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Next permanent Scotland manager

Richey Edwards


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Does whatever branch of the Free Church she belongs to really class themselves as evangelical, born-again Christians? 

I presumed those labels were preserved for the predominantly American family of splitter churches (Baptists like the world's shittest dentist himself, all the way through to Mormonism).

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Does whatever branch of the Free Church she belongs to really class themselves as evangelical, born-again Christians? 

I presumed those labels were preserved for the predominantly American family of splitter churches (Baptists like the world's shittest dentist himself, all the way through to Mormonism).

I might be wrong, but I think pretty much all Presbyterian churches consider themselves to be evangelical and born-again. The dour oddballs in the Free Church are just a bit quieter about it than their shouty American pals.

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19 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Clownshoes, I'd like to say I missed you but just f**k off! He can't resist the limelight.

I’m fairness I think he was just speaking to the congregation at his own church and the paper somehow picked up on it. I don’t think he went looking for the limelight…

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17 minutes ago, George Cowley said:

I’m fairness I think he was just speaking to the congregation at his own church and the paper somehow picked up on it. I don’t think he went looking for the limelight…

That makes a pleasant change. You may have been able to infer that I can't stand the man. 

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6 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I might be wrong, but I think pretty much all Presbyterian churches consider themselves to be evangelical and born-again. The dour oddballs in the Free Church are just a bit quieter about it than their shouty American pals.

There's been a lot of blurring of lines over the past 50 years but, traditionally, the evangelical born-againers tend to be those of an anabaptist independent church persuasion emphasising individual salvation and personal testimony to the grace of God.   Traditionally, their theology followed that of the Dutch bloke, Arminius.

Presbyterians, including Free Kirkers, tend to be Calvinistic in their theology with an emphasis on predestination and election.  'The Chosen' if you like and, in terms of ecclesiology, would emphasise church collectivity (handily called presbyteries) as the administrative body for a district or area.

So I'd certainly consider Presbyterian denominations as historically different to the evangelical free churches but some congregations may adopt that appearance.  

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With the new SNP leader facing a formal vote to become first minister at Holyrood on Tuesday, Slater told delegates gathering in Clydebank on Saturday: “We will only vote for the SNP’s new leader to become first minister if they are committed to the politics of cooperation; if they respect and share our values of equality and environmentalism; if they will prioritise climate justice; and if they agree that trans rights are human rights and that our trans siblings cannot be used as political fodder by Westminster.

“These are fundamental issues for us. They are non-negotiable.”


So the party with 64 seats in Scotland's parliament - one short of an outright majority - must be 'committed to cooperation' or else. While a party with *checks notes* 7 seats thinks that it can slap down no fewer than four different 'non-negotiables'. So cooperation for thee but not for me, as decreed by Lorna Slater, Minister for demented bottle taxes. 🤡

They should be huckled out the door within 0.3 milliseconds of the leadership result being announced, regardless of who wins. 

Edited by vikingTON
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2 hours ago, virginton said:

So the party with 64 seats in Scotland's parliament - one short of an outright majority - must be 'committed to cooperation' or else. While a party with *checks notes* 7 seats thinks that it can slap down no fewer than four different 'non-negotiables'. So cooperation for thee but not for me, as decreed by Lorna Slater, Minister for demented bottle taxes. 🤡

They should be huckled out the door within 0.3 milliseconds of the leadership result being announced, regardless of who wins. 

These moonhowlers need booted post haste.

There will always be their tiny noisy core support, whining about pish naebody is interested in. Surprisingly enough...it will have f**k all to do with the environment.

They suddenly preach hard for independence when there is an election. No interest otherwise but for votes.

Get them tae f**k

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I am sceptical about how wedded the Greens are to independence tbh. I think there is a degree of opportunism on their part. They'd have no seats if they didn't support it as all those list votes from SNP constituency voters would disappear.

It's time they were brought to heel. A confidence and supply deal at most and they'll like it.

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8 hours ago, Trogdor said:

They'd have no seats if they didn't support it as all those list votes from SNP constituency voters would disappear.

I understand your point, but its unlikely they get zero seats.

There are lots of people - even SNP voters - who want some green representation, regardless of their stance on Independence.

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1 minute ago, Leith Green said:

I understand your point, but its unlikely they get zero seats.

There are lots of people - even SNP voters - who want some green representation, regardless of their stance on Independence.

Aye, no seats is a bit extreme on my part. Maybe 2 or 3 seats. 

There will be those who vote Green for Green issues but its not going to be huge. If you look at the 2021 Scottish elections:

The number of votes for the SNP drops by circa 200k from the constituency to the regional list. There are only 2 likely places that vote goes:

Alba - 45k votes (let's assume they are all from the SNP, that leaves 155k regional votes from the SNP constituency vote)

Green - 220k votes (of which let's assume the residual 155k comes from the SNP). If you stripped these out the Greens would have 65k votes on the list which is 2 or 3 seats (depending where those votes are).

Ultimately, the Greens benefit significantly from their association with the SNP. They need to remember that and making demands/ultimatums publicly in the manner they are is not sensible. Especially given the SNP can govern without them. They have very little leverage.

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9 hours ago, Trogdor said:

I am sceptical about how wedded the Greens are to independence tbh. I think there is a degree of opportunism on their part. They'd have no seats if they didn't support it as all those list votes from SNP constituency voters would disappear.

It's time they were brought to heel. A confidence and supply deal at most and they'll like it.

How much Green Environmental policies have been implemented since Greens joined the SG? 

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Finally voted Forbes 1, Yusaf 2. Just figured that Yusaf means inevitable gradual decline with the same old that has stagnated at 45-50% Yes, and few ideas of how to improve powers and performance under devolution apart from tinkering at the edges. Forbes will either crash and burn which would probably mean a new leader after the Westminster election, or there's a small chance she might reenergise the party through changing focus and hopefully she'd be forced to stay well clear of social issues and allow others to deal with that side of policy.

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15 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Finally voted Forbes 1, Yusaf 2. 

Call me Mr Logic, but is there a point putting a second pref if your first choice isn't Regan? She's the only one likely to finish last in the first pref count

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10 minutes ago, orfc said:

Call me Mr Logic, but is there a point putting a second pref if your first choice isn't Regan? She's the only one likely to finish last in the first pref count

Just in case they do a full account of the votes so Regan knows exactly where she is in the pecking order.

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2 hours ago, Leith Green said:

I understand your point, but its unlikely they get zero seats.

There are lots of people - even SNP voters - who want some green representation, regardless of their stance on Independence.

The greens are a shower of complete lunatics, the things being proposed by the green councillors in Glasgow are utter madness, 30mph speed limit on the M8 being just one example. Then the supposed government ministers implementing a complete failure of a bottle deposit scheme which will put prices up for people at point of purchase at a time when everyones wages are stagnant and prices are soaring. Absolute madness and time they were patted on the head and put out to pasture. 

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