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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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20 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

 You’ve got changes to how crimes are recorded, which is actually how they can claim crime is down. Something that may have been recorded as a robbery may now be recorded as an assault and theft, assaulting three people may only be recorded as one assault but three names on the charge. Its all political bullshit. Is Scotland safer than the 1980’s yes, is it safer than 10/5 years ago nah not really. 

Massaging the figures has been done for years and nothing will change as long as it makes those at the top look as if they are doing a decent job. Could not tell you the last time I saw an officer on patrol in my area whether on foot or in a car.

I know for a fact that the number of officers covering my area has been utterly decimated.

SIL's car was damaged by another overnight and they took the report over the phone, never came near the car to see the damage or if there was any evidence and told him to do his own door to door enquiry.

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8 hours ago, Hard Graft said:

Massaging the figures has been done for years and nothing will change as long as it makes those at the top look as if they are doing a decent job. Could not tell you the last time I saw an officer on patrol in my area whether on foot or in a car.

I know for a fact that the number of officers covering my area has been utterly decimated.

SIL's car was damaged by another overnight and they took the report over the phone, never came near the car to see the damage or if there was any evidence and told him to do his own door to door enquiry.

To be bluntly honest the reason you cant see cars or people on foot is because even with the reduced numbers only about 1/3 of the remaining police are actually front line on a ‘response’ shift. The reason for that is because when the snp increased the numbers of police the result was they have to cut the numbers of civilian staff doing the admin/control rooms/citations/custody duties and other things which previously have been done by someone on 1/2-2/3 the wages of a police officer. The government were told this but wanted the optics of ‘1000 extra police’ . That never ever meant 1000 extra on shifts covering Glasgow/Inverness or wherever. And now its even more reduced in terms of what you see because the numbers are being cut even more. On an average day my team spends about 50% of its time either waiting in hospitals or for ambulances or looking for people that told a social worker or dwp employee that they’d kill themselves at 9am that morning and they phone it in at 4pm before they go home and ignore phone calls asking for follow up information. 
Its shit that your family members car got vandalised, maybe there’d be less of that if there were cars on the street, but vandalism is difficult to prove without cctv or an eye witness, it is a shitter but same thing happened when my own car was vandalised. 

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14 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

To be bluntly honest the reason you cant see cars or people on foot is because even with the reduced numbers only about 1/3 of the remaining police are actually front line on a ‘response’ shift. The reason for that is because when the snp increased the numbers of police the result was they have to cut the numbers of civilian staff doing the admin/control rooms/citations/custody duties and other things which previously have been done by someone on 1/2-2/3 the wages of a police officer. The government were told this but wanted the optics of ‘1000 extra police’ . That never ever meant 1000 extra on shifts covering Glasgow/Inverness or wherever. And now its even more reduced in terms of what you see because the numbers are being cut even more. On an average day my team spends about 50% of its time either waiting in hospitals or for ambulances or looking for people that told a social worker or dwp employee that they’d kill themselves at 9am that morning and they phone it in at 4pm before they go home and ignore phone calls asking for follow up information. 
Its shit that your family members car got vandalised, maybe there’d be less of that if there were cars on the street, but vandalism is difficult to prove without cctv or an eye witness, it is a shitter but same thing happened when my own car was vandalised. 

Several years ago I lifted  someone who was off his face attacking passengers at Cambuslang Station, we took him to the Victoria Infirmary to check him out medically before heading to custody, whilst in there he kicked off and it took 6 officers to restrain him. After a few minutes we had him secure and I went outside to get some air, I was asked by an older lady what was going on with all the Police vehicles, I turned around and counted 12 vehicles, went back in and counted the Officers and there were 32 Police officers in the A&E. This was a Wednesday night at 5pm in April. No wonder there are no patrols in the City.

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1 hour ago, budmiester1 said:

Several years ago I lifted  someone who was off his face attacking passengers at Cambuslang Station, we took him to the Victoria Infirmary to check him out medically before heading to custody, whilst in there he kicked off and it took 6 officers to restrain him. After a few minutes we had him secure and I went outside to get some air, I was asked by an older lady what was going on with all the Police vehicles, I turned around and counted 12 vehicles, went back in and counted the Officers and there were 32 Police officers in the A&E. This was a Wednesday night at 5pm in April. No wonder there are no patrols in the City.

They put nurses into custody suites in an effort to reduce it, but theyve ended up hiring nurses who are very risk averse and send everyone to hospital, seasoned neds know this and claim to be withdrawing or having chest pain when in custody because they know 12 hours in hospital will be nicer than 12 in a cell with the same end result. No ones going to say ‘youre at it’ to someone saying they’re having chest pains so they take up space at A&E and the vicious circle continues. You have to remember that these are the most selfish people on the planet, they dont care that by faking illness they could be preventing a real person getting treatment in time. 

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15 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

They put nurses into custody suites in an effort to reduce it, but theyve ended up hiring nurses who are very risk averse and send everyone to hospital, seasoned neds know this and claim to be withdrawing or having chest pain when in custody because they know 12 hours in hospital will be nicer than 12 in a cell with the same end result. No ones going to say ‘youre at it’ to someone saying they’re having chest pains so they take up space at A&E and the vicious circle continues. You have to remember that these are the most selfish people on the planet, they dont care that by faking illness they could be preventing a real person getting treatment in time. 

God forbid a FILTHY NED actually needed hospital treatment. Also what do you mean by “real person”? 

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2 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

God forbid a FILTHY NED actually needed hospital treatment. Also what do you mean by “real person”? 

I think @Inanimate Carbon Rod means is that there are some individuals who commit crimes and use excuses to get treatment at hospital when they don’t actually require it thereby causing delays to treatment for people who actually need treatment. 

What do you mean by “FILTHY NED”?

We can all find fault in people’s posts. 

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2 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

God forbid a FILTHY NED actually needed hospital treatment. Also what do you mean by “real person”? 

At no time have i ever called anyone filthy mate. I’ve had people tell me they’re going to follow me home and rape my children and i’ve still treated them with courtesy and respect, so dont go putting words in my mouth. 

But if you dont think that people do what ive described above then i’ve got some magic beans to sell you. I mean a real patient, not someone faking an illness. Seen plenty bonafide medical emergencies no problem, but when people actively tell you they’re going to fake a complaint of chest pains or its the third time in a row they’ve done it then yeh im sorry that you’re offended by my experiences.

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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On 27/11/2023 at 00:35, BucksburnDandy said:

As someone who lives in Inverness, I find it absolutely remarkable (ok slightly saracastic) that Yousaf's government promised an update on dualling the A9 in the autumn, which has 4 days left, and there has not been a sniff of an update.


If there was a way to lose voters, it's the way they've dealt with the A9. Constant delays and obfuscation.

did we end up getting any update in Autumn?

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Not sure which thread this fits into given the GRA thread was locked (probably for the best) but the Court of Session has ruled that the UK Government acted lawfully when blocking the Gender Recognition Act.


I think that the Scottish Government can appeal to the Supreme Court, whether they do or not is another question.

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That has fairly wide ranging implications for how devolution is operated (or not). Basically, the SoS for Scotland can veto naything they damn well please for any damn reason they like with no route of appeal for the Scottish parliament.

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45 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Not sure which thread this fits into given the GRA thread was locked (probably for the best) but the Court of Session has ruled that the UK Government acted lawfully when blocking the Gender Recognition Act.


I think that the Scottish Government can appeal to the Supreme Court, whether they do or not is another question.

Sure Humsa will plough on with another waste of money.  Even the no win no fee mob would not touch him.

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10 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Sure Humsa will plough on with another waste of money.  Even the no win no fee mob would not touch him.

Regardless of what you think of the GRR act itself, this ruling effectively gives the SoS for Scotland an extremely broad remit to veto anything the Scottish Parliament comes up with.

Any law at Holyrood, even if within devolved competencies that confers any status referred to by any other reserved law is automatically within the scope of being vetoed. Any administrative or operational changes proposed by ScotGov would fall in that remit too.

The ruling seems to me to state that the principle judge of whether there is sound reason for interfering is in fact the SoS themselves. What's to stop the UK Gov passing "UK wide" laws and then using that mechanism to force alignment?

Edited by renton
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21 minutes ago, renton said:

That has fairly wide ranging implications for how devolution is operated (or not). Basically, the SoS for Scotland can veto naything they damn well please for any damn reason they like with no route of appeal for the Scottish parliament.



Regardless of what reasons are given for invoking Section 35 and how flimsy they are, the ruling holds that the standard of evidence for doing so is irrelevant. If the Secretary of State feels it's justified, then it's justified. This is therefore an absolute veto for the Westminster Government over anything Holyrood legislates on. Devolution has functionally ceased to exist: the Secretary of State for Scotland can legally veto literally everything they disagree with.

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As far as the GRR goes, if the SG had pushed it through towards the end of last decade when May was planning similar at Westminster and Ireland put it into law, it would have passed without a blink of an eye. Sturgeon was too wary of keeping the SNP united so kicked it down the road, by which time the twitterati fear mongers had built up enough panic and deliberate misinformation to kybosh it.

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Given that most powers outwith defence, foreign policy, immigration and broadcasting are essentially devolved, there are very few issues on which a Section 35 order can actually be issued.

Obviously in this case, due to conflict with the Equality Act which applies across the UK it came into force.

That doesn't mean that WM now has carte blanche to interfere in say health, education, transport etc decisions taken at Holyrood.

Humza will of course stoke it up to make it sound like it does mean this though, when in reality, it really doesn't.

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17 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

Given that most powers outwith defence, foreign policy, immigration and broadcasting are essentially devolved, there are very few issues on which a Section 35 order can actually be issued.

Obviously in this case, due to conflict with the Equality Act which applies across the UK it came into force.

That doesn't mean that WM now has carte blanche to interfere in say health, education, transport etc decisions taken at Holyrood.

Humza will of course stoke it up to make it sound like it does mean this though, when in reality, it really doesn't.

"That doesn't mean that WM now has carte blanche to interfere in say health, education, transport etc decisions taken at Holyrood"


How so exactly given the wording of the judgement today. There would be cross over with existing UK legislation in all the devolved areas?


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56 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

Given that most powers outwith defence, foreign policy, immigration and broadcasting are essentially devolved, there are very few issues on which a Section 35 order can actually be issued.

Obviously in this case, due to conflict with the Equality Act which applies across the UK it came into force.

That doesn't mean that WM now has carte blanche to interfere in say health, education, transport etc decisions taken at Holyrood.

Humza will of course stoke it up to make it sound like it does mean this though, when in reality, it really doesn't.

Are you totally unaware of the old adage that power devolved is power retained?

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

As far as the GRR goes, if the SG had pushed it through towards the end of last decade when May was planning similar at Westminster and Ireland put it into law, it would have passed without a blink of an eye. Sturgeon was too wary of keeping the SNP united so kicked it down the road, by which time the twitterati fear mongers had built up enough panic and deliberate misinformation to kybosh it.

…or maybe also too keen to ensure she didn’t do anything that might be adjudged to fall into line with WM policy? 

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