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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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10 hours ago, sophia said:

The immediate briefing, seeking to do Kate Forbes down, is interesting to me.

Glen Campbell, summoning up his very best Laura Kuenssberg, was very happy to share with the nation that as a Highland female MSP, Kate was more comfortable with an easier job. Setting aside the obvious red flag tropes, whether this is actually the case or not will be between Kate, Humza and the spin.

Me, I'm not at all happy that there is a focus away from tourism and this doesn't augur well for a one nation leader 



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Fergus Ewing is in open rebellion. Writing in the Heil no less! I wholeheartedly agree with him wrt. the coalition with the Greens. It's a nonsense, it's held up as somehow sacrosanct but for all intents and purposes its useless (much like the Greens).


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12 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Fergus Ewing is in open rebellion. Writing in the Heil no less! I wholeheartedly agree with him wrt. the coalition with the Greens. It's a nonsense, it's held up as somehow sacrosanct but for all intents and purposes its useless (much like the Greens).


Ross Greer isn't taking it well. :lol:


 “Frankly, his brand of conservative politics make him indistinguishable from the Tories on most issues, so if it's a return to the frontbench he's angling for then he probably stands a better chance with his dear friend Douglas Ross than he does with this progressive government, which he so clearly despises. His arguments against the Bute House Agreement are lifted straight from the Conservative hymn sheet, so maybe they're feeding him lines already. Whilst Fergus continues to work against the democratic mandates of both the public and SNP members from the furthest depths of the backbenches, Scottish Greens in government will continue to deliver for the people of Scotland and our planet. From someone so far to the right he'd make Boris Johnson blush, we'll wear his ‘extreme Left’ jibes as a badge of honour.”



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Its early days, everyones entitled to an opinion. Its a bit of both at the moment. Like football when a manager comes in, some will say hes been shite in every other team hes been at and some will say he wasnt that bad it was other external circumstances to blame. Yousaf has to chnage the minds of those thinks he going to be poor and hes going to have to live up to the expectations of those thinking hes good already. 

I guess a year is probably the earliest we will really be able to tell how its going. 

For me I will always vote Yes in an indy but if it deosnt seem its coming anytime soon then I would consider voting for whos going to make life better in the immediate term for those who need it most. That might not be the SNP though at the moment I have no reason to change my vote from SNP if something better is possibe then Id be daft not too consider it. I want better services and better conditions now. 

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34 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I enjoy Ross Greer's salty tears! I wish he didn't get a cushy position on the West of Scotland list. The list actually really annoys me because all these no-hopers who could never win a constituency race end up being rewarded. Most of them Unionists tbf but the same applies to the Greens.

Edit - Before I get letters for being against proportional representation. I'm not, I just don't like the necessary disconnect between the voting and a specific candidate.

Edited by Trogdor
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Fergus Ewing, the boarding school-educated career politician who gets articles published in the Daily Mail. The more that folk like him are promoted, the more votes will be lost to Labour.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Ross “the bible made me a socialist” Greer who was out on the picket lines to protest SNP cuts that him and the rest the Greens did nothing to stop. At least we’ve got the DRS though, eh? 

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Aye, maybe he's popular in his constituency but this plays terribly at a national level.


The Greens have a shite bottle scheme but Tartan Tories aren't the antidote. Don't let them out their box.

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14 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

Aye, maybe he's popular in his constituency but this plays terribly at a national level.


The Greens have a shite bottle scheme but Tartan Tories aren't the antidote. Don't let them out their box.

Nice to see those chaps revive the socks-over-the-trackies look from noughties Glesga, albeit with a ever so slight variation.

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1 hour ago, FreedomFarter said:

Fergus Ewing, the boarding school-educated career politician who gets articles published in the Daily Mail. The more that folk like him are promoted, the more votes will be lost to Labour.

Yes, best to have a private school educated career politician as leader instead who'll lose votes to Labour 🙂

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43 minutes ago, orfc said:

Yes, best to have a private school educated career politician as leader instead who'll lose votes to Labour 🙂

You always stick your emojis in to let folk know you've got a very big brain and you've just outfoxed them yet again.

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9 minutes ago, Marlo Stanfield said:

Both Greer and Ewing are terrible tbh. Slight preference to Greer for bringing Piers Morgan to the verge of tears though.

Yup, the only highlight of his career tbh. Reducing that creep to a furious, blubbering mess over a fat, murdering racist was fabulous stuff. 

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8 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

Fergus Ewing, the boarding school-educated career politician who gets articles published in the Daily Mail. The more that folk like him are promoted, the more votes will be lost to Labour.

Every time a Nat criticises a Nat the default, on here, is to find or manufacture a slur.  In this case, "He went to boarding school".  As if this matters one single jot and invalidates his criticisms.

This is the thicket of posters who're sticking up for the privately educated Humza based on, I guess, that Hutchie was a day school.  Even if it was shite at rugby in the mid-late 70s.

The divisions within Natterism run long and deep, now we've got the lid off.  Here's a wee snapshot from the estimable Jo Cherry:

The tragedy for Scotland is that these cretins, charlatans and chancers are using the votes of the well-meaning yet empty-headed Natterati to turn Scotland into a sandbox for whatever ill-advised ideas they come up with next.

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3 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Every time a Nat criticises a Nat the default, on here, is to find or manufacture a slur. 


Is that what happens every time you criticise your fellow flag-shaggers Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, then?

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