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49 minutes ago, bobbydazzler said:

Stood nearby a scout at the end of last season in a game between Linlithgow and Crossgates so I know for sure some scouting was going on towards the end of last year.

That was me and I wasn't really scouting well I was but not in an official capacity. I assume it was me anyway as I was there and club didn't have scouts signed up.

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22 minutes ago, NELLY 1 said:

That was me and I wasn't really scouting well I was but not in an official capacity. I assume it was me anyway as I was there and club didn't have scouts signed up.

Think it may have been, I only overheard you talking to a group of younger who I guess were Crossgates fans?

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Scouting process is now implemented for first time in years at the club. Chief scout and 7 scouts are at games all over Scotland every weekend with reports coming back in on teams/players. This was implemented around October this year. 
Most players on 1 year deals some are until Jan 2024 and 2 or 3 to July 2024. An announcement will be made about a further fans meeting soon where I can update any fans on questions like this at that meeting. Being as transparent as I can possibly be.
I personally wouldn't class players as duds however when signing 20 to 24 players it's impossible at any level regardless of money to get even 75% correct however opinions on specific players will also be divided which I appreciate and understand.
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That's positive progress, well done for getting that together in short period of time Colin. It's not the fact, some players are duds, just some maybe aren't good enough to play at Tier 5.

I know it’s already been mentioned but some players can’t even take a throw-in and get the ball to one of their own players. To be fair, this happened last season too.
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28 minutes ago, big al said:

Who is James Blair? Someone on here ?

Doing a lot of mouthing off on Facebook about getting the board to resign and that the board are holding back others from stepping up.


Fans are beginning to vent now, and unfortunately, people will start to target management, coaching, board etc. It is beginning to divide and cause arguments and people defending and criticising opinions with a reply of "what do you do?" 

This is not helpful at this time but how can we get people becoming more positive as unfortunately results are what people judge a football team on. There are loads going on which will be helpful over the next few months and years (scouting, community links etc) but this is not what people are concerned about and will always be the case at any club.

Can 2023 be the year that Cowdenbeath make steps forward again? You can only hope.

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Fans are beginning to vent now, and unfortunately, people will start to target management, coaching, board etc. It is beginning to divide and cause arguments and people defending and criticising opinions with a reply of "what do you do?" 
This is not helpful at this time but how can we get people becoming more positive as unfortunately results are what people judge a football team on. There are loads going on which will be helpful over the next few months and years (scouting, community links etc) but this is not what people are concerned about and will always be the case at any club.
Can 2023 be the year that Cowdenbeath make steps forward again? You can only hope.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we just won a couple of games.
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2 hours ago, big al said:

Who is James Blair? Someone on here ?

Doing a lot of mouthing off on Facebook about getting the board to resign and that the board are holding back others from stepping up.


Jimmy Blair. He is the "Nottingham Supporters Club".

Seems like an arse. Thrown his toys out the pram as he didn't get his wish, i.e. - the manager wasn't sacked at the end of the season.

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1 minute ago, The_Pit_Owns said:

Jimmy Blair. He is the "Nottingham Supporters Club".

Seems like an arse. Thrown his toys out the pram as he didn't get his wish, i.e. - the manager wasn't sacked at the end of the season.

Ah right, cheers.

So he’s going to run the club from Nottingham when everyone resigns. 

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2 hours ago, big al said:

Who is James Blair? Someone on here ?

Doing a lot of mouthing off on Facebook about getting the board to resign and that the board are holding back others from stepping up.


Looks very much like an alias. A shitebag if you will.

Some board members have made no secret of being willing to step down but who on earth would want to take their place? Make no mistake about it, the future of the club is hanging in the balance but that is not the fault of the people running it with their hands tied behind their backs with the ownership situation and lack of bodies through the gate (over MANY years).

Paddles, shit creek etc springs to mind. I really do applaud anyone with enthusiasm at the moment.

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22 hours ago, monthecoo said:

We will never be back up unless there is a massive opening up of the pyramid or we get a Saudi investor 😂. No point thinking about promotion otherwise.

One ex SPFL side will be in Tier 6 within 5 years. I just hope it is not us as it could kill us. It's sad times for us supporters, but we knew relegation was going to happen at some point. We need to stick by the club and make sure it does not fall further down. Mon the Cowden.

A pedant writes:

If by SPFL you include the Scottish League formed 1890 then there is at least one ex-Scottish League club below Tier 5.

They're called Peebles Rovers. 

There is some doom and gloom around at the moment, and no wonder, but at least you mad b*****ds still have some passion so some kind of Cowdenbeath FC would continue if the worst happened. Anyway the East of Scotland League isn't too bad and you'd win most derbies against the Shippy. Probably...

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1 minute ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

Surely there is no chance of Saturday’s game going ahead.

That’s a pisser, though you are probably right.

We are going up to the game at Arbroath tomorrow night which seems likely to go ahead due to the location of their ground, having a night in Dundee, then the Cowden game on the way down the road.  Or probably not now. 🤨

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1 hour ago, silkybeath said:

Fans are beginning to vent now, and unfortunately, people will start to target management, coaching, board etc. It is beginning to divide and cause arguments and people defending and criticising opinions with a reply of "what do you do?" 

This is not helpful at this time but how can we get people becoming more positive as unfortunately results are what people judge a football team on. There are loads going on which will be helpful over the next few months and years (scouting, community links etc) but this is not what people are concerned about and will always be the case at any club.

Can 2023 be the year that Cowdenbeath make steps forward again? You can only hope.

I cling to the hope that the fans who are hanging on at the moment are willing to stick with it to an extent, and give the club a pass for the 22/23 season, given the almost impossible task of building from scratch after relegation.

That being said, there must be a bit of progress for the rest of this season in evidence, before a real push for better times next season.

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The club definitely need to press ahead with some line of communication with the fans and a communication line with those that cannot attend meetings.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is consistency i.e the club media you either have weekly interviews with the manager/club staff or you don't. Appreciate this could be down to volunteers but you need this to continue week in week out even if results are poor. Blue Brazil TV is such a powerful tool as it can be far reaching but underused.

The Chairman who is after all the head and owner of the club and who I respect a lot for their hardworking efforts to help initially save the club and who I blame for me wanting to start helping and becoming a fan of Cowdenbeath in the first place following their passionate plea to help the football club when looking for volunteers via clubs website etc. Right now the club needs that passion once again from them  and needs to show the strongest of leadership right now and be highly visible to fans and come out with a statement to fans regarding the current situation and their vision for the future of Cowdenbeath F.C whether that be a fan's meeting or blue Brazil TV interview I don't know that would be their decision.

Fans Group someone has to grip and take charge of gathering fans view's, opinions and set up a task group of volunteers to assist the club with operations and fundraising initiatives.

Central Park Open and honest conversations regarding the future and plans What do we want to do Who can assist What stakeholders do we need onboard to fulfill the clubs longer term strategy.

Board Members Succession Planning Who is the future of running Cowdenbeath FC Who wants to help the club now and in the short to long term/future 

Strong Relationships with no fall outs. Everyone cares right now whether that be fans that have walked away, those putting their heart and soul in each day whether board members or volunteers. It's key though for everyone to work together for the good of the club and town and respect differences of opinion but agreeing a common goal being rebuilding Cowdenbeath FC to be a self sustaining community football club at the heart of Cowdenbeath whilst being a competitive and ambitious part time football Club that everyone can be proud of.

There got my Cowden mojo back for a bit there a lot of my personal views and opinions are key for the club and if we can't do some of that then sadly in my view the club is at risk 

A lot of it though comes down to peoples own time and energy and there has never been a greater need for that than now. 

In my 10 years as a Cowdenbeath fan I have heard a lot of save Cowdenbeath pleas over the years but if I'm being honest this is probably one of the most critical save Cowdenbeath F.C moments in the clubs history. 

The club needs fans and volunteers more than ever so despite the awful results and unacceptable league position let's keep trying to have our club Cowdenbeath FC in existence and hopefully 2023 will have better times ahead.

It's not an easy task given our league status, current climate and lack of resources and investment but one thing for sure is there is still enough of us who care and a lot of hard working people both board members and volunteers who have jobs and family's continue to give up their time for nothing to show for just now apart from keeping the club in operation and continuing the clubs legacy.

I still won't be there this Saturday and I am still disillusioned but one thing I do know I will be back as I still care and care very deeply.

Whilst everyone is fully entitled to their own opinion  remember to be kind lots of unhelpful comments out there to some folk including towards board members. If the board were to all resign tomorrow I don't think there would be a club anymore as I don't see anyone who is open about coming in and running the club.














Edited by Cowden316
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19 minutes ago, monthecoo said:

Zero chance. I peaked over the wall this morning, the pitch looks rock hard and it is to be -4 tonight.

I went out onto the grass in our back garden this morning in Edinburgh where temps have been broadly similar, and although there was a film of frost, the grass itself wasn’t too hard and had some give.

I’m ever the optimist, but sure you are right. 

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16 hours ago, Cowden316 said:

The club definitely need to press ahead with some line of communication with the fans and a communication line with those that cannot attend meetings.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is consistency i.e the club media you either have weekly interviews with the manager/club staff or you don't. Appreciate this could be down to volunteers but you need this to continue week in week out even if results are poor. Blue Brazil TV is such a powerful tool as it can be far reaching but underused.

The Chairman who is after all the head and owner of the club and who I respect a lot for their hardworking efforts to help initially save the club and who I blame for me wanting to start helping and becoming a fan of Cowdenbeath in the first place following their passionate plea to help the football club when looking for volunteers via clubs website etc. Right now the club needs that passion once again from them  and needs to show the strongest of leadership right now and be highly visible to fans and come out with a statement to fans regarding the current situation and their vision for the future of Cowdenbeath F.C whether that be a fan's meeting or blue Brazil TV interview I don't know that would be their decision.

Fans Group someone has to grip and take charge of gathering fans view's, opinions and set up a task group of volunteers to assist the club with operations and fundraising initiatives.

Central Park Open and honest conversations regarding the future and plans What do we want to do Who can assist What stakeholders do we need onboard to fulfill the clubs longer term strategy.

Board Members Succession Planning Who is the future of running Cowdenbeath FC Who wants to help the club now and in the short to long term/future 

Strong Relationships with no fall outs. Everyone cares right now whether that be fans that have walked away, those putting their heart and soul in each day whether board members or volunteers. It's key though for everyone to work together for the good of the club and town and respect differences of opinion but agreeing a common goal being rebuilding Cowdenbeath FC to be a self sustaining community football club at the heart of Cowdenbeath whilst being a competitive and ambitious part time football Club that everyone can be proud of.

There got my Cowden mojo back for a bit there a lot of my personal views and opinions are key for the club and if we can't do some of that then sadly in my view the club is at risk 

A lot of it though comes down to peoples own time and energy and there has never been a greater need for that than now. 

In my 10 years as a Cowdenbeath fan I have heard a lot of save Cowdenbeath pleas over the years but if I'm being honest this is probably one of the most critical save Cowdenbeath F.C moments in the clubs history. 

The club needs fans and volunteers more than ever so despite the awful results and unacceptable league position let's keep trying to have our club Cowdenbeath FC in existence and hopefully 2023 will have better times ahead.

It's not an easy task given our league status, current climate and lack of resources and investment but one thing for sure is there is still enough of us who care and a lot of hard working people both board members and volunteers who have jobs and family's continue to give up their time for nothing to show for just now apart from keeping the club in operation and continuing the clubs legacy.

I still won't be there this Saturday and I am still disillusioned but one thing I do know I will be back as I still care and care very deeply.

Whilst everyone is fully entitled to their own opinion  remember to be kind lots of unhelpful comments out there to some folk including towards board members. If the board were to all resign tomorrow I don't think there would be a club anymore as I don't see anyone who is open about coming in and running the club.














I’ve been KO’d with severe flu this week so out of the loop on what has been happening bar the score on Wednesday.

I would agree with you re the BBTV you should have interviews up every week good or bad other clubs do it.

As we don’t film at any away games it could be down to that that there was nothing after the Gretna/Broomhill games.

Could be that there wasn’t anyone who set the interviews were there, someone better positioned would maybe be able to give you an answer.

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