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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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1 hour ago, HTG said:

This is obviously absolute bollocks. Nobody with even the slightest whiff of an interest in social justice and reducing/ending discrimination could have listened to Braverman or any of these other demented c***s and thought "that fits me like a glove". She's a reprehensible parasite who's political career finishes in the very near future. 

But that's the thing. The unifying thing for an independence party should be a shared belief in independence not "social justice", "lower taxes" or anything else. The weirdest thing about this move is that she's decided the central tenet of the party she represents isn't for her anymore, definitely a rat abandoning the sinking ship

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She’s apparently told that Bath c**t that she still believes in independence, but doesn’t believe the current SNP leadership can deliver it. Which is a valid enough viewpoint, but makes defecting to the Conservative & Unionist party an utterly bizarre move.

Also, she’s talking to Wings so clearly toxicity and bullying isn’t that much of a problem for her. 

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1 hour ago, orfc said:

But that's the thing. The unifying thing for an independence party should be a shared belief in independence not "social justice", "lower taxes" or anything else. The weirdest thing about this move is that she's decided the central tenet of the party she represents isn't for her anymore, definitely a rat abandoning the sinking ship

It's more that she was about to be kicked off the ship.

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2 hours ago, GHF-23 said:

To me the SNP's problems are fourfold:

A complete failure to not be a massive clown car for the past few years of government. Public services, while not having time to go into figures, feel like they've gone to utter shit for most people. Now a lot of supporters will say that's not fair because XYZ KPI is better than in England but, and I can't believe this needs to be said, people don't give a shit about how public services in a country they don't live in are performing. 

A complete failure to deliver on major development or other projects over several years. The full list of cock ups has been given ad nauseum, but it very much again feels like it's been quite a long time since the Government actually did anything noteworthy. 

A drinking of the cool aid (that everyone patted themselves on the backs over) about Scotland being a more Liberal, Progressive place, that has led to sidelining a great deal of their traditional support - to the point that important (if reprehensible) figures like Ewing are, in the eyes of some prospective voters in important areas, being dumped in favour of the Scottish Greens. If you get the two points above right - make public services good and deliver on meaningful policies which impact large numbers of people - then you can essentially do what you like without looking like a bunch of student politicians messing around with identity politics while everything's on fire in the background. Scotland is not a particularly progressive place, sorry to say it! It's quite socially conservative in a lot of ways and has an aging populace just as exposed to lead in its youth as the rest of the UK.

Selecting continuity Sturgeon as her replacement when the whole project was starting to feel very tired.

I think the middle point here is the most important - just doing the day job would mark them out as more competent than Westminster, and not just deliver some ferries and roads, but probably independence. It is enormously frustrating.  

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41 minutes ago, renton said:

It's more that she was about to be kicked off the ship.

This. She's been an utter lightweight of an MP and is unpopular in the local party. Fabiani (a lovely woman and general guid cvnt) couldnt stand her and Costello was going to take her place.

She's a piece of shit. An awful individual. I hope her next shite is a hand grenade. 

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23 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

It's fascinating that people seem to forget that being on the left and within the SNP is a comparatively recent phenomenon. 

The socioeconomic position of the SNP has always been up for grabs. 

At least on the economic l-r axis, the SNP hasn’t moved as much as the centre ground has shifted the other way. 

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2 hours ago, orfc said:

But that's the thing. The unifying thing for an independence party should be a shared belief in independence not "social justice", "lower taxes" or anything else. The weirdest thing about this move is that she's decided the central tenet of the party she represents isn't for her anymore, definitely a rat abandoning the sinking ship

Her bio outlines her interest in social justice. Her election as an MP with the SNP should be enough to establish her indy credentials. So she switches to the party with absolutely no fucking interest in either of these things. The SNP has its issues to deal with but they're already a bit better off for not having this disingenuous fraud of an individual off their hands.

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The East Kilbride SNP had the opportunity to deselect her before the last election.

They held an internal election to reselect her, any members that didn't vote votes went to the status quo and that's why she was reselected.

A horrible person only interested in herself.

EK SNP have enabled her to do this with their dithering.

An embarrassment 

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6 hours ago, GHF-23 said:

A drinking of the cool aid (that everyone patted themselves on the backs over) about Scotland being a more Liberal, Progressive place, that has led to sidelining a great deal of their traditional support - to the point that important (if reprehensible) figures like Ewing are, in the eyes of some prospective voters in important areas, being dumped

Magic, so you ascribe a return to that 1970s utopia where we can all talk about corner shops and takeaways in that Alf Garnett style?

If you think that young prospective voters are in the slightest bit interested in the "traditional support" including Ewing, then you are fucking deluded.


p.s. its Kool Aid

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