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How do you solve a problem like the Scottish Premiership?

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5 minutes ago, gannonball said:

Yeah like I say as much I absolutely love watching us in Europe  it's absolutely fucked our league. The best thing that can realistically happen now tbh is this super league actually still happens and takes a large amount of TV cash with it to bridge the gap.

I agree. I actually thought 'a super league' would have been a bad solution to a terrible problem. Instead we are getting a new version of the CL which in my view still inches closer to a super league by default eventually. This doesn't address any of the current issues, in fact it exasperates them even more.

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5 minutes ago, ahemps said:

I agree. I actually thought 'a super league' would have been a bad solution to a terrible problem. Instead we are getting a new version of the CL which in my view still inches closer to a super league by default eventually. This doesn't address any of the current issues, in fact it exasperates them even more.

It's for the same reason we ever got a Champions' League in the first place.

The big clubs under people like Berlusconi pressured UEFA to bugger up their competitions lest they'd break away.

The Super League nonsense was a similar step.  Disgusting as the concept was, I hoped it would happen, because many of those who'd have been shafted, thoroughly deserved it.

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13 minutes ago, ahemps said:

I agree. I actually thought 'a super league' would have been a bad solution to a terrible problem. Instead we are getting a new version of the CL which in my view still inches closer to a super league by default eventually. This doesn't address any of the current issues, in fact it exasperates them even more.

From a Scottish point of view, the eventual breakaway Super League will help us. Only the most brain dead Celtgers fans could believe that either of them would be invited to join. Therefore the huge financial gap caused in no small measure by UEFA money would diminish over time. Both would still be miles ahead of the rest financially but the gap would undoubtedly reduce over time

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I'm not as opposed to the super league as many are. Some clubs have outgrown their domestic setups so why persist with what we've got or wish it could be what it was 50yrs ago. Let some of the bigger clubs form a super league of 18/36 and leave them to it. I would still watch it and I would be more likely to return to the domestic game knowing it is a fairer fight.

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4 minutes ago, CambieBud said:

From a Scottish point of view, the eventual breakaway Super League will help us. Only the most brain dead Celtgers fans could believe that either of them would be invited to join. Therefore the huge financial gap caused in no small measure by UEFA money would diminish over time. Both would still be miles ahead of the rest financially but the gap would undoubtedly reduce over time

I think there wold be a period where they may get invited. They wouldn't be in the 1st wave but if they created a 2nd tier they may get invited to that although I think bigger markets like Turkey would be ahead of them.

A super league would kill off European cup competition or at least it would lose the huge finances it gets. The gaps would remain but they may be at a level where we see the odd other team win the league. I would actually be accepting of that even if the OF still win 70-80% of leagues but the games were closer and they weren't dishing out hidings every week.


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2 hours ago, ahemps said:

I'm not as opposed to the super league as many are. Some clubs have outgrown their domestic setups so why persist with what we've got or wish it could be what it was 50yrs ago. Let some of the bigger clubs form a super league of 18/36 and leave them to it. I would still watch it and I would be more likely to return to the domestic game knowing it is a fairer fight.

I sort of agree with this but must be ability for clubs to get promoted & relegated.

Getting the Colts in the league is all about having a presence when they eventually leave IMO.

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19 hours ago, ahemps said:

I'm not as opposed to the super league as many are. Some clubs have outgrown their domestic setups so why persist with what we've got or wish it could be what it was 50yrs ago. Let some of the bigger clubs form a super league of 18/36 and leave them to it. I would still watch it and I would be more likely to return to the domestic game knowing it is a fairer fight.

I was totally against it at the time, but have, like you, come round to this way of seeing things. Celtic and Rangers being in the Scottish Premiership is a waste of everyone's time now, and you can repeat that across Europe to greater or lesser extents.

It would have to be managed right though. Stipulations should be no return within ten years, reassessed every decade, and if they do return at any time, there's a huge tax on them doing so (to be shared equally by the other clubs) and some kind of spending cap on them in place to avoid it just being even worse in a decade's time if they are fed up having won nothing in all that time but are exponentially richer than now.

Clubs left behind would also need to completely reassess wealth distribution to avoid a scenario where any club can hoard wealth to this extent again. This would rely on good heads on shoulders at the other clubs. I see little evidence of this in boardrooms, to be honest.

An unpleasant consequence of this would almost certainly be accepting B-Teams, and that would need to be managed in terms of how high up the pyramid they can go. I don't support the idea of B-Teams at all, but I think it would be an inevitable bargaining chip.

Edited by DoingThe42
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If any teams make group stage of champions league then their league prize money should be split among the lower 10. 

Celtic and rangers made group stages last season. 40 mil odd each. 

League prize money between them about 6 mil total (drop in the ocean to them). That’s 600k each to the other 10 clubs. Or allocate 5mil to top league and the other mil split down the leagues.

500k extra to the other clubs would be massive.

Wouldn’t make an instant change but allows for teams to up their quality slightly. 

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve never wanted rid of them. I’ve always preferred an environment with fairness that we could actually compete and beat them. 

Unfortunately that ship has sailed and no one seems to be interested in such a wild suggestion. So they can f**k off. 

But they can keep their £50m a year. If they go, then fucking go. Clean slate for Scottish football free from all of it. 

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23 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

He's spitting facts.

Anyone who says the quality would drop does not consider the excitement level of such a massively competitive league would more than offset any technical ability drops.

i've said for years that the game up here would be better if those 2 fucked off...just look at the premiership this season to see how exciting it would be...i also think crowds would go up as more games actually meant something....the fans are there as was shown by the united/raith game at the weekend...something to play for and the fans will turn out.

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34 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

Totally agree. Even if losing those 2 meant that our champions only initially got into the Conference League because of co-efficients or whatever then it would still be a far preferable setup to what we currently have by a million miles.

Thing is, even the very, very worst coefficients in Europe still gain 4 European places now with the expanded competitions.

Worst case scenario (and I'm talking Gibraltar or San Marino levels) we'd get Champions going into very first qualifying round and 3 teams in first qualifying round of conference league. That's on the basis that Scotland would sink to lower than those two which isn't going to happen.

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56 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I’ve never wanted rid of them. I’ve always preferred an environment with fairness that we could actually compete and beat them. 

Unfortunately that ship has sailed and no one seems to be interested in such a wild suggestion. So they can f**k off. 

But they can keep their £50m a year. If they go, then fucking go. Clean slate for Scottish football free from all of it. 

I'd take their money, as reparations...

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5 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

He's spitting facts.

Anyone who says the quality would drop does not consider the excitement level of such a massively competitive league would more than offset any technical ability drops.

I would love to see everyone go mental building squads they think capable of a title challenge the first season they f**k off. 
I don’t think there would have been a more keenly anticipated league season since the very first?
It would utterly regenerate the game IMO. 


…What happens if only Hearts and Aberdeen won the title for the first 40 years? Do we f**k them off as well?

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It would probably be fairly competitive, with numerous winners, as long as nobody managed to reach the Champions League properly.

As soon as someone did and got the money involved then it likely just reverts to dominance for one side pretty quickly.

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4 hours ago, RawB93 said:

I would love to see everyone go mental building squads they think capable of a title challenge the first season they f**k off. 
I don’t think there would have been a more keenly anticipated league season since the very first?
It would utterly regenerate the game IMO. 


…What happens if only Hearts and Aberdeen won the title for the first 40 years? Do we f**k them off as well?

If Hearts and Aberdeen only won the title for the first 40 years it would be because they were the best among a far more level playing field. Not because the had 20 times the budget of all other clubs combined and had every referee and media outlet doing their bidding. 


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Old Firm fans are all over the replies to the Levein clip with their usual thin-skinned nonsense, saying that Scottish crowds and TV money would immediately drop to the level of Wales or Ireland.

I'm sure fans of every other team in Scotland will suddenly stop going without the prospect of finishing a million points behind those two every season. Future Raith Rovers vs Dunfermline matches being played in front of a crowd of 180 because Luton vs Celtic is on the telly that lunchtime.

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