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The Queen of the South thread

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I believe so. But then we might be looking for someone part time anyway

Don't be daft. :rolleyes:

You cannae have full-time players with a part-time boss, that would be stupidity. :(

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KB has gone to the NOTW. Thought he didn't like talking to the media. He really is acting like a total

All Kenny's good work is going to be in vain after reading that article. There wasn't any real need to go public on it because it was common knowledge plus the fact any potential employers are going to be frightened off by this type of publicity.

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Don't be daft. :rolleyes:

You cannae have full-time players with a part-time boss, that would be stupidity. :(

Who says we're going to have full time players? The way things are going I wouldnt be surprised if someone thought a PT manager with FT players would be a good idea

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thats weird it works fine for me. I just googled " kenny brannigan news of the world" and got the story straight away.

"Kenny Brannigan will leave the manager's post at Queen of the South with a warning to his successor: Watch your back!

Brannigan was Gordon Chisholm's assistant three years ago as Queens reached the Scottish Cup Final and claimed a place in Europe for the first time.

When Chis quit for Dundee midway through last season, Brannigan took charge - even though he knew he'd need to make drastic budget cuts.

Back to back fourth-place finishes suggest he did a more than decent job - yet he's known for some time his future would not be in Dumfries.

The 45-year-old claims the Palmerston board were never happy with the fact he publicly criticised the lack of investment in the squad.

Ex-centre-back Brannigan blasted: "I'm clocking up 30 years in the game this year.

"I played with 17 senior clubs as a player or coach and had another four as manager or assistant and I have never experienced something that's so wrong in all my time.

"I think the chairman is just a coward. If he came to me, looked me in the face and told me they wanted to go in a different direction I'd accept that. That happens in football.

"Instead he and his board have gone behind my back and shown me no courtesy or respect whatsoever - despite everything that's been achieved.

"I thought I'd seen everything in the game but this is a new low. It's simply appalling. I've brought them to two fourth-placed finishes with a tiny squad - yet they haven't been able to look me in the eye and tell me they don't want me.

"I need to let other coaches and managers know exactly what's been going on there.

"For my own sake I need to let people know so I can get another job.

"I would warn anyone who goes in there to make sure absolutely everything is in writing. They're trying to sign players on the back of my name by telling players they've got a manager in place.

"When the players have asked them who the manager is going to be they're saying they've already got a manager. It's totally naive.

"None of the players are buying it though. None have signed new contracts. They've been telling me exactly what's been going on."

Brannigan knew things had reached the point of no return when he received a verbal gagging order from David Rae two months ago.

The former Clydebank and Queen's Park gaffer explained: "A couple of months ago he sent me a letter telling me not to speak to the press under any circumstances as whatever I said would be to the detriment of the club's future.

"For me, it meant I was to stop telling the truth as they didn't like it.

"I've said nothing since in case they stopped my wages.

"From the very first day they've not liked my honesty. I'm always straight with people and I don't think that's gone down well with them.

"From the outset this season when we had 13 fit players I told him we wouldn't get through it and needed new faces. He just rubber-eared me.

"My continual moaning at him to get new players in has made the situation worse and worse. I've not spoken to him for three months.

"Despite all that we finished fourth in the league again and got to the Challenge Cup Final.

"I've had to bring in kids who in my eyes weren't good enough to play.

"They were meant to fill in for 10 minutes but now the board are offering them contracts rather than asking a football manager if they are worthy of them. They're doing it so everything looks good on the surface.

"At the moment we're training at Glasgow Green, but if I go so will that. They won't be in there if I'm not.

"They also think moving the training back to Dumfries isn't important. They believe training in the central belt wasn't important to the players we attracted to the club." (News of the world, 22 may 2011, online)

Edited by happysouth
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No idea why all the paragraph things have came up in that and no idea how to take them out without just deleting them, sorry.

No probs. Its readable. To be honest, nothing we didnt really, unofficially, know already, but pretty damning to see it in print.

Things arent good right now :(

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No probs. Its readable. To be honest, nothing we didnt really, unofficially, know already, but pretty damning to see it in print.

Things arent good right now :(

I think it's a despicable article and quite how he thinks things like that will help his chances of getting a new employer is beyond me. It pretty much underlines every reason why he isn't the man for a manager's job.

Things like "my continual moaning made it worse and worse", "I've had to bring in kids who weren't good enough to play" and in particular "From the outset this season when we had 13 fit players I told him we wouldn't get through it and needed new faces" which is completely contradictory to "I've brought them to two fourth-placed finishes with a tiny squad" are ridiculous.

That's before we address some of the inaccuracies in it like the suggestion we had a small squad last year (it was anything but, that was the problem) and he led us to 4th (well he ultimately did but let's not ignore the fact in took over in March, he didn't run the season). He also certainly hasn't said "nothing" to the press in the last two months. If only!

And quite why he appears to think he has the power to bar the club from Glasgow Green I've no idea. It's a Council owned facility which is hired by several clubs, not just us. Perhaps he thinks he has influence on the people who run it. Perhaps he even does but such threats won't do his future employment prospects any good either.

The Board don't come out of this very well that's for sure but they've dealt with and sacked managers before without this sort of problem. Brannigan on the other hand has left other clubs before with this sort of controversy. To suggest the problems are all one way is fanciful to say the least.

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And quite why he appears to think he has the power to bar the club from Glasgow Green I've no idea. It's a Council owned facility which is hired by several clubs, not just us. Perhaps he thinks he has influence on the people who run it. Perhaps he even does but such threats won't do his future employment prospects any good either.

As I said on the Mad site, I'm going to guess that his new job is as groundsman at Glasgow Green and he'll sabotage any booking requests from QoS.

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I think it's a despicable article and quite how he thinks things like that will help his chances of getting a new employer is beyond me. It pretty much underlines every reason why he isn't the man for a manager's job.

Things like "my continual moaning made it worse and worse", "I've had to bring in kids who weren't good enough to play" and in particular "From the outset this season when we had 13 fit players I told him we wouldn't get through it and needed new faces" which is completely contradictory to "I've brought them to two fourth-placed finishes with a tiny squad" are ridiculous.

That's before we address some of the inaccuracies in it like the suggestion we had a small squad last year (it was anything but, that was the problem) and he led us to 4th (well he ultimately did but let's not ignore the fact in took over in March, he didn't run the season). He also certainly hasn't said "nothing" to the press in the last two months. If only!

And quite why he appears to think he has the power to bar the club from Glasgow Green I've no idea. It's a Council owned facility which is hired by several clubs, not just us. Perhaps he thinks he has influence on the people who run it. Perhaps he even does but such threats won't do his future employment prospects any good either.

The Board don't come out of this very well that's for sure but they've dealt with and sacked managers before without this sort of problem. Brannigan on the other hand has left other clubs before with this sort of controversy. To suggest the problems are all one way is fanciful to say the least.

I wouldnt disagree with your post, and I wouldnt disagree with your last point that the problems between KB and the BoD were not all one way. However, I dont think we should let that distract from the fact that things just arent right at the club at the moment. Decisions that should have been made months ago still havent been made, or at least havent been communicated to anyone - which of course is another issue all on its own. Im not saying that you are suggesting this, but it might read like that to others

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If you lot are unhappy about the return of Chisholm, how about the return of McCall?

This won't happen. Although it wasn't on the same level as Brannigan, McCall didn't leave Queens on the greatest of terms with the Chairman.

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Our fluffy haired chairman was loved by everyone 3 years ago but sadly is becoming a hate figure in Dumfries and Galloway.

The way the players have been treated is nothing short of shocking. And the severe lack of communication with fans shows a complete lack of respect for the paying public

All the good work Norman Blount and Ronnie Bradford put in has been wasted by this Chairman and his amateur board of directors

As for Brannigan he had my support up til yesterdays childish rant in NOTW. Showed his true colours !!!!!!

Sad times at Palmerston these days

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I think Queens fans have to face reality here. I don't know how wealthy David Rae is but he is clearly fighting to establish a Queens financial model that is sustainable and that means a lot of casualties along the way. Some will be current employees i.e. the manager and the team and another might be Queens standing in the game as an established first division side. I just think Rae is one of the first to bite the bullet but other clubs will have to follow and maybe after that, staying in the first will not look so big a challenge.

Maybe he could have handled the departures better, but there no easy way to sack someone.

Longer term, none of us who are forced part time will ever aspire to the SPL again as the relegated full time club will have the money to stay full time for the single season it will take them to get promoted again!!

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Longer term, none of us who are forced part time will ever aspire to the SPL again as the relegated full time club will have the money to stay full time for the single season it will take them to get promoted again!!

Unfortunately you are very likely correct.

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Just read the article. What part of we haven't enough money for new players did the dope not understand?

Also the part about them going behind his back, what has he been and is still doing then.

I know the BoD aren't blameless in all this but I just don't get what he's moaning about. I wouldn't be talking to him either after what he's done.

He was wrong about the boys, wrong about Weatherston and wrong about Holmes being the main man and wrong to play 3 at the back.

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Certainly seemed a decent guy every time I've spoken to him. Horrible manager mind you. Really wouldn't surprise me if he is approached by Rae dry.gif.

Irons has now taken two sides in significant relegation trouble and led them to survival. That's worthy of credit. You could do a lot worse with some of the clowns who Des McKeown and the likes would tout as 'great managers outwith the game'. You could get an application from Jim McInally FFS.

I think Irons would be capable of keeping Queens up marginally. Maybe that's all you can afford to ask for?

Edited by vikingTON
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