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The Official ‘Hi-Risk Anus PM’ Clusterfuck Thread

Granny Danger

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On 23/02/2023 at 18:52, Father Ted said:

Maybe if that useless Tory blob, Coffey ate less there would be more food to go around. Just saying.

Tories are complete failures as human beings and there is no place for Tory ethos in a modern forward thinking society.


No chance that fat kunts the reason theres a shortage of salad

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  • 4 weeks later...

John Crace :-


"A minister who has admitted to using cocaine being sent out to announce a clampdown on laughing gas. Totally normal. A home secretary who can’t be trusted to stay on message. Totally normal. A government prepared to break international law by deporting refugees. Totally normal. An environment secretary permanently at war with herself and the farming community. Totally normal. A chancellor unbothered by a 4% hit to GDP from Brexit. Totally normal. A prime minister who finds all the above totally normal. Totally normal.

It’s sometimes easy to forget just how toxic the Conservative brand really is. How low the bar for normal politics has become. So when we come across a prime minister who appears to manage some of the basics – who gets a few things half-right without crashing the economy, lying through his teeth or starting a civil war in his own party – it’s tempting for some to invest him with superhuman powers. An alien from another world. When in reality he’s only doing what any country has a right to expect from a leader. Strip back the polls and even though Rishi Sunak’s own ratings are improving, those of his party are still through the floor."

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The migrant housing situation is yet another absolute shambles of a policy announcement. Flunkies sent out on the Sunday morning TV rounds to trumpet the move from hotels to army barracks and floating ship based accommodation. By the time it's officially announced in parliament it transpires the floating accommodation plan has been ditched as it's more expensive than hotels and the barracks policy in disarray as the Nimbys lead by one of their own cabinet ministers and two of their own Council administrations, are going down the legal route to block it. To top the lot it transpires that there are only 3k places in total with currently 51k in hotel accommodation. A total but typical Tory farce, straight out a 50s Eton comedy.

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The evisceration of Dominic Raab continues :-


"No more Mr Nice Guy. Rishi Sunak has always been keen to project himself as a thoroughly decent bloke. The sort of man even his opponents can trust. Someone who keeps his word. But bit by bit that mask is peeling off. On Wednesday he revealed himself to be an out and out sadist. How else can you explain the decision to leave Dominic “Psycho” Raab in post as his deputy and then skip off to Betty Boothroyd’s funeral, leaving Psycho to step up for prime minister’s questions?"

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18 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

The migrant housing situation is yet another absolute shambles of a policy announcement. Flunkies sent out on the Sunday morning TV rounds to trumpet the move from hotels to army barracks and floating ship based accommodation. By the time it's officially announced in parliament it transpires the floating accommodation plan has been ditched as it's more expensive than hotels and the barracks policy in disarray as the Nimbys lead by one of their own cabinet ministers and two of their own Council administrations, are going down the legal route to block it. To top the lot it transpires that there are only 3k places in total with currently 51k in hotel accommodation. A total but typical Tory farce, straight out a 50s Eton comedy.

The reason there are all these asylum seekers in hotels is because they're not allowed to work until their status is determined. Most have nationalities which means their appeals for asylum will almost certainly be accepted, like Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea etc, but they're stuck in hotels for years when all they want to do is start a new life and could be paying taxes. I've heard it takes a civil servant working full time for 7-10 days to determine whether to grant a single applicant asylum, thus the massive backlog. This has to be a deliberate policy under the hostile environment strategy, inventing red tape and bureaucratic hurdles to slow down the process to make it look like asylum seekers are spongers and to increase hostility.

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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

The reason there are all these asylum seekers in hotels is because they're not allowed to work until their status is determined. Most have nationalities which means their appeals for asylum will almost certainly be accepted, like Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea etc, but they're stuck in hotels for years when all they want to do is start a new life and could be paying taxes. I've heard it takes a civil servant working full time for 7-10 days to determine whether to grant a single applicant asylum, thus the massive backlog. This has to be a deliberate policy under the hostile environment strategy, inventing red tape and bureaucratic hurdles to slow down the process to make it look like asylum seekers are spongers and to increase hostility.

Pretty much any process related to immigration is a total shambles. Settled Status applications had/still have an enormous backlog. 

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  • 2 months later...

Suggestions that wee Rishi might not be in Parliament on Monday to vote on the Partygate report.  That would be a massive error of judgement imo.

Mind you I would be surprised if the ‘wee public schoolboy playing at Prime Minister’ did just that.

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4 hours ago, Suspect Device said:



I expect them to start talking about stopping the boats a bit more. Possibly deploying gunboats and mines. Would probably go down well with some of their voters.

Stopping boats was the answer to rising inflation just now at pmqs in fact it was the answer for everything 

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5 hours ago, Suspect Device said:



I expect them to start talking about stopping the boats a bit more. Possibly deploying gunboats and mines. Would probably go down well with some of their voters.

It’s shit isn’t it?

Pledge 1 is the only measurable one and is still meaningless.  What about  ‘bringing inflation down below the level of comparable European countries’?

Pledge 2 blah and not measurable by the next GE.

Pledge 3 this will happen naturally (but still be hailed as a victory).

Pledge 4 meaningless; our healthcare should be compared to other comparable European countries to see how far we have fallen.

Pledge 5 don’t need new laws for this, but then again this is just red meat for the swivel eyed looneys still intent of voting Conservative at the next GE.

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3 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

A moot point but Tories having even less success at 'stopping the boats' than halving inflation.

It would help if they actually wanted to reduce inflation. But it's all too profitable for their exclusive members club and their party donors. Can't wait until Labour takes over.... and err, does the same.

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12 hours ago, Suspect Device said:



I expect them to start talking about stopping the boats a bit more. Possibly deploying gunboats and mines. Would probably go down well with some of their voters.

Just cracked out the Tory to Truth dictionary, and what I think I've got here is:

1. Half Inflation

Halving inflation to ease a major crisis (that we caused).


2. Economy Growing

Help the Economy grow, but ensure that the working class see the back end of it only.


3. Debt Falling

Reduce national debt


4. Waiting Lists

Try and make waiting lists shorter than the Scotland game's wait - and sell the NHS while we're at it


5. Stop the Boats

"Build that wall" said Trump, "sink that boat", say we!


There may be a couple of translation errors but that's what I think they're really trying to say.

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Rats leaving the sinking ship No. 57!

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace touting himself for the top NATO job - wonder if his constituency is marginal?

Edited by btb
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