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The Queen of the South thread

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We were blessed with a cold sunny Autumnal Saturday afternoon for the game, one which I had looked forward to since the draw was made.

I can fully understand why Gary Jardine went with the tactics and formation he did. I'm sure he'd done his homework on Queen of The South and to try and play them in an open game would probably have resulted in a comprehensive defeat. In fact Edinburgh were still in the game with over an hour played. Both Shaun Harrison and Ross Guthrie were unlucky with their efforts and can be very pleased with their overall performance as could Stobie in goal who had a good game and could do nothing with the 2 goals he conceded. Would a fit Robbie Ross have made a difference, to be honest I don't think so.

Queens are a good football team as results against SPL and SFL teams have show already and even on a very poor playing surface they tried to pass the ball around quickly on the floor. Danny wasn't his usual self but I suppose the surface didn't lend itself to his style of play. I thought Black had a good game and is maturing into a silky central defender, he always seemed to do well for Gretna while on loan to them. McGuffie had a very good game getting up and down their right hand side. I would however have to agree with a few of the national rags and give MOM to Gavin Reilly who was heavily involved in the majority of Queens attacking moves. His movement is very good and difficult to pick up and he thoroughly deserved his goal which he calmly dispatched into the bottom corner.

One observation I made on Saturday was that at set pieces Gavin was always well outside the penalty area. I found that strange as whenever I've seen him he's been an accomplished predatory box striker. Was this a tactical play for Saturday?

On one occasion the ball went across the six yard line, bounced between two Queens's players and was then eventually cleared with no takers.

The outcome was what the majority of people would have expected but I think it was closer than most would have thought. A special mention must go to the Queen of The South supporters who were there in their hundreds, your players must enjoy playing in front of such a good loyal support especially when away from home. You are a credit to the team and club.

City have come out of the game with their heads held high, they keep Queens to the same score as their illustrious neighbours across the road and will have made a good few bob from the competition.

Good luck in the next round, a trip across the way to Easter Road would be nice, a few of your players would not look out of place on that park.


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All the shirts had it embroidered on. Including the replicas.

Was the match winner (shirt makers I think ? ) emblem also embroidered ?

If so I take it there was no difference between the players shirts and the ones you could buy .

Is there any value in these shirts ?

I have a 75th shirt still in its original bag. also an away shirt still in bag. The away shirt doesn`t have the 75th embroidery

but the makers logo and club badge are both embroidered. I think they might have come from the kitman.

I got a load of match shirts and replicas from a guy who used to drive the Falkirk team bus. You used to get shirts from

the kitman. Some still in the packages.

Edited by Final Whistle memorabilia
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Was the match winner (shirt makers I think ? ) emblem also embroidered ?

If so I take it there was no difference between the players shirts and the ones you could buy .

Is there any value in these shirts ?

I have a 75th shirt still in its original bag. also an away shirt still in bag. The away shirt doesn`t have the 75th embroidery

but the makers logo and club badge are both embroidered. I think they might have come from the kitman.

I got a load of match shirts and replicas from a guy who used to drive the Falkirk team bus. You used to get shirts from

the kitman. Some still in the packages.

Yes the Matchwinner logo was embroidered. No there was no difference between the players shirts and the ones you could buy (other than that the players ones had SFL numbers applied to the back obviously). If it's still in its bag then it came from the club shop, as did the player kit anyway, it's just that player kit was opened and then sent away to get numbers applied. It may well have been spare carried by the kit man in case he needed to replace a shirt but unless it's been numbered and then stuck back in a bag for some reason then it's no different from any other replica. Sorry!

I suspect the away shirt didn't have the 75th embroidery on it but I'm not certain of that. I don't have an away one from that season. Is it sponsored by Fiat? We had the same away shirt for several seasons at that point (blue and yellow striped one) but the 75th season was sponsored by Fiat. Subsequent seasons using the same shirt had the Open University as sponsor.

Is there any value? Not significantly I wouldn't have thought. We sold hundreds of them at the time. Other than a plastic bag and it not having been worn, what you have is no different from the one in my drawer and no doubt many other people's drawers. It has a novelty value in that it's the only season since the club was formed that the first choice kit wasn't blue (it was white with some blue part diagonals on it). I'm sure someone would most likely pay money for it if you put it on ebay or something similar but I doubt there's any particularly special collectible value in it.

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yes the white/blue flash/75th anniversary shirt is sponsored by Fiat. I have the blue and yellow away shirt sponsored by the open university shirt with embroidered badge and matchwinner logo.Falkirk used matchwinner as well but the fans shirts only had a stuck on / heat sealed matchwinner logo. It was only the players shirts that had the embroidered logo.

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yes the white/blue flash/75th anniversary shirt is sponsored by Fiat. I have the blue and yellow away shirt sponsored by the open university shirt with embroidered badge and matchwinner logo.Falkirk used matchwinner as well but the fans shirts only had a stuck on / heat sealed matchwinner logo. It was only the players shirts that had the embroidered logo.

Our replicas definitely had an embroidered Matchwinner logo. Or at least they did on that shirt. Open University away shirt is from the following season (or the one after, we used it for a couple of seasons I think), not the 75th anniversary season. Fiat sponsored the away one in the 75th season too. Not sure yet whether it had a 75th anniversary logo on it though. I don't have one but I know people who do.

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Mark Robertson on the OS. Why do we have to dredge all this up again?

A simple Happy Hanukkah would have sufficed.

Yup, just the same old attacks wrapped up in a heady combination of a thin skin and macho hot air, all coupled to a sentence about Christmas at the start. Ho bloody ho. I nearly went back last week too. I really can not wait for the day he leaves the club.

Edited by Adamski
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Yup, just the same old attacks wrapped up in a heady combination of a thin skin and macho hot air, all coupled to a sentence about Christmas at the start. Ho bloody ho. I nearly went back last week too. I really can not wait for the day he leaves the club.

Heard that he will be leaving at the end of this season.

It's been a good piece of business by Hewitson, he realised there was a lot of unpopular decisions to be made so he got someone else in to deliver the bad news and take the flak from the fans. Then the fall guy leaves and Hewitson starts a fresh with a club breaking even back in the first division with his reputation untarnished, JOB DONE.

I don't see a problem with the statement either tbh. :geek

Edited by Senior_Coconut
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Heard that he will be leaving at the end of this season.

It's been a good piece of business by Hewitson, he realised there was a lot of unpopular decisions to be made so he got someone else in to deliver the bad news and take the flak from the fans. Then the fall guy leaves and Hewitson starts a fresh with a club breaking even back in the first division with his reputation untarnished, JOB DONE.

I don't see a problem with the statement either tbh. :geek

I'll be disappointed if Robertson leaves tbh. The board as a whole have made one bad decision, but have done a lot of good work for the club. We are in a much better place financially than before they came in. Yes, we might be a division below where we were, but we have a good squad, a good manager and the club just seems to have a good atmosphere about it.

The one bad decision is more than offset by the good they are doing.

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Yes the Matchwinner logo was embroidered. No there was no difference between the players shirts and the ones you could buy (other than that the players ones had SFL numbers applied to the back obviously). If it's still in its bag then it came from the club shop, as did the player kit anyway, it's just that player kit was opened and then sent away to get numbers applied. It may well have been spare carried by the kit man in case he needed to replace a shirt but unless it's been numbered and then stuck back in a bag for some reason then it's no different from any other replica. Sorry!

I suspect the away shirt didn't have the 75th embroidery on it but I'm not certain of that. I don't have an away one from that season. Is it sponsored by Fiat? We had the same away shirt for several seasons at that point (blue and yellow striped one) but the 75th season was sponsored by Fiat. Subsequent seasons using the same shirt had the Open University as sponsor.

Is there any value? Not significantly I wouldn't have thought. We sold hundreds of them at the time. Other than a plastic bag and it not having been worn, what you have is no different from the one in my drawer and no doubt many other people's drawers. It has a novelty value in that it's the only season since the club was formed that the first choice kit wasn't blue (it was white with some blue part diagonals on it). I'm sure someone would most likely pay money for it if you put it on ebay or something similar but I doubt there's any particularly special collectible value in it.


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I don't have an issue with that statement at all, I'd actually say it's quite reasonable.

I disagree. I've moaned enough about the Rangers vote, but his regurgitated claims that the board acted in the club's and the game's interests simply don't stand up.

Even if we charitably leave this aside however, I've no idea why he uses his benevolent Christmas address as a platform to aim an attack at certain fans and their apparent agenda.

You might argue that the board are entitled to defend themselves, and over the Alloa postponement, they might even have a case. Doing so in this way just betrays a lack of class however, and it's becoming a defining characteristic of this board and how it behaves.

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