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Rangers visit Tannadice 8th January Sky Sports

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2 minutes ago, AJF said:

We’re supposed to believe that this is a handball 😂

His arm close to his body, headed down onto it from around half a yard away. Folk are desperate to make something out of nothing here.

You're only telling half the story by conveniently omitting the fact that the ball only hit Jack's hand because of his push on Fletcher, a push which would no doubt have been seen as a clear offence at the other end.

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That was well produced by Sky very enjoyable watch. United were so unlikely not to take the lead also playing some neat football.  Then bang Rangers score a belter of a goal contender for goal of the season ? Probably.  Second goal killed United.  

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2 minutes ago, Squonk said:

You're only telling half the story by conveniently omitting the fact that the ball only hit Jack's hand because of his push on Fletcher, a push which would no doubt have been seen as a clear offence at the other end.

He pushed Fletcher with his right arm (nowhere near enough for a penalty) and the ball hit his left arm…

You went on about normal rules giving that as a hand ball. His left arm was not in an unnatural position nor was it a deliberate handball given it was headed against his arm from half a yard away. It is never, ever, a penalty mate.

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I think we can all agree that it’s great news Dundee is still standing after the Millwall, Stockport, Chelsea, UVF and UDA invasion today.

I seen posts from local window businesses saying they’d boarded up some pub windows and were offering to do the same for any others. They definitely saw those landlords coming and made an easy profit 😂

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14 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

I think Rangers took the foot off the pedal for the last 15 minutes tbh. We're much better than we were at the start of the season, that's undeniable. However, there didn't seem to be much change in the gameplay after the two goals. I do think we'll be fine...maybe...

I think the big problem we had once the 2nd goal went in was that it took all the pressure off Rangers to chase the game. First half they were pushing a little too aggressively and we had opportunities to counter into the spaces they were leaving at the back. Once it was 2-0 they could afford to drop a little deeper and close that route off to us and we barely got near their goal for the rest of the half.

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4 minutes ago, AJF said:

I think we can all agree that it’s great news Dundee is still standing after the Millwall, Stockport, Chelsea, UVF and UDA invasion today.

I seen posts from local window businesses saying they’d boarded up some pub windows and were offering to do the same for any others. They definitely saw those landlords coming and made an easy profit 😂

Which companies? A couple of my mates run a couple of glazier firms. Tremendously interested in seeing if one is one of the Rangers supporting guys. :lol:

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20 minutes ago, AJF said:

He pushed Fletcher with his right arm (nowhere near enough for a penalty) and the ball hit his left arm…

You went on about normal rules giving that as a hand ball. His left arm was not in an unnatural position nor was it a deliberate handball given it was headed against his arm from half a yard away. It is never, ever, a penalty mate.

We're obviously going to have to agree to disagree on what constitutes a free-kick/penalty and whether it's dependent on which team it affects. You might want to ask yourself though whether you think Messrs Crocker & Walker would at least have made mention of the handball if it'd happened in United's box. I'll leave it at that.

Edited by Squonk
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Decent first half, pathetic second half. Woeful subs in bringing Djoum on when we need to change the game and then taking Fletcher off as we didn’t win a single long ball after his departure, how about bringing Watt and McLeod to feed off of Fletcher and try to get something out of the game. As for putting Archie on with 1 minute to go, what’s the fucking point. 

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11 minutes ago, Squonk said:

We're obviously going to have to agree to disagree on what constitutes a free-kick/penalty and whether it's dependent on which team it affects. You might want to ask yourself though whether you think Messrs Crocker & Walker would at least have made mention of the handball if it'd happened in United's box. I'll leave it at that.

Brother Crocker and Grand Master Walker?  Two weel-kent bluenoses?

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The least i expect from my team when playing the old firm at home is to put some c**t in the air early doors. Cant remember a single thudding challenge go in from us today. Too soft and too passive in midfield when Sevco had the ball. Its alright playing a low block but you need to press high up when the opportunity is there. The only positives i can take from today were the organisation in the first half which never gave them a sniff, and also the fact we didnt collapse after the second goal. Our season wont be defined with results against the Glasgow clubs so onwards and upwards

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