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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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On 21/10/2023 at 12:26, Billy Jean King said:

Dreaming up a policy over breakfast then running with it is bad enough but dreaming up a policy that couldn't possibly be costed so far away from Councils budget processes with some sort of pledge to fund it is utterly ridiculous. Council A might have announced a 5% rise come announcement time in Feb / March while Council B might have announced a 10% rise. A could have 60k households while B has 300k households. On top of that Councils were months into costing the potential effect of the proposed changes for E to H bands and 2nd homes. Neither policy will now happen next year. This could cost mega bucks to fund and it's not hard to envisage non SNP run administrations ramping up their "planned increases" in an attempt to pile pressure on the SNP. A massive own goal by any measure.

Attention is focusing on what "fully funded" really means but equally key is what happens 1yr on: will this extra central support effectively become permanent or will this freeze be followed by 2yrs-rise-in-1?

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23 hours ago, sfha said:

Re polling... I've been on this Earth for 57 years and have never been polled on anything. I asked my wife, who is a year or so older, the same question and she was also flummoxed. I believe my son and daughter are in the same position as are their partners. Who are these pollsters asking?

They stopped phoning me when I kept answering John Hughes

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The Independence issue aside, I cannot think of a time when we needed a credible alternative to Labour and the Tories more than at the moment.  Instead we have a drastically weakened SNP.

Dark days indeed.


Edited by Granny Danger
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On 25/10/2023 at 14:35, Ned Nederlander said:

Any mention of him on Twitter attracts the more special amongst us - just reported around 5 posts for clear & outright racism.


"Elon Musk has provoked a furious backlash in Scotland by accusing Humza Yousaf of being “a blatant racist” after the tech billionaire saw a highly selective clip of a speech by the first minister.

Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space X and the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, reacted to a 45-second clip of Yousaf listing all the senior public posts in Scotland held by white people which was posted on X by an anonymous account called End Wokeness."

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24 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


"Elon Musk has provoked a furious backlash in Scotland by accusing Humza Yousaf of being “a blatant racist” after the tech billionaire saw a highly selective clip of a speech by the first minister.

Musk, the owner of Tesla, Space X and the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, reacted to a 45-second clip of Yousaf listing all the senior public posts in Scotland held by white people which was posted on X by an anonymous account called End Wokeness."

The irony being that Musk's wealth is built on slave labour.

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I was at a meeting today about LA taxation  avoidance (yes as boring as it sounds) but the flunky sent from the SG was adamant that the legislation enabling the Council Tax multiplier on second homes will still be laid before the parliament in November as planned previouslu with a view to it being statute by 1 April. When pressed how this would interact with the announced C/Tax freeze the line was that it was hoped LAs would act "in the spirit of the announced freeze".

There is zero chance that if legally allowed to impose a 200% multiplier on second homes, some Councils won't do exactly that, especially if not SNP administrations. 

Watch this space but it might yet be a case of when is a Council Tax freeze not a Council Tax freeze.....answer, when you own a second home !!!

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23 minutes ago, HTG said:

Saw this earlier and michty me but it induced comment from some absolute frothers


He's managed to enrage the Musk white supremacist blue tick devotees and Rangers da's. I'm not sure either demographic is in a position to accuse anyone else of being racist.

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2 hours ago, HTG said:

Saw this earlier and michty me but it induced comment from some absolute frothers


The replies + the number of right-wing American blue tick loonies in recent days has really shook me a bit. I knew they were, obviously, extremely bad for racist shite but that's a total bombardment of hate, lies and everything in-between.

It's as if Social Media's just said "f**k it" in the last few weeks. The anti-semites are out, the Islamists are out, the racists are out, the Communists are out, and the Rangers da's are out.

All of society's worst groups have all popped up at once.

A worrying time, indeed.

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10 hours ago, ClydeTon said:

And then we have this utter imbecile who insists in his every tweet that Scotland is a region...

Right up that Churchill guy (mentioned above)'s arse, as well.

No hint of irony that the actor who played Malcolm Tucker came out in support of Scottish independence last year.

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