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The Queen of the South thread

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Defo, won't be long before teams like Falkirk will be ahead of us when we go into free fall.

Why should we go into free fall. Kerr is a loss but we have a very decent squad and some important players coming back from injury. That plus a wage freed up to look to replace Kerr should we choose to do so. Disappointed Kerr has gone and we will miss him on the field but scarcely reason to run up the white flag just yet.

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Why should we go into free fall. Kerr is a loss but we have a very decent squad and some important players coming back from injury. That plus a wage freed up to look to replace Kerr should we choose to do so. Disappointed Kerr has gone and we will miss him on the field but scarcely reason to run up the white flag just yet.

I know sarcasm can be hard to detect from behind a computer screen but jeeso.

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Why should we go into free fall. Kerr is a loss but we have a very decent squad and some important players coming back from injury. That plus a wage freed up to look to replace Kerr should we choose to do so. Disappointed Kerr has gone and we will miss him on the field but scarcely reason to run up the white flag just yet.

Agree I see no reason with the injured players coming back and our first half of the season form, that we cant stay in 4th. We not still only 2 points off of third? Edited by QosLoyal
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The team has been playing well apart from the performance against Cowdenbeath and, for some players, Alloa. No evidence to suggest there has been disharmony for a long period. Kerr's behaviour became a problem the minute he had a go at the coaching staff in the dressing room. The next question was how does Fowler respond? The answer was: swiftly, and ruthlessly. Some may think it is too decisive but it is much better than keeping Kerr there. Two questions now: how does the manager deal with the underlying problem re: coaching staff? how do we replace Kerr? If the manager continues with Jim Thomson then others may become restless, too, since he would appear unwilling to accept criticism - people may begin to sympathise with Kerr. But if Fowler brings in an experienced assistant and an adequate replacement for Kerr, then this could be a master stroke in Fowler's development. He would show he is a manager willing to learn, but not willing to accept disrespect to his authority or disruption to the team group.

Edited by Margaret Thatcher
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I know sarcasm can be hard to detect from behind a computer screen but jeeso.

Agree I see no reason with the injured players coming back and our first half of the season form, that we cant stay in 4th. We not still only 2 points off of third?

Apologies but good to see I`m not alone in having a defective detector. :lol:

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I'm not surprised by his apparent second comment, I had heard at the game on Saturday that the players are unhappy with the training, so it appears there is more to this than just Kerr.

I am glad to see such a strong reaction from Fowler with this though, shows he has a ruthless streak about him.

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I'm not surprised by his apparent second comment, I had heard at the game on Saturday that the players are unhappy with the training, so it appears there is more to this than just Kerr.

I am glad to see such a strong reaction from Fowler with this though, shows he has a ruthless streak about him.

Unhappy in what sense?

Badly structured, too easy or are the poor little lambs being made to graft harder than before?

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The team has been playing well apart from the performance against Cowdenbeath and, for some players, Alloa. No evidence to suggest there has been disharmony for a long period. Kerr's behaviour became a problem the minute he had a go at the coaching staff in the dressing room. The next question was how does Fowler respond? The answer was: swiftly, and ruthlessly. Some may think it is too decisive but it is much better than keeping Kerr there. Two questions now: how does the manager deal with the underlying problem re: coaching staff? how do we replace Kerr? If the manager continues with Jim Thomson then others may become restless, too, since he would appear unwilling to accept criticism - people may begin to sympathise with Kerr. But if Fowler brings in an experienced assistant and an adequate replacement for Kerr, then this could be a master stroke in Fowler's development. He would show he is a manager willing to learn, but not willing to accept disrespect to his authority or disruption to the team group.

I can't get hung up on this experienced assistant thing, reeks of harking back to dinosaur type management. For me get another youthful, new-thinking coach with a good level of playing experience married to a steely determination and willingness to assert authority. Maybe even a player-assistant manager/coach.

I think the Queens Board have signalled their intent Post-Gus and it's not Old School, is that why our coaches below 1st team level are of a progressive thinking bent?

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The rumours of training being shite have been about for a while. If they are true, and I've no reason to doubt it, then an assistant is essential to help steady the ship.

With regards to Fowler being ruthless, I'm under the impression Kerr asked to have his contract terminated.

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Surely if someone of Kerr's experience is unhappy with aspects of the management he could have sought a private meeting with the Manager and aired his concerns sensitively. To do so in front of all the players in the dressing room on the back of a disappointing result was the last place to do so.

No way back unfortunately.

I am not privy to the inner workings of the training and tactical regime being deployed but if I compare the performance of the team and the quality of the football McIntyre v Fowler - I would go with Fowler. It took McIntyre an inordinate time to abandon that mal functioning 4-2-3-1 formation not to mention a number of highly dubious selections.

It is early days for Fowler but the players seemed desperate for him to be appointed - now is the time to stand up and be counted.

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The rumours of training being shite have been about for a while. If they are true, and I've no reason to doubt it, then an assistant is essential to help steady the ship.

With regards to Fowler being ruthless, I'm under the impression Kerr asked to have his contract terminated.

I can believe the last bit. I don't see how you could require someone to walk from a contract unless you were formally dismissing them for gross misconduct, which is clearly not what's happening here.

I am concerned about this. I doubt if it's strengthened Fowler's position at all, and it does suggest disquiet which you'd imagine must be more widely felt.

Again, I'm guessing here - I certainly don't know anything. It just seems a pity that it's all gone so sour since the euphoria of the Rangers game.

I'm also alarmed by the rumoured prospect of a fired up Kerr, lining up against us in a crunch fixture at Falkirk in mid-January.

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I can believe the last bit. I don't see how you could require someone to walk from a contract unless you were formally dismissing them for gross misconduct, which is clearly not what's happening here.I am concerned about this. I doubt if it's strengthened Fowler's position at all, and it does suggest disquiet which you'd imagine must be more widely felt.Again, I'm guessing here - I certainly don't know anything. It just seems a pity that it's all gone so sour since the euphoria of the Rangers game.I'm also alarmed by the rumoured prospect of a fired up Kerr, lining up against us in a crunch fixture at Falkirk in mid-January.

Not overly disappointed that we might match up against Kerr he has blown hot & very cold at times almost freezing.
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