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Are you afraid of dying/death?

Are you afraid of death/dying?  

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No. It comes to us all. I hope I can see my kids raised and alright before it comes, but I’m not afraid of it. 

I had a heart attack in 2019, so I’ve had a trial run. Wasn’t a big fan. When that happens you remember the date and the feeling of ‘f**k, so this is it’.

Edited by Scary Bear
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The people I know who find death a hard subject are people who have faced those closest to them dying unexpectedly or tragically, before their time etc. I’m fortunate enough to have never had to deal with that.

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7 minutes ago, Tynie Bagstock said:

When I was younger never really thought about it.  After my dad died a few years ago that changed.

Not terrified of dying but terrified of dying young and leaving my kids to grow up without me being there.

We've got no relatives so who would look after them, what would happen to them, how would they develop.  My daughter would be fine I think but my son is ridiculously close to me and goes everywhere with me, I'd really worry about him if I died whilst he is still young.

Financially they would be fine with life insurance, pensions etc.

Let me get to 80 in reasonable health and then go thanks 

I’ve just about reached the target you mention in your last sentence and yes, I , and my wife are quite reconciled to it happening anytime. 
We’ve had a wonderful life, great family, very few regrets, and are now doing everything we can manage and going on as many holidays as we feel up to.

Covid held us back a bit in 2020 but having read some wonderful articles by the likes of Lord Sumption, Peter Hitchens and others, we decided to follow our instincts and ignored lockdown restrictions, mask wearing and all dehumanising rules as far as was possible. Our motto is ‘What will be will be’.

So, until the grim reaper arrives, as inevitably it will, onwards and upwards.

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14 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

To me It's an absolute mindfuck. I know that folk say that before you were born there was nothing and after you die there will be nothing, but it's just so hard to get your mind around it, or at least for me it is.

I cannot comprehend an eternity of nothingness, of never existing ever again. My mind cannot get it, I can't understand the reality of it.

Therefore I answer 'yes' to the thread title.

I don't care about the after death part. It's the dying part that will hurt like f**k I bet.


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Not bothered about death, myself. It is shite losing friends, family, loved ones and just general good cuntos that pass before you.

They live on in our memories, so best to think about the good times and don't dwell on things you couldn't change. Easier said than done sometimes.

We are only remembered by those left behind so best to make a decent fist of things while you can. Again, easier said than done at times. 


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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

To me It's an absolute mindfuck. I know that folk say that before you were born there was nothing and after you die there will be nothing, but it's just so hard to get your mind around it, or at least for me it is.

I cannot comprehend an eternity of nothingness, of never existing ever again. My mind cannot get it, I can't understand the reality of it.

Therefore I answer 'yes' to the thread title.

You really need to listen to the Nightwish track - The Greatest Show on Earth - there are two bits in it that help to explain things at the 5.20 minute mark and the 16.30 mark.

If you really want to f**k with your head start thinking about co incidents. If you father had not pumped your mother that night you would not be here likewise if they had not met the night they did,  or if their parents had not had sex that night etc etc backwards in time. 

I used to be really afraid of dying, the thought of eternity of nothingness scared the shit out of me but as I have got older you come to accept the inevitably of it and make the most of what you have.  There is no escaping death so you just have to accept it and embrace the time you have.

You are here for a brief time only it is up to the individual to do what they can to get the most out of life, there is no point lying on your death bed thinking I wish I had done such and such when I had the chance. Grab life by the balls and enjoy it and if possible leave your mark.


Edited by Elric
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