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The Queen of the South thread

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Thanks, so has Tan Man gone elsewhere?

No from what i hear he is still on trial along with Robertson. Durnan looked good, big lad for 19, can pass ball about pretty well also. Hopkirk i dont think lost ball once when he came on, but is very small, dont know if he's deceiving like Burnsey though :P

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No from what i hear he is still on trial along with Robertson. Durnan looked good, big lad for 19, can pass ball about pretty well also. Hopkirk i dont think lost ball once when he came on, but is very small, dont know if he's deceiving like Burnsey though :P

I thought Hopkirk did ok too, but no more than that. Very similar to the Clyde game, in that he looked decent in possession. However, against weaker opposition I would be looking for someone in that role to really dominate the game. He didnt do that and disappeared, from both games, for periods. Maybe Im being a bit harsh though. Disappointed in what Ive seen of Gibson so far, for exactly the same reason

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In truth, it's a pathetic statement from the board on the Official Site. We voted 'yes' because we didn't trust the SFA/SFL to accept newco in SFL3. Instead, we placed faith in the same organisations to agree to league reconstruction. It is completely contradictory, cowardly, unprincipled and indicates how out of touch the BoD's are with not only the fans but also the other chairmen in the SFL.

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Guest Flash

In truth, it's a pathetic statement from the board on the Official Site. We voted 'yes' because we didn't trust the SFA/SFL to accept newco in SFL3. Instead, we placed faith in the same organisations to agree to league reconstruction. It is completely contradictory, cowardly, unprincipled and indicates how out of touch the BoD's are with not only the fans but also the other chairmen in the SFL.


It starts off by saying it was totally wrong for Sevco to be admitted even to Div 3. So, let's vote them into Div1 instead then.

Oh, but that's because the clowns who proposed this farce will agree to reconstruct the leagues as a reward. In other words, it is completely unfair for Newco to get in at all, but there might be something in it for us, so lets put them straight into Div 1.

Then, the clowns who proposed this will ignore the vote if it turns out to be No. So, we'd better vote yes.

Basically, they have fallen for the bribes and threats fron Doncaster and Regan. Which is exactly what everybody thought had happened. So the statement doesn't add anything at all. It is just a long winded way of stating the obvious. I'm not sure why some people are changing their opinion in light of the statement. What were they expecting them to say - that they'd received a brown envelope from a man with a funny handshake?

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What did they think they would gain by voting yes, most fans and most chairmen were against Newco going into Div 1 so I just don't get it.

Unless they misread the situation with the other clubs but that hardly seems likely.

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Guest Flash

If they believe the bit at the start about sporting integrity then they should have said no to resolution 1. Simple as that.


And they may well have had reasons for not communicating their thoughts beforehand, but the reason given that the situation was fluid is nonsense. They did not come up with the explanation for their vote during the meeting. Those thoughts must have been known well in advance - their justification for voting as they did was not the result of anything that happened, or information provided, shortly before the meeting. It was the same information that was available to Hutton and others who said they would vote No.

I am not saying they should have communicated their reasons earlier, just that the reason given for not doing so does not ring true.

I am all for communication with the fans, but not when it is corporate bullshit.

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If they believe the bit at the start about sporting integrity then they should have said no to resolution 1. Simple as that.

I have been interested in reading about sporting integrity from so many of the posters on the site lately and wonder is it not just about hating Rangers. Firstly let me say that I am a Queens fan and think that Rangers should be punished for what they have done but at what point does it end. When I hear people saying things like 99.9% of fans wanted Rangers in Div 3 then that is clearly just made up and born from frustration, I have spoken to a lot of Queens fans who really dont care where Rangers are playing as long as the game is not going to pay a heavy price for them being in Div 3. If and it is still if ,certain clubs are now saying that they could end up in administration because of the vote then I think we should all be worried because I am worried that a domino effect kicks in and before we know it football in this country with 42 senior clubs will be a thing of the past. The simple truth is the SFL clubs should never have been put into the position of having to make a decision that many clubs in the SPL thought would never happen. I know that many club chairmen voted to put Rangers in the 3rd Div because that appeared to be the will of their fans and if that is there reason for voting that way then fine they could be applauded for listening to there support. But now what, the cold light of day has kicked in and those same chairmen/women will now be holding meetings to decide where they will have to make savings if the TV money or sponsorship money starts to dissapear. The sad truth is that innocent people who have perhaps been at clubs for years or players looking to pick up a club will be being told sorry we cant afford to keep you on .I can fully understand fans not being happy but some saying they will not be back is sad. The board of directors made a decision based on the information available to them which includes all the costs factored in for running the club this and next season as well. I am not saying either way if they were right or wrong but I seem to remember a short time ago that Billy paid something like £100,000 out of his own pocket to pay a tax bill to keep the club afloat so I would say he has the best intersts of the club at heart. Queens are a lucky club to have a great group of hard core supporters and it would be a real shame if the club and the team were to suffer because of this issue. Sporting Integrity is a great ideal but when I think back to one game in the 70,s when Jimmy Donald grabbed the centre halfs shirt and pulled himself down to earn a penalty and then got up to wink at the supporters be hind the goal I didnt give hoot about sporting integrity I was cheering my head off. My hope for this season is that we put a team on the park that does us proud and that all this doom and gloom dissapeares but sadly I think we will witness the end of many clubs who may not be able to survive

Edited by Zorr-oh!
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I've now read the statement. It's a sad reflection on the state of our game.

I totally agree with the Board that the SFL should never have been put in this position and that certain members of the governing bodies need to consider their behaviour, words, and current positions.

However, it seems clear to me that the QoS Board's logic in trying to anticipate Newco avoiding a Division 3 entry by some manoeuvre by the SPL is a very feeble reason for voting Yes. As feeble indeed as the prospect of getting any reform of the structure of the game as a reward for their vote. They have allowed themselves, at best, to be seen as moral cowards and, at worst, as mercenary opportunists.

Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation...

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I don't really mind that statement. It was a difficult decision for many, they've explained their reasoning in detail, I disagree with it - particularly in one part*, and that's an end of it, for me. No recriminations.

Don't know how I'd feel if it were my club, mind.

(* For the record, the bit I disagree with most strongly is

More importantly, the message from the governing bodies was that, even with a "no" vote, they would continue to pursue the newco Rangers playing in one of the top two tiers next season. There has been a lot of talk about how this is not possible under the current rules, but as the saying goes "where there’s a will there’s a way". The real risk, therefore, was that we would end up with Rangers newco not in Division 3 anyway but with none of the benefits of league reconstruction or additional revenue for the SFL : the vote, in effect becoming "Newco in Division 1 with benefits" v "Newco in top two tiers with no benefits". We felt that if there was any chance of getting league reconstruction, and the other overall benefits to the game, that we had to vote "yes".

That not only isn't possible "under current rules", it isn't possible if the SFL clubs stand together - the only hope the SFA had of succeeding with it was to create splits within the SFL, of just the kind we would have had if more clubs had followed them into a Yes vote.)

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Well Ross, I have known you for twenty five years or more and you will be back. I am as pissed of us you but we are backing those wearing the famous blue and white and not necessarily anyone else . For those wanting to wind us up , then bring it on , only harden our resolve

I'm planning on still watching Queens, mainly because not to, would do me more harm than anyone else.

I can totally see why others couldn't, in all conscience, attend games though.

I especially think that those who currently go the extra mile for the club - organising ballboys, leading fund raising, working on the tidy-up, putting down covers etc would be quite at liberty to tell the club to shove it. Again, it's up to them as individuals, but stopping helping in those selfless ways might be an effective way to register the disappointment and even hurt that people like Ross are feeling, whilst still allowing them to enjoy their football.

Each to their own I suppose, but these really committed people (I'm not one of them by the way) owe the club nothing right now.

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I don't see the point of boycotting the team as the BOD don't suffer but if they don't already do so ,they should help to pull out weeds and put covers down etc.

Maybe they should offer an olive branch and invite some fans on to the board.

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Ok, just for a moment , lets consider the ridiculous , hypocritical comments from Stewart Gilmour of St. Mirren and similar ones from Ict . Two clubs that voted against Newco, expecting the Sfl teams to take the bribe and vote them into the First Division . That way they could hold their hands up and say " nowt to do with us " , hoping Newco got an automatic promotion . Only problem was their devious plan backfired big time , so stuff them . If you are not big enough to vote what you really want then maybe you should .not vote all. Clubs outwith the Spl dont owe this preservation mob anything . Were they campaigning for a first division play off in the name of sporting integrity ? Were they hell . Can anyone really say that Lawell is not gutted at this moment as well ? This vote was a major victory from right over wrong and would not have happened before the internet age

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