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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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Here is a link to the judgement of the case, which includes all the evidence decided on, for @1320Lichtie and anyone else who hasn't read it.


Do people honestly think that the Court of Session looks at this, says "well one drunk person says this, the other says that so we'll just rule this way"?  Absolutely ridiculously stupid.

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3 minutes ago, Raithie said:

Goodwillie also touched upon in the Podcast how he still has that competitive football mindset that he can't shake...but that fans have a field day shouting abuse at him, that he gets hounded in the media and that he has daily suicidal thoughts. Makes no sense to want to willingly put yourself through that for a game of football paid or unpaid. I do feel for his bairns though who will eventually have to have that difficult conversation with their Dad on why kids at school are calling him a beast. 

I remember going to Clyde away when we’re in L1 and for 90 minutes he was getting it tight with songs/chants like beast, rapist, she said no chant, sex offender chant everything you could think of he got and he probably got it a most stadiums tbf as when this got made public he was always gonna get abuse for it the same will happen to Greenwood if he plays for United next season 

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36 minutes ago, Aufc said:

I am almost finished the podcast. I have tried to listen to some of James English podcasts before and have never finished them. His apparent “USP” is that he gets people on who no-one else will have on. His issue is that he actually not that good at actually asking questions which may be awkward so his guests get free rein to come on and put their side of the story without being questioned.

I also found it funny that he said if it has been a criminal court then he wouldn’t have had him on the podcast. Amuses me people think a civil court is not a court. So on one hand, he was crucifying huw edwards before anything was known but then getting goodwillie on to tell his story. 

I will echo what others have said. If he had even shown some form of remorse at the time or even paid his fine then he might have been able to play football in some form. As it is, he hasn’t done any of the above. So f**k him. 

The other issue with the podcast is that a lot of people will listen to it without reading the court stuff and since he had free reign to tell his side of story then it would be easy to fall into the “he is innocent” camp. 


English claimed if a criminal court was involved he wouldn't have had Goodwillie on. That's why he hasn't interviewed Paul Ferris, Blink McDonald etc...Oh wait...

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1 minute ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

English claimed if a criminal court was involved he wouldn't have had Goodwillie on. That's why he hasn't interviewed Paul Ferris, Blink McDonald etc...Oh wait...

Jonny Adair as well.

English interviewed Daniel Kinahan but it's never been broadcast as shortly afterwards the Kinahan organised crime group was sanctioned by the US Department of Justice.

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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Here is a link to the judgement of the case, which includes all the evidence decided on, for @1320Lichtie and anyone else who hasn't read it.


Do people honestly think that the Court of Session looks at this, says "well one drunk person says this, the other says that so we'll just rule this way"?  Absolutely ridiculously stupid.


Thanks, appreciate it.

I think I have made my mind up after hearing about the toxicology report to be honest. Hearing it being described as ‘near fatal levels’ is just crazy to me. Horrendous 


Edited by 1320Lichtie
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Just now, 1320Lichtie said:

Thanks, appreciate it.

I think I have made my mind up after hearing about the toxicology report to be honest. Hearing it being described as ‘near fatal levels’ is just crazy to me 

Prior to reading this, what did you think the case had been decided on?

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4 minutes ago, Rob1885 said:

Why would he show remorse if he doesn't feel he's done anything wrong?

That’s the point. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong despite the civil case outlining very clearly what he did wrong.

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40 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

This part of your post hits the nail on the head for a lot of people who have defended him. 

I would go one further for a lot people and I have believed for a long time that people have an issue condemning him because if they condemn him for being a rapist ( which he is), then they may have to apply the same logic/critique to situations that they have been in, their pals have been in, their colleagues have been in etc. Quite frankly a lot of people won’t do that as they may not like what the conclusion is. 


100% agree with this. It is a situation that is tangible to so many people and they would have bother drawing said conclusions in the cold light of day.

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52 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

What does that even mean, what does completely intoxicated mean? You can be completely intoxicated and know what you are doing at the time though yes? Then you wake up the next day trying to piece everything together forgetting many things completely unless or until you are reminded of them 

You can believe what you want but you can’t sit and try and say everyone who doesn’t think as strongly as you do is some kind of rapist apologist 

I’ve even said I think he’s definitely in the wrong but I’m not sure to what extent and you’ve reacted that way 


Also don’t think this is even about a privileged job anymore, nobody wants the guy to be allowed to sign for Glasgow United - whoever they even are?!

You're one step away for the "was asking for it" defense. 

Multiple witnesses testified she was a mess. That does not make her fair game to opportunistic men. 

If it's all so innocent why isn't Robertson stamping his feet demanding justice.

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34 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Do any posters on P&B have experience of sex with a woman who is far too drunk to consent to anything?


That Van Basten weirdo is a fucking certainty for this. 

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42 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

This part of your post hits the nail on the head for a lot of people who have defended him. 

I would go one further for a lot people and I have believed for a long time that people have an issue condemning him because if they condemn him for being a rapist ( which he is), then they may have to apply the same logic/critique to situations that they have been in, their pals have been in, their colleagues have been in etc. Quite frankly a lot of people won’t do that as they may not like what the conclusion is. 

This is very likely to be the reason why men my age or older are liable to be so defensive on this subject.

"It was alright in my day" is rarely an acceptable mentality, if ever.

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2 minutes ago, RRFC_Liam said:

even though David Robertson is nae better than Goodwillie in all this he at least done the right thing career wise jacked it in and get out of the spot light where’s as the other c**ts ego wouldn’t allow it 

Yeah and it begs the question why he hasn’t followed suit with Goodwillie? Maybe because he knows what happened and realises he doesn’t have a leg to stand on and they got very lucky in the criminal case. 

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10 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Prior to reading this, what did you think the case had been decided on?

I thought probability due to what some people had said over what other people had said - so yeah the thing that you correctly called ‘ridiculously stupid’


I always thought he was in the wrong though. I just thought Goodwillie had maybe never realised how bad it was at the time. But if she was at near fatal levels of intoxication that obviously says it all 



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4 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

Yeah and it begs the question why he hasn’t followed suit with Goodwillie? Maybe because he knows what happened and realises he doesn’t have a leg to stand on and they got very lucky in the criminal case. 

That was my thinking as well mate, because he could’ve easily of came and said his side of the story, maybe theirs more to that than what’s been put out there?

And also the only reason DGW has said “his side” is because his careers over if he was still playing he wouldn’t of came out and said a word 

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Just now, BTFD said:

"It was alright in my day" is rarely an acceptable mentality, if ever.

Same with the "no one made a big deal about it for the 5 years at Clyde, why is it such a big thing now?" type of nonsense.

Anyone who uses the defence of - I didn't hear anyone mention it before, so I don't see what the problem is - is an idiot.

Their view probably goes as far as "I used to watch him score goals and now he's not allowed to score goals so I don't like that and want to see him score goals"

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12 minutes ago, Pens_Dark said:

100% agree with this. It is a situation that is tangible to so many people and they would have bother drawing said conclusions in the cold light of day.

That's true, but I think people also forget the specific instances of this case. 

This was a girl so drunk she couldn't properly support her body weight being spotted by two guys at a completely different level of intoxication, predated upon, taken to a second location and raped. That's not to minimise the point you're making but I think it's important to remember exactly how heinous this case is. While I am sure the majority of men either knowingly or not are friendly with people who have committed unpunished sexual offences, I think in a way that does minimise how singularly vile this was. Apologies though I don't mean to criticise you or imply it's not a valid thing to point out

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1 minute ago, AuAl said:

Same with the "no one made a big deal about it for the 5 years at Clyde, why is it such a big thing now?" type of nonsense.

Anyone who uses the defence of - I didn't hear anyone mention it before, so I don't see what the problem is - is an idiot.

Their view probably goes as far as "I used to watch him score goals and now he's not allowed to score goals so I don't like that and want to see him score goals"

The fact of the matter is there was a backlash at Clyde but not to the extent we got as we’re a bigger club and we had a famous author as a sponsor and a former prime minister as a supporter of the club come out and say stuff so we were always gonna get it worse and Clyde was people like ignore that fact 

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