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Lowland League General Discussion


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All the leagues have had their AGMs and right now Celtic & Hearts are still there. Don't see anything happening this season, beyond Celtic & Hearts potentially withdrawing.

Clears the path for next season. Go to the SFA ask to expand to 18. Floodlights aren't an issue anymore. League has shown they can meet the timetable required. Highland League is right there on 18.

Lowland get to avoid relegation: They love that idea.

WoS and EoS champs end up promoted depending on licencing and SoS spoiler.

Can lead to at least 2up-2down.


Edited by FairWeatherFan
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18 minutes ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

The only way to stave off the immediate introduction of the Conference League was to vote for the admission of B teams into the Lowland League. If you'd been at the Cowdenbeath supporters' meeting you'd understand why.

That's in the past. We are all aware of the misinformation that was spewed out over this episode.

Brown must now resign. 

That's 2 years running he has shafted the league he purports to represent at the behest of the self-serving behemoths.

Viva la revolucion.

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1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

If they were expanding to 18 they should still be relegating a club and promoting three.

Enough in the Lowland would love the idea of no relegation this season. It might be the only way to get enough of them on board with the idea.

Otherwise its just dragging things out with 16 and one by one.

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17 minutes ago, PossilYM said:

So it's true, The big Rangers are skint.

What happened that you seem to hate them so much now. Tell me at a game.

I dont follow Celtic anymore but I'm okay with them doing well.

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5 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

What happened that you seem to hate them so much now. Tell me at a game.

I dont follow Celtic anymore but I'm okay with them doing well.

Hate is not in my nature.

If big clubs and their followers throughout every level of Scottish football can't take banter they should seek help.

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3 minutes ago, PossilYM said:

Hate is not in my nature.

If big clubs and their followers throughout every level of Scottish football can't take banter they should seek help.

Apologies. Hate is a powerful word and should be used appropriately.

I find the bigger the club the lesser the grip on reality their followers have.

You just have to look at our own premier division for evidence of that.

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3 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

It's been a long day but I have no idea what this means.


Indeed, all 10 teams who contributed most to the development of players for last year’s World Cup have B teams operating in national senior leagues.

3 hours ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

[citation needed]


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11 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

Actually serious :)


RANGERS can today announce the club will not be entering a B team in the Scottish Lowland Football League in season 2023/24 and beyond. This follows the Scottish FA’s decision to withdraw a vote on the proposed introduction of a ‘Conference League’ at tier five in the national football pyramid.


Firstly, Rangers would like to put on record our sincere thanks to the Lowland League for hosting a Rangers B team in their league for the past two seasons, and to the clubs for their fantastic hospitality and sporting challenges during that time. Rangers wishes each and every one of them the very best for the future.

Rangers has long been a strong advocate for the introduction of B Teams in the professional leagues of Scottish football, with a Conference League being an excellent step in that direction. Nations across Europe operate similar B Team systems with strong evidence of their development of players at club and national level.

Indeed, all 10 teams who contributed most to the development of players for last year’s World Cup have B teams operating in national senior leagues. The desire from all at Rangers to have a B Team in the professional leagues remains as strong as ever.

Our view on B Teams was also strongly supported by the Scottish FA and its CEO Ian Maxwell, who recognise the clear, beneficial impact B Teams have on top international sides. For 18–21 year-old footballers, our research and the evidence clearly shows the best path for their development is playing professional football in professional leagues. A Conference League would have been a positive move towards that.

As matters now stand, there is no suitable, governing body-led development structure for players between 18-21 in Scotland. The club has, however, enjoyed positive dialogue with a number of key stakeholders in recent days, including the Scottish FA, and looks forward to continuing such discussions to map the best possible direction for the development of the country’s top young players.

Alongside the club’s participation in the Lowland League in the last two seasons, a challenging ‘best v best’ games programme has provided our young players with matches against clubs from the highest levels of British and European competition.

This has proved a success, with 10 recent Academy players featuring in the Rangers first-team last season.

Matches with the likes of Manchester United and Liverpool are among the fixtures to have featured and that programme will continue and indeed be enhanced alongside the club’s commitments in the SPFL Trust Trophy, City of Glasgow Cup and, hopefully, the UEFA Youth League, which provided an outstanding environment for our players last season. This will ensure our young players in that crucial 18-21 age group are given regular tests of a varied nature.

Rangers remains committed to finding the most innovative and challenging environments for our young players, not only for the benefit of our club, but also for the benefit of other clubs and the Scotland national team. We look forward to continuing our positive engagement with the Scottish FA and other bodies in the drive for young player development.

Employing the same PR people as Boris and Mad Nads

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