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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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They were looking for a new sponsor for the Val McDermid stand a couple of weeks ago, probably still are.

She showed support for the breakway Raith Women's at the time but nothing's really been heard since.

I doubt the sponsors that pulled out have gone back.

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7 minutes ago, ClydeTon said:

They were looking for a new sponsor for the Val McDermid stand a couple of weeks ago, probably still are.

She showed support for the breakway Raith Women's at the time but nothing's really been heard since.

I doubt the sponsors that pulled out have gone back.

Craiglea Timber Frames – North Stand Partnership | Raith Rovers FC

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I'm convinced idiots like English are being backed by some of the more insidious c***s on the political right. They all have the same utterly transparent "adult in the room" air. Trying to act like it's somehow quite clever and grown up to get all the different sides and give it the whole "I'm just asking questions" shtick. 

Offering to get them both sat down together shows a lack of intelligence that is almost breathtaking, yet there are plenty who will not only lap it up, but see it as a challenge to Denise Clairs credibility. 

The politics of the right wing come from politicians, but the mindset required to want said politics from the masses come from duplicitous fucks like English. 

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30 minutes ago, third lanark said:

When Raith Rovers sacked Goodwillie did Val McDermid and co go back to Atarks again and renew their sponsorship of Raith?


18 minutes ago, ClydeTon said:

They were looking for a new sponsor for the Val McDermid stand a couple of weeks ago, probably still are.

She showed support for the breakway Raith Women's at the time but nothing's really been heard since.

I doubt the sponsors that pulled out have gone back.

A lot of our fans viewed the initial pullback as being an understandable reaction, but that later press was used to further her new book. She's actually had a chunk of abuse directed her way from some of our support on twitter. I doubt it bothers her in the slightest in all honesty - she's a successful author on a national level who is comfortably sorted with or without the club. She's obviously still backing McDermid ladies (again, people claim Val set up the team, but the team specifically asked her for permission to name themselves after her). Rovers still don't have a women's team but the club have stated their intention to bring one back into the folk in the future. 

As a club, our fan base has moved on. You'll see the odd comment from time to time but by and large people just want to get the club back on the front foot - our new board have done absolutely stellar work in bringing the fan base together. There's very much a feeling that they're not keeping anything as a dirty secret or off the table. They had a volunteer forum at the end of last season and there was far more of a feeling of engagement with the fans. 

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11 hours ago, Broken Algorithms said:

With Rovers, we got fortunate that he was injured when he signed because they didn't get a chance to 'normalise' him as one of our players on the pitch. While it's a horrendous situation, it's at least set a standard now where you'd hope clubs will be put under a bit more of a spotlight. It's just brutal that Denise Claire and other victims will continue to have to watch this circus roll on. 

He allegedly failed a fitness test for the QOS game. 

I'd almost guarantee the club thought better of playing him due to the sizeable outrage.

Edited by pub car king
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I really, really despise James English and never once have I questioned that Goodwillie isn’t a rapist - and yet I found myself watching the interview to try and see if he showed any slither of remorse or had any guilt. 

For anyone who, understandably, doesn’t want to give either of those c***s the time of day, these were my main takeaways (I might not be remembering every single detail correctly, but the general jist is definitely correct):


- Claimed that despite having three assault charges against him, that he isn’t or hasn’t ever been a violent guy. Only ever reacted to people provoking him. 

- Claimed that the girl never got justice, whilst claiming he was innocent. He’s adamant that it was consensual. This was one of many weird contradictory statements where he seemed to make out as though she WAS a victim, yet so was he. 

- Said that because it never went to criminal court, he feels he has been unfairly judged because it’s only on balance of probabilities. 

- Claimed that he’s received loads of support over the years from football managers and clubs, including Peter Houston and John McGlynn, who were like father figures. Danny Lennon too. I might be wrong, but I’m sure McGlynn made out he had nothing to do with the transfer when he signed for Raith - I’d say that proves he is a liar, but maybe I’m wrong.

- Said he’s been made a scapegoat, and the only reason there was so much backlash at Raith was because Nicola Sturgeon got involved. 

- Made a really weird and convoluted point about how when he was at Clyde he was frequently pictured with the women’s team, as if to suggest they were comfortable with him, then a few sentences later said he never really ever spoke to them even though they trained on the same pitch as the men’s team because he didn’t want them to be scared of him (another weird contradiction)

- Claimed that when he was done in the civil court, he thought he was going to jail, as no one told him the difference between a civil court and criminal court, despite the fact he went through charges for a criminal case that never materialised before being taken to the civil. Complete bollocks, a lawyer would clearly explain that before the verdict was made. 

- Kept saying the civil court was “just a money court”

- Spoke about how he was earning mega dough at Blackburn, yet there was this constant sense throughout that he was hard done by that he had to pay his own legal fees and the victim got legal aid from a women’s aid organisation. 

- Claimed he never went bankrupt to avoid paying the victim. Said it was a result of “hidden agent fees” he never knew about. 

- The most uncomfortable part for me was when he kept making reference to the victim and her background. In my opinion, he seemed to be insinuating throughout that she had a bit of a dodgy upbringing and perhaps, from what I could tell, that her brother may have potentially intimidated or forced  her into doing something she never wanted. He kept saying things like “I’m not going to say what I know, but if she wants justice, she should look closer to home. She is using me as an example, for things that happened in her past.” The whole thing felt wildly in appropriate and kind of let the ‘nice guy’ mask slip that he was trying to put on imo.

- Claims he thinks about killing himself every day and that he has been working with Back Onside for counselling sessions. 

It was a throughly sad watch imo. English is just an absolute passenger who offered very little in the way of substance or challenge - but that was to be expected. I truly did not give a f**k about him going into it, I solely wanted to hear what DG had to say, and it was just so pathetic and bleak. Perhaps the most depressing thing was how he constantly kept making out as thought everyone in footballing circles fully supports him but can’t show it publicly because they know what sort of backlash will follow, and sadly I think that’s probably true. It just shows how rife the culture of misogyny is within the men’s game, and how grown men will literally sweep something like that under the carpet and pull the ‘men’s mental elf’ card with it every time. We saw it with Mendy, see it with Goodwillie, see it with Greenwood. It’s this constant point scoring thing where guys are looking for any excuse to make themselves victims. 

It’s easy to just say something like “Ach they’re just thick as f**k” and put it down to that, but for me it’s a serious cultural issues. It starts with young boys who are placed into hyper-masculine environments, where old school attitudes are rife, and they abandon their education to focus on kicking a ball around, then start to earn loads of money and get a taste of what it’s like to be a minor, and sometimes major, celebrity. All of those things can be a really, really dangerous mix and I think with these sorts of cases becoming more frequent, and the rise of lunatics like Andrew Tate who promote themselves as some sort of masculine lifestyle guru to young men, clubs really should be doing more to provide an education to players and show them how dangerous and wrong these sorts of behaviours are. I know grown men shouldn’t need that, but the reality is it’s very clear that many do. 

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6 hours ago, ClydeTon said:

What is it with Glasgow clubs and being the weirdest parts of Scottish Football...

Old Firm - Self Explanatory

Partick - C**ts (don't really have anything else on them, tbth)

QP - Among some of the biggest clubs, in terms of history, in Scottish Football, yet hardly any supporters. Guess L1/L2 does that to a club.

Clyde - Signed- wait, nevermind, this was about Glasgow clubs.

This Glasgow Utd mob - signed a Rapist and said "give him a chance, we all make mistakes"

Just a reflection of the city?


What a remarkably pathetic and weird point to make, in a thread about a rapist. 

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9 hours ago, diegomarahenry said:

There was a Plymouth player that was jailed for killing someone, re-joined Plymouth a year after being released

Luke McCormick, goalkeeper, he killed two children and put their father in a wheelchair drink driving. Its an utter disgrace Plymouth took him back, and subsequently made him club captain.

I've hoped Plymouth lose every single match from that day on. 

Of course, Plymouth's argument is its different from Goodwillie as he was found guilty, served his sentence and was able to be rehabilitated. I dont think it stands up to much scrutiny though.

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58 minutes ago, Nadroj said:

I really, really despise James English and never once have I questioned that Goodwillie isn’t a rapist - and yet I found myself watching the interview to try and see if he showed any slither of remorse or had any guilt. 

For anyone who, understandably, doesn’t want to give either of those c***s the time of day, these were my main takeaways (I might not be remembering every single detail correctly, but the general jist is definitely correct):


- Claimed that despite having three assault charges against him, that he isn’t or hasn’t ever been a violent guy. Only ever reacted to people provoking him. 

- Claimed that the girl never got justice, whilst claiming he was innocent. He’s adamant that it was consensual. This was one of many weird contradictory statements where he seemed to make out as though she WAS a victim, yet so was he. 

- Said that because it never went to criminal court, he feels he has been unfairly judged because it’s only on balance of probabilities. 

- Claimed that he’s received loads of support over the years from football managers and clubs, including Peter Houston and John McGlynn, who were like father figures. Danny Lennon too. I might be wrong, but I’m sure McGlynn made out he had nothing to do with the transfer when he signed for Raith - I’d say that proves he is a liar, but maybe I’m wrong.

- Said he’s been made a scapegoat, and the only reason there was so much backlash at Raith was because Nicola Sturgeon got involved. 

- Made a really weird and convoluted point about how when he was at Clyde he was frequently pictured with the women’s team, as if to suggest they were comfortable with him, then a few sentences later said he never really ever spoke to them even though they trained on the same pitch as the men’s team because he didn’t want them to be scared of him (another weird contradiction)

- Claimed that when he was done in the civil court, he thought he was going to jail, as no one told him the difference between a civil court and criminal court, despite the fact he went through charges for a criminal case that never materialised before being taken to the civil. Complete bollocks, a lawyer would clearly explain that before the verdict was made. 

- Kept saying the civil court was “just a money court”

- Spoke about how he was earning mega dough at Blackburn, yet there was this constant sense throughout that he was hard done by that he had to pay his own legal fees and the victim got legal aid from a women’s aid organisation. 

- Claimed he never went bankrupt to avoid paying the victim. Said it was a result of “hidden agent fees” he never knew about. 

- The most uncomfortable part for me was when he kept making reference to the victim and her background. In my opinion, he seemed to be insinuating throughout that she had a bit of a dodgy upbringing and perhaps, from what I could tell, that her brother may have potentially intimidated or forced  her into doing something she never wanted. He kept saying things like “I’m not going to say what I know, but if she wants justice, she should look closer to home. She is using me as an example, for things that happened in her past.” The whole thing felt wildly in appropriate and kind of let the ‘nice guy’ mask slip that he was trying to put on imo.

- Claims he thinks about killing himself every day and that he has been working with Back Onside for counselling sessions. 

It was a throughly sad watch imo. English is just an absolute passenger who offered very little in the way of substance or challenge - but that was to be expected. I truly did not give a f**k about him going into it, I solely wanted to hear what DG had to say, and it was just so pathetic and bleak. Perhaps the most depressing thing was how he constantly kept making out as thought everyone in footballing circles fully supports him but can’t show it publicly because they know what sort of backlash will follow, and sadly I think that’s probably true. It just shows how rife the culture of misogyny is within the men’s game, and how grown men will literally sweep something like that under the carpet and pull the ‘men’s mental elf’ card with it every time. We saw it with Mendy, see it with Goodwillie, see it with Greenwood. It’s this constant point scoring thing where guys are looking for any excuse to make themselves victims. 

It’s easy to just say something like “Ach they’re just thick as f**k” and put it down to that, but for me it’s a serious cultural issues. It starts with young boys who are placed into hyper-masculine environments, where old school attitudes are rife, and they abandon their education to focus on kicking a ball around, then start to earn loads of money and get a taste of what it’s like to be a minor, and sometimes major, celebrity. All of those things can be a really, really dangerous mix and I think with these sorts of cases becoming more frequent, and the rise of lunatics like Andrew Tate who promote themselves as some sort of masculine lifestyle guru to young men, clubs really should be doing more to provide an education to players and show them how dangerous and wrong these sorts of behaviours are. I know grown men shouldn’t need that, but the reality is it’s very clear that many do. 

I actually almost feel kind of bad for footballers at the top level for some of the reasons you’ve outlined. 17 year olds at Chelsea and the like are probably on 5 grand a week already and will have girls throwing themselves at them on the regular.

The misogyny part isn’t something that’s unique to football - you hear a lot of bad stories about rugby lads or even college fraternities over in the States etc, but the quick money and relative fame footballers get in comparison adds another important layer to it.


They’re kind of in a similar situation to child/teenage celebrities in a way, except within the bubble of a male dominated team sport. They get too much too soon and it’s bound to f**k with a lot of their heads and stunt their social development in a way. 

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Just now, Jaggy McJagface said:

I actually almost feel kind of bad for footballers at the top level for some of the reasons you’ve outlined. 17 year olds at Chelsea and the like are probably on 5 grand a week already and will have girls throwing themselves at them on the regular.

The misogyny part isn’t something that’s unique to football - you hear a lot of bad stories about rugby lads or even college fraternities over in the States etc, but the quick money and relative fame footballers get in comparison adds another important layer to it.


They’re kind of in a similar situation to child/teenage celebrities in a way, except within the bubble of a male dominated team sport. They get too much too soon and it’s bound to f**k with a lot of their heads and stunt their social development in a way. 

Yeah you’re probably right about this part - I guess I only really see it in football because it’s the only sport I follow. I definitely think there is a lot more of a sort of ‘lad culture’ surrounding football - which is particularly amplified online with all of these wee guys on ‘football Twitter’ spewing genuinely horrendous shit about women. It really does upset me, because I’m not sure how we can solve this issue. I do think clubs should be offering education and taking a harder stance on issues like misogyny, and sexual assault, but sadly it just feels a bit like a morally bankrupt sport which is really sad, for the victims, not for guys like me who just want to watch a game on a Saturday. 

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1 hour ago, Jaggy McJagface said:

I actually almost feel kind of bad for footballers at the top level for some of the reasons you’ve outlined. 17 year olds at Chelsea and the like are probably on 5 grand a week already and will have girls throwing themselves at them on the regular.

The misogyny part isn’t something that’s unique to football - you hear a lot of bad stories about rugby lads or even college fraternities over in the States etc, but the quick money and relative fame footballers get in comparison adds another important layer to it.


They’re kind of in a similar situation to child/teenage celebrities in a way, except within the bubble of a male dominated team sport. They get too much too soon and it’s bound to f**k with a lot of their heads and stunt their social development in a way. 

It’s not just fraternities, there’s a huge problem around college athletics, especially American football. What you have is a group of children/young men (mostly 17-24) who have spent years being told they are the best in the school/team. A good high school football team may send one, and occasionally two or three, players to top level college teams every year, but another 3-5 will get picked up by one of the lower level schools. All of them spent high school being generally immune to consequences for their actions. In college, this is turbo-charged, adding much more alcohol and much less supervision.

While there is improvement, especially in the last five years or so, there are still dozens of publicized cases of sexual assault pressed against athletes every year…and you can bet many are stifled by the weird phenomena of College/University Police Departments. Here’s an example from 2015:


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7 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Luke McCormick, goalkeeper, he killed two children and put their father in a wheelchair drink driving. Its an utter disgrace Plymouth took him back, and subsequently made him club captain.

I've hoped Plymouth lose every single match from that day on. 

Of course, Plymouth's argument is its different from Goodwillie as he was found guilty, served his sentence and was able to be rehabilitated. I dont think it stands up to much scrutiny though.

Whilst it is obviously a terrible thing to have happened, the guy took his punishment and went to jail and pretty sure showed genuine remorse. At what point do we say he has been punished enough? Clearly his victims have a lifetime of punishment which I’m aware of

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I think with McCormick along with him having served his sentence and shown remorse the victims' family said he'd served his time and everyone deserved to move on.

Looks like Glasgow City Council are looking into doing a NLC with Clyde and turfing Glasgow United out of their council owned facilities.


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12 minutes ago, Pie Of The Month said:

I think with McCormick along with him having served his sentence and shown remorse the victims' family said he'd served his time and everyone deserved to move on.

Looks like Glasgow City Council are looking into doing a NLC with Clyde and turfing Glasgow United out of their council owned facilities.


Love to see it.

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1 hour ago, Pie Of The Month said:

I think with McCormick along with him having served his sentence and shown remorse the victims' family said he'd served his time and everyone deserved to move on.

Looks like Glasgow City Council are looking into doing a NLC with Clyde and turfing Glasgow United out of their council owned facilities.


Absolute state of the replies to that tweet. At the very least the weirdos on here are anonymous, folk with their full name and photo defending him on FB and twitter seem almost proud of their stupidity.

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4 hours ago, Pie Of The Month said:

I think with McCormick along with him having served his sentence and shown remorse the victims' family said he'd served his time and everyone deserved to move on.

Looks like Glasgow City Council are looking into doing a NLC with Clyde and turfing Glasgow United out of their council owned facilities.


Honestly The p***k should just Jack it in for his own sake where ever he goes he won’t be their long and he wants “left in peace” he’s not going to get that if he’s constantly chopping and changing clubs and it getting wind to the press 

Edited by RRFC_Liam
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1 hour ago, RRFC_Liam said:

Honestly The p***k should just Jack it in for his own sake where ever he goes he won’t be their long and he wants “left in piece” he’s not going to get that if he’s constantly chopping and changing clubs and it getting wind to the press 

Just wait until his knees give out and he starts trying to get into management.

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