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The Queen of the South thread

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Would defiantly like to see Holmer back at Palmerston.

I definitely wouldn't. Agree with Greig that he was good the first season but I wouldn't like him back now as I don't think he'd do the job.

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Got confirmation on Twitter from Holmer that he's in talks, was one of my favourites when he was here first time round.

He was good first time around but gash latterly, will divide the crowd and some will get on his back if he doesn't perform.

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He was good first time around but gash latterly, will divide the crowd and some will get on his back if he doesn't perform.

Indeed. One excellent season, one poor season. Certainly not deserving of some of the disgraceful treatment he received. Anyone who doesn't appreciate what he offered as a player clearly didn't see our CIS Cup game against Rangers where he absolutely bossed Davie Weir and Bougherra. If Davie Weatherston actually had any composure we would have won that game, with Holmer largely to thank.

It is three years since his "good season" with us though and you can only think the attributes he is hated for, namely pace and movement, will have deteriorated further leaving him even more open for abuse. I don't doubt his great footballing brain will remain though.

If, as today's Standard suggests, it is a straight choice between Holmes and Dargo I think I'd have to plump for Holmer based on his better injury record. Neither fill me with particular excitement though. We are lacking a target man type player from our team, but I don't necessarily think one is as much of a necessity as most managers in Scotland do. It only encourages ugly long ball football, and aimless punts that are generally dealt with by your archetypal Scottish centre half (a problem Holmer undoubtedly suffered with). In Kevin Smith we already have a player who can hold it up and bring others into play, as long as the ball is kept on the ground for him.

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Lots of talk on the Rangers Admin thread on the SPL forum and in this morning's Red Tops about admitting Rangers to the first division as opposed to the third when - as now seems likely - the SPL vote goes against admitting a Newco. This seems likely to involve the SFA merging the two league bodies.

For me, the merger of the leagues makes sense, but not if it's designed purely to make Rangers' top flight exile a short one.

Just as followers of SPL sides have mobilised impressively to pressure their clubs into voting against admitting them, so it might be time for us to do the same.

I can just about tolerate the idea of a brand new club being admitted at the bottom of the national league structure, but can't accept them leapfrogging us and others.

I've no idea how our club would vote if it came to it, but I know how I'd want them to vote and would see it as important to let the club know. The publicly acknowledged allegiance of one of our directors would worry me, but who knows?

Thoughts anyone? Is it time for SFL fans to start expressing views on the Rangers question?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Lots of talk on the Rangers Admin thread on the SPL forum and in this morning's Red Tops about admitting Rangers to the first division as opposed to the third when - as now seems likely - the SPL vote goes against admitting a Newco. This seems likely to involve the SFA merging the two league bodies.

For me, the merger of the leagues makes sense, but not if it's designed purely to make Rangers' top flight exile a short one.

Just as followers of SPL sides have mobilised impressively to pressure their cubs into voting against admitting them, so it might be time for us to do the same.

I can just about tolerate the idea of a brand new club being admitted at the bottom of the national league structure, but can't accept them leapfrogging us and others.

I've no idea how our club would vote if it came to it, but I know how I'd want them to vote and would see it as important to let the club know. The publicly acknowledged allegiance of one of our directors would worry me, but who knows?

Thoughts anyone? Is it time for SFL fans to start expressing views on the Rangers question?

I sent an email to the blog address yesterday expressing my views and asking for a response.

Personally, I would like the SFL to say no to them, why do they deserve a place in div 3 ahead of Spartans, Cove etc? Their crimes are far worse than Gretna's were and they are in the non-leagues, so I feel Rangers should suffer the same. Won't happen though, as all the suits want their quick buck, but we've survived without games vs the OF until now, so I don't see why that should change.

Let them die.

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I sent an email to the blog address yesterday expressing my views and asking for a response.

Personally, I would like the SFL to say no to them, why do they deserve a place in div 3 ahead of Spartans, Cove etc? Their crimes are far worse than Gretna's were and they are in the non-leagues, so I feel Rangers should suffer the same. Won't happen though, as all the suits want their quick buck, but we've survived without games vs the OF until now, so I don't see why that should change.

Let them die.

No argument from me with the 'Let the die' line. They've done much more damage to our game and society than good as far as I can tell and their complete disappearance would delight me.

As I say though, I can just about accept a Newco admission to the bottom rung if it emerged victorious from a bidding process against the teams you mention.

What I can't accept is that they get to jump in well up the structure.

SPL fans have made a difference by pressing their clubs. Would SFL fans have the collective will to do similar?

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No argument from me with the 'Let the die' line. They've done much more damage to our game and society than good as far as I can tell and their complete disappearance would delight me.

As I say though, I can just about accept a Newco admission to the bottom rung if it emerged victorious from a bidding process against the teams you mention.

What I can't accept is that they get to jump in well up the structure.

SPL fans have made a difference by pressing their clubs. Would SFL fans have the collective will to do similar?

I would think so, looking at twitter the last few days there is a fair amount of people keen to see them rejected completely. I could stomach them going in to div 3, but if they were put into div 1 by the SFL then that would be an even worse decision than the SPL letting them in.

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I would think so, looking at twitter the last few days there is a fair amount of people keen to see them rejected completely. I could stomach them going in to div 3, but if they were put into div 1 by the SFL then that would be an even worse decision than the SPL letting them in.

If they were allowed directly into div 1 then it would pretty much wipe out any chance of promotion for the rest of the division - can't imagine the top clubs being too happy with that prospect (unless promotion playoffs were introduced) for the sake of a couple of big crowds.

At least if they get planted in the bottom rung they don't entirely ruin the rest of the leagues chances of promotion.

Edited by Dougie Mills
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If they were allowed directly into div 1 then it would pretty much wipe out any chance of promotion for the rest of the division - can't imagine the top clubs being too happy that prospect (unless promotion playoffs were introduced)

At least if they get planted in the bottom rung they don't entirely ruin the rest of the leagues chances of promotion.

There's absolutely no chance the SFL will accept them into Division One unless the compromise price for it is a permanent playoff place for the runners up.

To be honest I can see arguments for both sides here. I can see merit in Rangers being deemed "relegated" from the SPL (in such circumstances of course Dunfermline would have to stay up not Dundee go up) for their overall offences. I'm not overly hung up on the creation of newco being a different club. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's still a duck.

Equally I understand there's a case for their expulsion from football entirely here and then if a new company wishes to apply for a spare SFL place they can do (would anyone bother to stand against them pther than for bid experience?).

I don't think it's a particularly easy question to answer and it might just be one chance to improve the lot of the SFL on a permanent basis by getting that playoff place we've all coveted for years. There are a turbulent few weeks ahead for sure. I'd think the one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that they won't be playing in the second division next season so we won't be seeing them directly.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Glasgow Rangers or whatever they are called are a blight on Scottish football and Scottish society as a whole . We now see the league authorities scrambling about desperately to soften the blow for them. This for a football team that has left countless creditors high and dry , shelving many millions of pounds of debt. More strikingly , an ' institution' that has failed to express a morsel of regret or say sorry . The height of

arrogance .Division three at least , preferably out of existence

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I'd think the one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that they won't be playing in the second division next season so we won't be seeing them directly.

That's true. I'd not thought of it like that - the one nationwide division that nobody's suggested they should crop up in is ours.

I'd actually welcome the SFA exploiting the situation in order to gain control from the discredited SPL, especially if we then saw fairer distributions of cash and greater prospects of mobility between the top two flights.

The suspicion however is that it's about accommodating and aiding Rangers - that's certainly how the papers are presenting it - while creating a sort of SPL2 via a back door.

For these reasons, it's surely worth resisting.

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That's true. I'd not thought of it like that - the one nationwide division that nobody's suggested they should crop up in is ours.

I'd actually welcome the SFA exploiting the situation in order to gain control from the discredited SPL, especially if we then saw fairer distributions of cash and greater prospects of mobility between the top two flights.

The suspicion however is that it's about accommodating and aiding Rangers - that's certainly how the papers are presenting it - while creating a sort of SPL2 via a back door.

For these reasons, it's surely worth resisting.

I can't see an SPL 2 happening now, especially as SPL1 looks to be entering its last season. The SPL brand is tainted so much that attempting to bring in a similar model in the lower leagues would be a non-starter in my opinion. No, the tide is turning and hopefully for the better.

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