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Next permanent Scotland manager

Richey Edwards


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I think it would be up to the candidates but it would be odd if not, at least on BBC Scotland and STV. Not all members will be able to attend hustings and the candidates will be desperate to up their profiles.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I think that's a bit harsh. The anti-abortion lobby and those frowning on things like gender recognition changes and/or same sex marriage aren't exactly quiet at the moment. If they felt that they were pushing against an open door because of a more "socially conservative" First Minister there could be trouble ahead. 

After all, Roe v Wade was settled law in the USA until suddenly it wasn't. 

Scotland and the USA aren't even remotely comparable political systems and cultures. 

The purpose of the SNP is to achieve majority support for independence. You do not accomplish this by choosing issues that wouldn't make the top 50 of the country's concerns, and taking an absolutist moral stand. Calling opposition bigots and c***s over wedge identity issues is not progressing the outcome of Scottish independence, it is driving it into a ditch. 

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40 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I think it would be up to the candidates but it would be odd if not, at least on BBC Scotland and STV. Not all members will be able to attend hustings and the candidates will be desperate to up their profiles.

Candidates would be wise to avoid TV debates like the plague.  Potential to expose massive divisions that we know exist but are only rarely voiced.  

Ash Denham's candidacy now ensures this will happen, since her USP is her opposition to reform on trans issues. 

Give members who can't make meetings a link to watch them on Teams instead.

Edited by sparky88
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If Yusuf wins then we’ll have leaders of the SNP and Labour who are Old Hutchesonians, as both attended Hutcheson’s Grammar, a private school in Glasgow.

Ash Regan privately educated her kids while at the same time working for a left win think tank. Close but no cigar Ash!

Edited by ICTChris
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5 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Candidates would be wise to avoid TV debates like the plague.  Potential to expose massive divisions that we know exist but are only rarely voiced. 

Ash Denham's candidacy now ensures this will happen, since her USP is her opposition to reform on trans issues. 

I've got a maybe naïve hope that bringing the debate into the open will force some rationality into the current hysteria.

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17 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Candidates would be wise to avoid TV debates like the plague.  Potential to expose massive divisions that we know exist but are only rarely voiced. 

Ash Denham's candidacy now ensures this will happen, since her USP is her opposition to reform on trans issues. 

Regan? She has set out some other proposals tbf:

1) Not focusing so much on new legislation (a long-standing issue with the SG since devolution: politicians passing laws as a performative gesture where they do not belong).

2) Starting the A9 and A96 projects imminently (nope - screw car drivers and haulage needs to be done by rail instead) 

3) Binning Slater's nonsense bottle deposit scheme (absolutely correct). 

A mixed bag of priorities, but Yousaf's pitch so far seems to be Continuity Sturgeon plus look at my background, which is not exactly thrilling. 

Any smart new leader would simply leave the GRA under Westminster's current veto, rather than challenging the issue. This puts the onus entirely on the Westminster government to devise its own policy for the UK as a whole, while highlighting the incompatibility of the UK as a system that respects Scotland's democratically passed laws. 

Edited by vikingTON
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5 hours ago, HTG said:

Where that leaves Scotland in the long term is anyone’s guess. The fight for Indian independence would likely have been far longer had Britain not been totally fucked by the war. 

Tell me how the independence of India - occupied as it was by a disproportionately large number of Scots - is in any way comparable to Britain being partitioned.

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Surprised Robertson doesn’t seem to be running. Forbes will declare in the next day or two and that’ll be our field. 

I’ve no idea at all how the voting system works but this Regan character will presumably have an advantage with Yousaf v Forbes taking most of the “sensible” votes. 

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

It's this sort of moral absolutism that is undermining the Yes movement most in this country right now. Stop with the 'edgy' first year Sociology student hot takes and grow up. 

A decent Scotland in the Union is by far a better Scotland than a shite independent one.

We need to be independent because we are being dragged back by scumbags,  there’s absolutely no point in transforming ourselves into scumbags to just be able to declare that at least they’re Scottish scum.

Edited by parsforlife
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1 minute ago, parsforlife said:

A decent Scotland in the Union is by far a better Scotland than a shite independent one.

We need to be independent because we are being dragged back by scumbags,  there’s absolutely no point in transforming ourselves into scumbags to just be able to declare that at least their Scottish scum.

Save this for impressing the QMU crowd M8. 

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1 minute ago, Paco said:

Surprised Robertson doesn’t seem to be running. Forbes will declare in the next day or two and that’ll be our field. 

I’ve no idea at all how the voting system works but this Regan character will presumably have an advantage with Yousaf v Forbes taking most of the “sensible” votes. 

Regan will still need at least 100 nominations from 20 branches to enter the race, not sure if this is certain.

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Jo Cherry loving the shit-stirring.

She's been waiting for this ever since The Murrells changed the rules which forbad - in practise - her standing for Embra Central Holyrood constituency.

The troughers are now free of Nippy Law - which clamped people from dissent - and there's going to be a LOT of blood-letting over the next few weeks as old scores are settled.

I don't have a mortgage but have emptied my gin account to buy popcorn futures. It's printing money.

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If Robertson doesn't enter then we're left with Forbes and it seems like an easy open goal with the anti-abortion & religious stuff for other parties to easily run effective smear campaigns. The thought of the other two is grim.

Any dark horses?

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