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Monarchy debate/discussion

Richey Edwards

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24 countries the Queen was crowned head of state of in the 1950s, now down to 14.

And that was with a popular queen, not her idiot son who is widely disliked.

Let's get it to zero!

They are running quite a masterful PR campaign, one that they have been planning for decades. The queen steadfastly refused to pay income tax most of her life before eventually 'volunteering' when she was about 65. Whilst other European monarchies have cut costs and got regular jobs she developed a bloated, expensive system of 14 'working royals'.

She would always prioritise the interest of her family ahead of the country, including using tax payers money to bail out her peadophile son.

Even if they are deposed (which the royals all know will happen eventually, and it's something they plan for) they won't have to work another 1000 years due to the wealth she successfully plundered.

Good riddance.

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The hilarious stuff is that Kinky and his ilk will be watching the FM, Blackford, the SNP and all the little Labour cretins like a hawk to see if there are any microscopic imagined infractions or disrespect that they can hystericallly splurt all over the news.


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11 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Oh there is.   Aside from the excellent FPTP system - which allows for unparalleled voter accountability - Britain needs major constitutional reform including:

-An elected revising/upper chamber
-The end of state religion in England
-A similar end to a national kirk in Scotland
-And - above all - the abolition of a hereditary head of state.

Scotland's First Minister had the chance to make a stand yesterday.  Instead?  She shat the bed and signed off on 'protestant, unionist  and monarchist' stuff that I certainly wouldn't have.

If those are your beliefs, they are similar to mine (except add in Independence).

However, your last paragraph is a wee bit silly.

Its clear to anyone that the First Minister, regardless of their religion and politics, receiving the hearse of the Queen in an official capacity, would behave in exactly the same way as NS did.

There are times to state their politics, beliefs, and hopes for the country..................and other times to keep the trap shut.

Yesterday was obviously not the former.

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19 hours ago, San Starko Rover said:

Anti monarchy aside (given the choice I’d get rid of the lot). I worked with a guy who’s other half had worked with the Royals at Buckingham Palace. She said Charles is by far the nicest of them and goes out his way to get to know the people who work with the Royals. However he’s never had the press onside after Diana which obviously effects public opinion. I think he’s probably going to try and make the changes required and trim the fat of the RF as the Swedish did. His problem is definitely he likes to get politically involved when it’s something he’s passionate about. I could see quite a few countries removing the monarchy as HOS now the Queen is dead but it’ll limp on in the UK for at least William to be King. Let’s hope we’re away before then and independent.  

An independent Scotland would have Chuckles as Head of State for the foreseeable future. Maybe we'd even live to see the unbridled joy emanating from Ibrox due to living under another King Billy, albeit one that's likely to disappoint with regard to Catholic oppression.

It would be interesting to know how many people who'd vote for independence would change their mind if it meant losing the Windsors as Heads of State. The answer is likely "enough", but it's a weird thought.

16 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Second video is the only one I wanted to attach as the other was posted earlier in the thread.

Speaking of princes, I remember Kevin Smith being disappointed after meeting Prince (the sexy musical dwarf) because of his entitled behaviour. One of His Royal Badness' assistants said that he wasn't being deliberately disrespectful, he'd just lived a life of unimaginable privilege for so long, with people telling him that he was great and catering for his every whim, that he could no longer comprehend that the world didn't revolve around him, and that sometimes requests were either unreasonable or impossible. And that was someone who'd only achieved that kind of status in adulthood (although maybe his maw didn't kick his arse enough too).

f**k the Windsors, obviously, but Chuckles is probably about as "nice" a person as you could get from a system that raises children with entire nations as subjects, surrounded by servants to meet their smallest desire. He's obviously made a decision to at least feign interest in other people and issues like the environment, but he'll still have a massive blind spot for presuming that the vast majority of us exist to do his bidding, because it's all he's ever known. Being confronted with any other reality would be as unimaginable as us finding that our toothbrushes were refusing to be used to clean our teeth anymore.

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24 minutes ago, btb said:

Tesco still playing elegiac music as opposed to their normal Radio Smooth fare - it's what she would've wanted. :whistle

Last week when I was in Tesco, they had the radio off because there was a church choir somehow managing to fill the whole store from the entranceway with their versions of modern pop hits. The staff looked fucking delighted by this turn of events.

You haven't lived until you've had an ear-buggeringly loud version of Ke$ha's TiK ToK screamed at you by jiggling middle-aged Christian women in gaudy sweaters.

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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

“The UK still having a monarchy is all Nippys fault” is some take btw.

Fair play.

It absolutely crucifies some men to have a working class lady so obviously more successful, intelligent and influential than them. 

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19 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Second video is the only one I wanted to attach as the other was posted earlier in the thread.

Wasn’t there an entire exposé written by a former aide about what a dirty b*****d Charles was (insisting on his toothpaste being squeezed for him and his slippers laid out in a certain way so his feet didn’t have to touch the floor)? Or have all copies been burnt on a pyre outside St Paul’s Cathedral by the Archbishop of Canterbury?

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58 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Being King will be... wait for it...a piece of cake.

I didn't realise that there was such a thing as a Coburg cake, but every day is a school day I suppose.

On a related matter, I've always asked for a German biscuit in the bakers, and I see no reason to stop doing this.

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