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Monarchy debate/discussion

Richey Edwards

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22 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Probably equally appropriate. 

Found a decent twitter thread discussing the event. Seems it was Trevor McDonald hosting it anyway...



It's a bit bizarre that footage doesn't seem to have survived. You'd think somebody might have taped it and stuck it up on YouTube at some point.

I swear Stewart was involved somehow. He was my local news anchor at the time, and was a massive bell-end; the kind of smug p***k who'd lecture the homeless about getting a job.

Edit: that Twitter thread reveals where my name confusion came from - "Do You Want a Monarchy?" was the question posed for the phone-in.


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As the monarchists are so keen to drag us back to the middle ages, with their absurd pageantry, religious leaders and loyal oaths, maybe some wit in the TV studio could interrupt transmission with a clip of "Lets do the Time Warp Again", which, of course features participants dressed almost as ridiculously as those who'll be at the coronation. 

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What's the odds on Just Stop Oil or those animal tits from the Grand National showing up? Personally would prefer a Fathers for Justice superhero appearance but they've gone a bit quiet.

Interested to see whether they'd take them out quietly with snipers or whether the feathery guys on horses would charge with sabres drawn. 

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37 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:


I frankly couldn't believe that someone thought this crass attempt at force-feeding 'loyalty' would be well received. And I would expect that a couple of million people who were previously disinterested but not minded to become overly involved will likely now take quite a hostile stance.

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In fairness to the BBC they did have a bit of proper journalism on the News channel last night looking at changing attitudes to the monarchy. Several sceptical types given a voice with no contextual attempt to make them look like anarcho-bolshevist outsider lunatics.

That'll be the 'balance' element over, though. I notice BBC 1 and 2 are on the Coro Nation all day on Saturday. Are they both going to be the same?

Re potential protestors: Big Ears is going to and from the Abbey in a horse-drawn carriage, so Just Stop Oil should have no objection, though the animal protestors might have a go. Or perhaps the two groups will just squabble together.

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Some of these people are so detached from reality its incredible.

Nicholas Soames was on the Laura Kuennesberg show and said that on Coronation Day we will all be “swept along on this extraordinary bow wave of ceremony, music and magnificence” that will unite the country.

Au contraire Nick, auld son - I will be having a few beers with friends before the Hibs - St Mirren match and hoping a bomb scare spoiled their day.

We scrimped and saved for 2 years to pay for our wedding 20 years ago - didnt grudge it, its what normal people do.

The thought that a fucking billionaire has his (somewhat more expensive) tab picked up by the taxpayer is disgusting while millions are in poverty.

But, aye lets pledge alliegance to that kunt.

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I think being a dad is making me more angry by this stuff. 

Dropped the wee one off at nursery this morning and there’s bunting up and ‘god save the king’ memorabilia etc. 

Its infuriating. Why do I not get a say in you teaching my 2 year old this shite? Not to mention I’m getting absolutely ripped off for the pleasure. 


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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

I think being a dad is making me more angry by this stuff. 

Dropped the wee one off at nursery this morning and there’s bunting up and ‘god save the king’ memorabilia etc. 

Its infuriating. Why do I not get a say in you teaching my 2 year old this shite? Not to mention I’m getting absolutely ripped off for the pleasure. 

Sounds like you could use some British lessons yourself, mate! Are country are rules, you don't like it you can leave, etc!

(looking forward to the inevitable troll accounts coming out with this stuff as we get closer to The Big Day)

TBF to the nursery, when my son was tiny I got the impression that a lot of what they do is geared towards reflecting whatever's going on in the world at the time. Some of the poor wee buggers have parents who never talk to them, so things like this coronation pish are confusing and it maybe helps them understand what's going on a bit more. Depressing as f**k when that came up in conversation back in the day!

I'd imagine 9/11 and 7/7 must have been tricky times for nursery teachers  :shutup

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

I think being a dad is making me more angry by this stuff. 

Dropped the wee one off at nursery this morning and there’s bunting up and ‘god save the king’ memorabilia etc. 

Its infuriating. Why do I not get a say in you teaching my 2 year old this shite? Not to mention I’m getting absolutely ripped off for the pleasure. 


My Mum's cousin is in her 80s, and in a care home. The big activity they've had the codgers doing this past week?

Colouring in Union Flags for the bunting. 

She's raging. Always has been a republican.

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

My Mum's cousin is in her 80s, and in a care home. The big activity they've had the codgers doing this past week?

Colouring in Union Flags for the bunting. 

She's raging. Always has been a republican.

Hope she doesn't accidentally get all the colours wrong.


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29 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Looks like I’m the only one on here looking forward to Saturday’s festivities.

What festivities. Unless turning on the tv you wouldn't know it was happening in 95% of Scotland and I doubt it's too different in large swathes of the UK. The vast, vast majority of people will be going about their normal weekend routines. It's this that is currently infuriating the likes of the BBC, Daily Heil, Express etc and why there has been a move towards a "force feeding" of it. See today's instruction to EFL clubs to play GSTK as the latest attempt to force us to engage. 

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I posted this on the Normal Island thread, but it's worth repeating here

14 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

The warning before the Frankie Boyle programme on C4 tonight - "This programme may contain views on the monarchy which some find offensive".

They should be broadcasting that message before any pro-monarchy programme as well then


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44 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

What festivities. Unless turning on the tv you wouldn't know it was happening in 95% of Scotland and I doubt it's too different in large swathes of the UK. The vast, vast majority of people will be going about their normal weekend routines. It's this that is currently infuriating the likes of the BBC, Daily Heil, Express etc and why there has been a move towards a "force feeding" of it. See today's instruction to EFL clubs to play GSTK as the latest attempt to force us to engage. 

Catching up with friends and family then going to a Coronation gala day which will have plenty for the kids.

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