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Conference League Good Guys List

Ray Patterson

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Cowdenbeath running a raffle is irrelevant to the thread, but the fact they are presently on the 'Bad Guys' list isn't.

Perhaps the posters who are 'bored' by the number of posts and topics being made on the Conference League proposal are supportive of the plans or blind to the intentions of the SFA.

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8 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

Cowdenbeath running a raffle is irrelevant to the thread, but the fact they are presently on the 'Bad Guys' list isn't.

Perhaps the posters who are 'bored' by the number of posts and topics being made on the Conference League proposal are supportive of the plans or blind to the intentions of the SFA.

What next, a naughty step thread 😂

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3 hours ago, MrIrvinePollock said:

Constantly picking on the Old Firm teams

Comment of the year there my man.

Poor old CeltGers always the victim.

Have you been following Scottish Football for say the last 100 years or so.

Made me laugh out loud thanks for that.


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5 hours ago, Brazilianlex said:

What next, a naughty step thread 😂

Aye, will no doubt be started by the people who used to write the naughty kids names on the blackboard for teacher when they had to go out the room for 10 minutes. 😬

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19 hours ago, Cowdenleith said:

Jesus wept. The Lowland League used to be a great wee sub section of the forum.

There was one B team thread which was busy but relatively peaceful most the time.

Now we have multiple threads where folks can whip themselves into a frenzy.

Cowden used to be a good club

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The Conference would be an abortion and any club that vote for it should rightly be called out, ridiculed, boycotted (whichever people see fit). Enough has been said already but if fans simply ignore and accept the garbage that’s being proposed it won’t stop here.


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18 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Nothing stopping Cowdenbeath making a statement about the Conference, however they voted on B-teams in the Lowland League.

To be fair, the voting of B teams into the Lowland league this year is a total different situation than voting on a conference.
A team votes in for B teams in the Lowland then you just know they are only interested in self gain or money.
If they vote in for the conference you know they don't give a shit about Scottish football and think they are gaining but there is no gain whatsoever.

The worst thing is, a club voting for the conference and their fans are against it.

Today I spoke to 5 old firm supporters at work about the conference and one of them kinda heard summit, the other  did not know anything about it, i informed them of the info in objective manner and they are all unanimous that it should not go ahead.


As far as I'm aware, the conference to be included needs to be voted on by the Highland and the Lowland leagues.
With the inclusion of the Conference league it would mean that the Highland and Lowland Leagues are being demoted from tier 5 to tier 6 so they must have powers to vote on this.  I'm sure its true that the Highland and Lowland have not voted on the conference league.  The first thing the Chairman of the Lowland league says on the official catch up podcast is that the Conference is coming whether we want it or not, I believe this not to be true, it can and should be stopped.

Right now the Lowland league voted the B teams to rejoin the Lowland league for season 23/23, a winning margin of 10/5.
Thomas brown said that each club in the Lowland shared £120,000 that was the total payment form the 3 B teams to join the league and this coming season it will be the same money.

If the conference starts, how can the Lowland benefit from money if the B teams are in the new Conference league as they wont be paying to be in the Lowland, so whose gonna vie for inclusion in the Conference league from the Lowland, are they all gonna try and back stab each other, wonder if Thomas brown 's club is in the Lowland league and gets into the conference.

For me, the Scottish Pyramid working group were alleged to come to the SFA with 3 options which the SFA put to the SPFL and the SPFL said no to two but said yes to one idea, which is the conference league. The SFA have now went to the Lowland league and Highland league saying two options are out the window and only option is the conference and that they must take it.   SO why ask both HL and LL if the conference is going to start. the reason is they need their vote and why is Thomas Brown the Lowland League chairman saying its coming no matter what.

I'm actually sickened that this is on the table, everyone has worked so hard to get a pyramid system up and running, not exactly the way we all want but its  a start but this conference will put Scottish football back.  Even young lads at grassroots see an opening to reach heights with Scottish football with the development league and now all they will see is they chances of going through the ranks and years with their teams diminished as it will take longer to happen.

This conference league is so wrong, on so many levels and I've haven't even touched them all on this thread

Edited by Bestsinceslicebread
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The PWG didn't meet between last Summer and this March, when the SFA told them what the options were, not the other way round. I don't believe any discussion was permitted. 

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34 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

If I could be bothered to look out the Alan Partridge shrugging meme I would.

We’re still lovely people.

No,you really aren't.

What's getting most people's goat here is the no fucks given attitude cowden supporters are giving to their clubs betrayal of Scottish football

No one likes us,we don't care.who else says that.....?

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To be fair to Cowdenbeath, without their fans meeting all we'd have to go on would be Maxwell's leaks to the Mail, Brown's podcast, and leaks on here about the 3 options on offer, instantly slashed to one. Because of Cowdenbeath we know it was used as a threat to vote in B-teams for 23/24, and that any rebels would be unlikely to be chosen as LL picks. And that the most repeated message right from the start has been 'IT'S A DONE DEAL, LIVE WITH IT!', with zero evidence whatsoever. 

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26 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

To be fair to Cowdenbeath, without their fans meeting all we'd have to go on would be Maxwell's leaks to the Mail, Brown's podcast, and leaks on here about the 3 options on offer, instantly slashed to one. Because of Cowdenbeath we know it was used as a threat to vote in B-teams for 23/24, and that any rebels would be unlikely to be chosen as LL picks. And that the most repeated message right from the start has been 'IT'S A DONE DEAL, LIVE WITH IT!', with zero evidence whatsoever. 

38 minutes ago, weanjohnson said:


If you bothered to go to the fans meeting then you would have heard the reasons and had the opportunity to challenge and ask questions as many did.


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