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The Pie and Bovril Dead Pool 2023

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2 minutes ago, mathematics said:

Team sent.

Less than a minute later Mrs Mathematics lists off five folk she is sure will die this year.

You should play the celebrity death game with her. Whenever one of you learns first about a celebrity death, your partner has to guess who it is by asking questions… Is it a man? Are they British? Were they a sportsperson? Etc. Mrs Poz read about Vivienne Westwood first… took me a feckin’ age…. Was she an actress? No. Was she a singer? No. Was she a musician? A politician? A newsreader?… Hours of fun for all the family. 😏

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5 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

You should play the celebrity death game with her. Whenever one of you learns first about a celebrity death, your partner has to guess who it is by asking questions… Is it a man? Are they British? Were they a sportsperson? Etc. Mrs Poz read about Vivienne Westwood first… took me a feckin’ age…. Was she an actress? No. Was she a singer? No. Was she a musician? A politician? A newsreader?… Hours of fun for all the family. 😏

That does sound like fun but would then ruin the family group chat game of posting the name of the dead celebrity before anyone else.

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5 minutes ago, Duszek said:

Was furious with myself for forgetting to include Pope Benedict in my 2023 squad, but just see he’s died.


RIP, etc.

I'm still swithering over my squad, got a couple of young pretenders who will be worth more points but do I drop some of the low hanging fruit.... 🤔

It was all done and dusted until Pele and The artist formerly known as the pope threw a curve ball into the mix. Goddammit !

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3 or 4 years ago, I ditched my team of perennial survivors to go with a theme squad. 6 of the original lot karked it that year.

Had I not forgotten to submit my 2022 team, I would've had 3 hits - a personal best.

My 2023 squad ran onto the pitch yesterday and that's one of them gone already. 

I'm not very good at this game. Nevertheless, we go again. Sub forwarded to Señor Sanchez.

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Team submitted, the same useless mob who have got me out for a duck this year in my first ever go at it.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, apparently. Not sure about insanity but it is definitely the definition of stupidity...


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25 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:


Did a bit of research for once but has meant that my picks will likely be more popular picks.

Someone said you generally score higher with more popular pics than trying to be creative. I've gone with 10 popular picks and 5 creatives. The two very popular picks I've left out are Dick van Dyke and Alex Ferguson.

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