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The Queen of the South thread

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3 hours ago, David Fernández said:

I'm surprised he didn't get sacked immediately after that 20 odd minute bizarre post match interview accusing the players of spending too much time playing the PlayStation. 

He shows his players as much respect as he shows the women in his life. 

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The Bartley appointment has set you back at least five years.

You've become a bottom of League One club and the worst full time team in Scotland.

You will be competing with so many other teams for players and will most likely be at the bottom or near the bottom of the list for most players.

As with all struggling teams, attendance will dip, meaning less cash for signings, pushing you further down the list for potential signings.

In your favour is that it's not a ridiculously hard league to finish top four. Despite being down the list for signings it doesn't mean you won't make any, so with some luck you could put a run in.

Obviously much of this will depend on your next manager though. Who do you reckon you could get? Lee Bullen?

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This next appointment feels like a huge one for Queens. Get it right and there’s no reason why they can’t be challenging next season, or at least a strong play-off team. Another disaster though and an Airdrie style decade in League One with part-time football looks increasingly likely. 

No idea who it would be but I think an Ian Murray type when we appointed him in 2018 would be ideal here. Someone with a bit of experience and success, has learned from mistakes but is still fresh enough to offer something new. He doesn’t always get the credit he deserves for it but through generally decent recruitment and raising the standards and professionalism at the club Murray steadily rebuilt a slow, average squad and improved us every year. From the outside that seems like exactly what Queens need after several years of declining.

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Certainly going to be an interesting close season..... 

I hope that the rumours aren't correct in that the board won't change much more and in effect JM is just a replacement for the departing MB. We need new life breathed in from top to bottom so the manager stands a change.  With such a disconnect from Boardroom to Terrace and disharmony the pressure on immediate results of the new manager are key... when you have a happy fan base that feel wanted... you can get away with things a bit longer.

If you had asked me after the AGM what I would want for this coming season... It would easily have been a new localised board, possibly Murphy as manager (personally think he's done well keeping Annan in League 1 with a hell of a less budget than us and understands youths), Del Lyle Assistant (heard he'd be open to return to us... and good for Fan connection).  Board can instigate no more than 17 senior players to be signed, then we rely on Reserve and what would have been the Tanner Fund for back up... Sadly, whatever has happened with the Tanner has happened and now just relying on the wish of local based businessmen joining the board... which is diminishing... I did hope that when I saw a certain local businessman stand away from the Tanner, that there was a move to the board for him... we shall see? however I don't think thats the case as they wouldn't have folded the fund completely 😞 



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Glad you guys secured safety and ousted your manager (eventually)!

Can't say I've enjoyed being in this league for the past 5 years, and am looking forward to going up, but there are a lot of great clubs and fans in this league, and I'd definitely include Queens as one of those.

Like many I thought Queens would be up challenging this season, but from the early Bartley interviews I was worried for you. Can't believe you finished only 2 points above the wrong play offs (and an astonishing 49 points behind us!).

I genuinely hope you get a decent manager in, better board and have a much better season next.

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1 hour ago, Mon_The_South said:

Certainly going to be an interesting close season..... 

I hope that the rumours aren't correct in that the board won't change much more and in effect JM is just a replacement for the departing MB. We need new life breathed in from top to bottom so the manager stands a change.  With such a disconnect from Boardroom to Terrace and disharmony the pressure on immediate results of the new manager are key... when you have a happy fan base that feel wanted... you can get away with things a bit longer.

If you had asked me after the AGM what I would want for this coming season... It would easily have been a new localised board, possibly Murphy as manager (personally think he's done well keeping Annan in League 1 with a hell of a less budget than us and understands youths), Del Lyle Assistant (heard he'd be open to return to us... and good for Fan connection).  Board can instigate no more than 17 senior players to be signed, then we rely on Reserve and what would have been the Tanner Fund for back up... Sadly, whatever has happened with the Tanner has happened and now just relying on the wish of local based businessmen joining the board... which is diminishing... I did hope that when I saw a certain local businessman stand away from the Tanner, that there was a move to the board for him... we shall see? however I don't think thats the case as they wouldn't have folded the fund completely 😞 




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10 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

The Bartley appointment has set you back at least five years.

You've become a bottom of League One club and the worst full time team in Scotland.

You will be competing with so many other teams for players and will most likely be at the bottom or near the bottom of the list for most players.

As with all struggling teams, attendance will dip, meaning less cash for signings, pushing you further down the list for potential signings.

In your favour is that it's not a ridiculously hard league to finish top four. Despite being down the list for signings it doesn't mean you won't make any, so with some luck you could put a run in.

Obviously much of this will depend on your next manager though. Who do you reckon you could get? Lee Bullen?

Tbf, none of this is news to Queens fans having had the pleasure to "enjoy" this nightmare journey ... and we've been "the worst full time team in Scotland" for a while now (despite Falkirk's recent efforts to hang on to that particular evil chalice).  We've earned our present lowly stance entirely on merit, and so "yes" this next managerial appointment (and the parallel board restructuring) is going to be a key direction marker in terms of which way we now "progress".

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On 27/04/2014 at 17:21, Monkey Tennis said:

Right, I'm going to boldly make the assumption that we're already into the play-offs. I think even we'd struggle to lose a twelve goal advantage over someone in an afternoon.

We've made it. Well done McIntyre - there, I've said it.

More importantly though, how do we all now view the play-offs themselves?

We could still face any of the three sides above us in the first round. Falkirk still look like our likeliest opponents, but it might well be Hamilton and could still be Dundee.

Who would be your preference and why?

I actually feel unusually optimistic about our chances.

Obviously winning through ultimately is a pretty long shot for us. We'd need to beat three sides over two legs and in each tie, we'd start as distinct second favourites. Throw in the fact that we'd be away for the second leg every time and the odds do seem stacked against.

However, I don't think the sides above us are that much stronger than us. I also think we're probably due some results against them, having lost out unluckily more than once.

Anyway, thoughts?

Crikey.... 10 Years ago around this time it was certainly a much different chat..... oh how we have fallen...

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One thing for sure we simply cannot take too long in appointing another management team. One would like to think that the current Board had thoughts on a replacement for MB before they terminated his contract. Players are about to be out of contract (Gibson) and we need to move quickly before the few we want to keep move on. The players will also want to know who they will be playing for. Equally any prospective manager will want to know who he will be working for. Worrying times for sure. As for who could do a job for us, well Lee Bullen always impressed me the way he conducted himself at Ayr United so he may be worth looking at, but please no McIntyre, Dodds, McCall.

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15 minutes ago, BeeJay said:

One thing for sure we simply cannot take too long in appointing another management team ...

^^^ This.  We can't afford to hang about here, needs sorted quick for the summer recruitment.

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4 minutes ago, Fae_the_'briggs said:

When does the "Queen of the South Next Manager Poll" appear. Can't wait to see some of the names on that. 

Usually its @Ludo*1 who seems to lead these things ... but I'd imagine he can't be arsed bothering about lowly 3rd tier tripe like us tbf ...

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Just now, eez-eh said:

Sacking a manager but letting said manager get some excuses in your public statement is certainly something.

I suspect its the "mutual consent" angle tbf ... and of course everyone that reads them knows the excuses are just what they are anyway ... ie "mince".

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1 minute ago, BeeJay said:

One thing for sure we simply cannot take too long in appointing another management team. One would like to think that the current Board had thoughts on a replacement for MB before they terminated his contract. Players are about to be out of contract (Gibson) and we need to move quickly before the few we want to keep move on. The players will also want to know who they will be playing for. Equally any prospective manager will want to know who he will be working for. Worrying times for sure. As for who could do a job for us, well Lee Bullen always impressed me the way he conducted himself at Ayr United so he may be worth looking at, but please no McIntyre, Dodds, McCall.

Why not McCall okay he is not liked by everyone but he has the experience we need plus has just done a brilliant job keeping Clyde up .

Dobbie credits McCall with getting his career going again speaks very highly of him .

We can't hang about get a new board in then a new manager in as quick as we can.

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9 minutes ago, Swarley said:

Who is selecting the new manager? The outgoing Board or the new Board of Director? 

This is my huge concern.... Surely if the board is adding more directors, they would be pretty miffed if there was a manager in place already and chosen by the departing board minus JM...... Are we going to be tortured enough waiting on a board being assembled all summer before new manager (in true queens fashion) in recruited? 

Or are the board sitting in the wings, awaiting the tick in the box from SPFL, new manager has been identified and its just paperwork to complete everything.... which would be massively unlike us and a huge bonus so the manager can have the down time to select his squad...

We can't sign players until they know who they are playing for, we can't sign a manager unless he knows who he's working for...... or will we see anymore board changes????

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