped. That's not to minimise the point you're making but I think it's important to remember exactly how heinous this case is. While I am sure the majority of men either knowingly or not are friendly with people who have committed unpunished sexual offences, I think in a way that does minimise how singularly vile this was. Apologies though I don't mean to criticise you or imply it's not a valid thing to point out

No you're absolutely right and my comment was separate from this situation where it was clearly entirely premeditated and calculated.

Edited by Pens_Dark
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Just now, Jacksgranda said:

Surely he would have been PAYE? Where did this tax bill come from?

He intimated in the podcast it was for some previous unpaid agent fees from a while back.

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8 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

Not entirely sure if rape has ever been acceptable TBH.

It hasn’t, but I get the impression that some of the older generation think of rape as somebody getting dragged into the bushes and have a hard time comprehending that it also includes sex with people who are too intoxicated to consent.

It’s a rotten attitude that I hope is dying out, but sadly you still see a lot of messages of support for Goodwillie in Facebook/YouTube comment sections and the like.

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Just now, RRFC_Liam said:

The fact of the matter is there was a backlash at Clyde but not to the extent we got as we’re a bigger club and we had a famous author as a sponsor and a former prime minister as a supporter of the club come out and say stuff so we were always gonna get it worse and Clyde was people like ignore that fact 

Aye one of the major myths around this is that it was "fine" at Clyde. It may not have been picked up as much by news agencies, but there was undoubtedly a reaction. Clyde became pariahs amongst supporters of other lower league clubs and even had some of their own supporters refusing to attend. There's still a stain attached to that club in the minds of a lot of folk. Signing him and singing his praises consistently didn't go unnoticed by others.

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7 hours ago, RH33 said:

I can't find my post when all this originally kicked off I've maybe deleted it. 

As one of the few female posters on here, combined with being a survivor of the crime Goodwillie commited I really do wish he'd just give it up.

"He just wants left in peace"

Every Time he's in the papers or trying to sign for a team, his victim is reminded of the crime he commited on her. PTSD lasts a lifetime. At the time of the signing for Raith I worked at a golf club house. The views expressed one Saturday afternoon were horrific, traumatising and resulted in a PTSD episode for me.

I can guarantee that every time he's in the papers other survivors will have similar experiences.

I read the civil court case, it's wholly damming and it's telling that Robertson chose to disappear, as he likely knows he's done wrong.

"Not a proper court"

When I finally went to the police, it wasn't a case of one interview and I went home. The initial day I was in the station for 8-10 hours. They then came to the flat, ripped up the mattress and took photos. All in it was 12 hours.

The case was then passed to the specialist team who took a full statement again. Then came back several times to clarify and requestion. All in I was probably questioned and interviewed for around 30 hours. You're entire sexual history and preferences questioned and in my case mental health.

The rapist: one interview where 'no.comment' was only answer.

Now I never ever will lay eyes on this person again. I can only imagine how traumatising it would be to see him in mainstream media.

I was awarded a criminal injury payment on balance of evidence from myself, two doctors etc.

But then that's not a criminal court so maybe it didn't happen.......


Thank you for feeling able, and being willing, to share that.

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Just out of curiosity but where did Goodwillie stand with declining to get involved in a civil court, was he duty bound to co-operate and attend or could he have said he wasn't interested in any further involvement on the back of charges being dropped in a criminal court?

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2 minutes ago, Jaggy McJagface said:

It hasn’t, but I get the impression that some of the older generation think of rape as somebody getting dragged into the bushes and have a hard time comprehending that it also includes sex with people who are too intoxicated to consent.

It’s a rotten attitude that I hope is dying out, but sadly you still see a lot of messages of support for Goodwillie in Facebook/YouTube comment sections and the like.

You'll even find older women castigating younger rape victims because they weren't beaten or murdered, so therefore they weren't properly raped and should STFU. Mind Whoopi Goldberg defending Roman Polanski because he didn't batter the 13 year old girl he raped, so therefore if wasn't "rape rape".

There must be a certain amount of societal conditioning involved there. Whenever a high-profile man is accused of sexual assault, my mother always starts talking about scheming women conniving to set men up for things they didn't do, and if she was alone with him she must have known what was going to happen, etc etc. I've tried asking her why that's the place she immediately goes to without any knowledge of what happened, and she doesn't have an answer for it. Certainly isn't due to any personal experience in her life.

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2 minutes ago, BTFD said:

You'll even find older women castigating younger rape victims because they weren't beaten or murdered, so therefore they weren't properly raped and should STFU. Mind Whoopi Goldberg defending Roman Polanski because he didn't batter the 13 year old girl he raped, so therefore if wasn't "rape rape".

There must be a certain amount of societal conditioning involved there. Whenever a high-profile man is accused of sexual assault, my mother always starts talking about scheming women conniving to set men up for things they didn't do, and if she was alone with him she must have known what was going to happen, etc etc. I've tried asking her why that's the place she immediately goes to without any knowledge of what happened, and she doesn't have an answer for it. Certainly isn't due to any personal experience in her life.

If it is any other form of criminality the blame isn't put at the victims door. Yet somehow certain people are wired to assume a rape victim has 'done something wrong' first. It is genuinely mental.

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3 minutes ago, Pens_Dark said:

If it is any other form of criminality the blame isn't put at the victims door. Yet somehow certain people are wired to assume a rape victim has 'done something wrong' first. It is genuinely mental.

"Ooh, I bet he left his kitchen window open, Mildred. No wonder he was burgled - some men are just asking for it"  :rolleyes:

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10 minutes ago, Pens_Dark said:

If it is any other form of criminality the blame isn't put at the victims door. Yet somehow certain people are wired to assume a rape victim has 'done something wrong' first. It is genuinely mental.

Aye like if somebody has a crafty fag now and again then they deserve lung cancer. Mental.

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44 minutes ago, Rovers_Lad said:

Apologies if this has been answered as not waded through all of the posts but

With  such damning evidence how did this not reach a criminal court/ conviction?


Lack of corroboration most likely as is the way with so many sexual crimes. There's no witnesses so it's a he said/she said.

The Moorov principle can help where a number of people experience and report the person a case can be built.

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40 minutes ago, Raithie said:

He intimated in the podcast it was for some previous unpaid agent fees from a while back.

I thought it might be something along those lines after I posed the question.

So he got paid approx. £100,000, and never thought tax might be due? No accountant?

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43 minutes ago, Jaggy McJagface said:

It hasn’t, but I get the impression that some of the older generation think of rape as somebody getting dragged into the bushes and have a hard time comprehending that it also includes sex with people who are too intoxicated to consent.

It’s a rotten attitude that I hope is dying out, but sadly you still see a lot of messages of support for Goodwillie in Facebook/YouTube comment sections and the like.

I now consider myself old and some of the worst comments on here are from posters not considered old so your generalisation is shit and the messages of support also seem to be from younger people which is very disturbing.

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1 minute ago, 1320Lichtie said:

I have taken a fair bit of time reading this over - feel like it was something I should do after voicing an opinion on the matter uninformed. 

For the benefit of doubt I have thought he was in the wrong from the very start but I was not sure on how bad it was - I would like to take that back.  

I think that this sounds like a pretty sinister and horrendous ordeal and makes for very uncomfortable reading. 

I would also like to apologise to everyone for the misunderstanding on my part. 


Fair play to you.

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40 minutes ago, Yoss said:

Thank you for feeling able, and being willing, to share that.

I don't think people realise what's involved and how intrusive reporting such a crime is. You don't just turn up name someone and go home as some (not on here, society in general) think.


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