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8 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

The only good coming of this, is that Adams' is utterly setting fire to his managerial career in the process the longer this goes on.

He'll blame everyone but himself and walk back into a job in League 2 in England, sadly.

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Really wanted this to work out as he is a legend of the club and gave us great memories in the past, but this time I think it’s curtains our next game is rangers away and I really don’t see where we get a result from that one with or without adams in charge

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1 hour ago, 2426255 said:

It's funny how Adams being direct and honest in his interviews gets labelled bizarre - don't get that.


It’s not his job to give honest interviews- his job is to motivate and set up a team to win. Everything that comes out his mouth undermines his primary responsibilities. That’s what’s bizarre.


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I don’t follow RC closely (I’m sure Stags fans will be the same with us) but would be keen to hear whether DA has come out in recent weeks with any suggestion that maybe he is getting things wrong?

Easy to say that players aren’t engaging or executing a plan; less common to hear the manager admit he’s failing to engage the players or construct a plan that they can execute. The latter approach sets managers up for positions elsewhere and is a staple lesson in the Shitebag Manager handbook. 

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1 hour ago, 2426255 said:

If he leaves by mutual consent my respect for the man would increase because it's very uncommon for a manager to admit defeat and walk away if things aren't working instead opting to wait to be paid off. It's funny how Adams being direct and honest in his interviews gets labelled bizarre - don't get that.

If it's only a short stint back in Scotland then it's been an interesting introduction to him and I like his style, but above all how straightforward he is. I thought he might have been playing 4D chess initially after the Dundee game, but I think I was wrong on that one - he was just giving his honest take which is probably better.

You can still depart by 'mutual consent' and get paid off at the same time, in fact that usually is the case. Also ridiculously exaggerating something isn't being direct and honest. 

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34 minutes ago, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

It’s not his job to give honest interviews- his job is to motivate and set up a team to win. Everything that comes out his mouth undermines his primary responsibilities. That’s what’s bizarre.


I don't think there was a question of the team being motivated against Celtic. Correlation doesn't equal causation. Losing a game doesn't mean the players aren't motivated or set up to win.

We simply don't know if his interviews have affected the players because there have been some stinking results and some good performances. How many of the January signings played last night? - I don't think they'd be affected by previous interviews. Your observation is too general and not taking into account the detail.

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Let's give Adams the benefit of the doubt and say it was done to motivate his players. What it seems to have done is actually motivate the opposition, every team talk now from opposing managers will include "this guy thinks you're shite".

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20 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

I don't think there was a question of the team being motivated against Celtic. Correlation doesn't equal causation. Losing a game doesn't mean the players aren't motivated or set up to win.

We simply don't know if his interviews have affected the players because there have been some stinking results and some good performances. How many of the January signings played last night? - I don't think they'd be affected by previous interviews. Your observation is too general and not taking into account the detail.

I've always respected your right to voice an opinion, and never criticised you for that unlike others..... But having watched that last night it had all the hallmarks of a manager having lost the dressing room.  Surely you must concede Adams' post match interviews have borne futility on the pitch?

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11 minutes ago, Pete the Jakey said:

I've always respected your right to voice an opinion, and never criticised you for that unlike others..... But having watched that last night it had all the hallmarks of a manager having lost the dressing room.  Surely you must concede Adams' post match interviews have borne futility on the pitch?

I'm not sure what Borne futility means. How do you square losing the dressing room with Jenks, King, Ayina, Borthwick-Jackson and Wickens starting and Efete coming off the bench. Why would they come to Ross County if they didn't like him? Perhaps the rest, but they were trying against Celtic. 

I don't think he's lost the dressing room, maybe a few individuals and maybe in adversity they have less resilience because of his interviews, but lost the dressing room is an exaggeration in my view. It just doesn't stack up neatly with the evidence.

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Are Jenks, King, Borthwick-Jackson et al.  any better than his last round of continental signings back in the day?   I’m really not convinced.  


Edited by Savage Henry
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5 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

I'm not sure what Borne futility means. How do you square losing the dressing room with Jenks, King, Ayina, Borthwick-Jackson and Wickens starting and Efete coming off the bench. Why would they come to Ross County if they didn't like him? Perhaps the rest, but they were trying against Celtic. 

I don't think he's lost the dressing room, maybe a few individuals and maybe in adversity they have less resilience because of his interviews, but lost the dressing room is an exaggeration in my view. It just doesn't stack up neatly with the evidence.

Borne futility : resulted in uselessness. 

To be dismantled 5-0 (which could easily have been 8-0) suggests a total breakdown in management to me.  The loan signings have come to the club because their parent club said yes when Derek phoned and offered to pay their wages.  

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Just now, Pete the Jakey said:

Borne futility : resulted in uselessness. 

To be dismantled 5-0 (which could easily have been 8-0) suggests a total breakdown in management to me.  The loan signings have come to the club because their parent club said yes when Derek phoned and offered to pay their wages.  

Thanks. I don't think we'll agree on this so probably better just to end it here. Have a good one mate.

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I think Eli King has the constituent parts to become a decent player in the future. Wickens has made some decent saves too. The rest of the new signings look an absolute shambles. Cameron Borthwick-Jackson is a woeful player and I am absolutely astounded he was such a bright prospect under Van Gaal at United. 

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28 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

I think Eli King has the constituent parts to become a decent player in the future. Wickens has made some decent saves too. The rest of the new signings look an absolute shambles. Cameron Borthwick-Jackson is a woeful player and I am absolutely astounded he was such a bright prospect under Van Gaal at United. 

Memo to uncle Roy: get Van Gaal.

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It’s the same old song every single season for the club and it’s honestly pathetic. Smacks of incompetence and arrogance in the first degree. 

Pretry sure last summer we were told that last season would not be repeated and that we were to expect better going forward. This coming from CEO Of The Year?? Give me a break!

Very clear that the club is rotten from top to bottom with no clear drive or direction other than just staying up. If that’s the case, what is the point on going to games hoping for a result and dreaming of a top half finish?


It screams very poor business management above all else with no accountability or clue about sports management/organisation at all. They need to do so much better now, the masks have slipped and we can’t allow them to BS any further.

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Nobody is wanting Malky back, it was the correct decision to sack him. 

However, the players appeared to still want to play for Malky. Whereas now, it looks like 'Mr. Motivator' Adams may have completely lost the dressing room. 

It's difficult also expecting the new players to suddenly gel.

I'd settle for the play off place now tbh. Worried we could finish bottom. Hope I'm wrong.

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