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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

Clown Job

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Ffs, why do discussions on here need to head in such a direction?


7 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

You were clearly implying that nobody was saying Sir Keir’s Labour is exactly the same as the current Tories.

 That's not the case.

It’s a mystery alright.

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14 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Is the Scottish parliament (currently) more representative of the voters who reside in Scotland, than the Scottish MP's who take part in the UK parliament given the disparity of populations between Scotland and England? Of course. And yes, in an Independent Scottish parliament you get the government which the party with the largest number of seats represents, same as you do at Westminster, or elsewhere.

Under the current system the SNP will still dominate the Independent Scottish parliament though. 

Also, even though it is down the list of priorities, I still fail to see how having your interest rates (which are a large driver of economic policy) as well as your lender of last resort being held by a 'foreign' government is really 'Independence', as the proposal to use sterling for some time makes it. 

Rather it is more a Scottish parliament with 'more' powers, following a Yes vote.

Ok, we get it, you are against Independence, it’s a perfectly valid position to take.

You feel this place is just an echo chamber & that Yes posters should have all the answers, we don’t & it’s impossible to know exactly what Scotland will look like after Independence. There are just too many factors - who will the SG be negotiating with on behalf of rUK? What will the EU say after a valid Yes vote, etc etc.

I want Independence for many reasons, the main one being that I view Scotland as a different persuasion politically & socially from England & Wales, we have an electorate that wanted to remain in the EU, who welcomes immigrants (we need them), are more left leaning in aspects of social care….. I could go on, but feel I’m de-railing this point & laugh thread. Pop over to the Indy Ref thread & make a case for the Union. Please. 

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I've always been fascinated by the fact that insofar as politics inside England is concerned, for all the flag-shagging, British nationalist, pro-union hark back to the Empire shite goes down great, you could equally as viably stand on a 'lets have a referendum on booting the manky sponging Jocks out' platform and you'd also hoover up a massive share of the vote for that alone.

Maybe instead of campaigning for a 2nd Scots Indi ref, the SNP should instead be campaigning for a 1st English Scots Indi Ref.

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42 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Funnily enough, no. You will find all the answers in some detail, on immigration, trade unions, Independence, the economy, Europe and more on this one, and the 'What is the point of Labour'.

What we don't have beyond 'get the government you vote for', is answers on what an Independent Scotland will look like though.

Well obviously, given that we've not had that opportunity, however when we look at the likes of Ireland and more recently Slovakia we could make pretty decent assumptions on how things would work out.

What we CAN say for sure, is that the status quo of being ruled from Westminster is a complete and utter shambles and is detrimental to almost every single one of us.

Why would anyone in their right mind choose definite failure over hope ???

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Just now, Jedi said:

You really have lost me here.....as a Labour supporter I am tears at the crumbling of the Tories? Ah, I think I might get it....that's because Labour are the same as the Tories.

Yes they are as far as Scotland is concerned, they support Brexit and are anti Scottish Independence.

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Just now, MuckleMoo said:

Watching BBC news. Tory MP for Dudley currently being interviewed banging the drum for Johnstone. Never seen him before but he's a fucking c**t!

I think that some sanity may break out before long. Most of the loonies who want BJ are doing the rounds, but there are literally hundreds of tory MPs who think hes a fuckwit.

The 1922 committee will require a hurdle of - say 75 MPs - who are willing to say "aye, this is the guy for me".

Bearing in mind BJ still has a standards committee hearing (which he probably comes out of poorly), I think its only the real bammers who are sticking their necks on the block right now.

More chance of it being a runoff with Sunak and Mordaunt and the membership - again - voting for the "non brown" candidate.

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