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The Polis. A great bunch of lads?

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Tremendous that the top cop was in charge for years and did f**k all about the failings of the organisation he ran. Now he's stepping down and with an eye to politics, he announces Scottish Polis are institutionally fucked.


What's needed is a task force to investigate, spending years and millions of taxpayer's money to prepare a report. And gosh, who better to lead such an enquiry? 

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29 minutes ago, 101 said:

No wonder when the advert is "wanted: person to go up lader and grab pussy"

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f**k knows if they even do that still

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Can't be a great job when you have to find smouldering families 



Took two days to do a job it should have taken half a day to do a few weeks back. It's priced and the wrong materials were ordered. Upon completion I told one of them it was done and I'd be on my way. 

"You've made a fortune past two days, fair milked that job".

"The jobs price work mate, youve been charged for 4hrs. You win some you lose some."

"Yeah but, you've fair milked that job eh!"

"Not really mate, I needed to go hire some burning equipment because your asset register doesn't tally up with what you've actually got on your property"

"Still think you could have got it done a bit quicker!! Hahaha!"

He had been sat at a desk for most of his day waiting on a building to go on fire or rescue a cat from a tree and the cheeky c**t thought he has the right to question what we were doing with our time.

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29 minutes ago, 101 said:

No wonder when the advert is "wanted: person to go up lader and grab pussy"

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f**k knows if they even do that still

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Can't be a great job when you have to find smouldering families 



Took two days to do a job it should have taken half a day to do a few weeks back. It's priced and the wrong materials were ordered. Upon completion I told one of them it was done and I'd be on my way. 

"You've made a fortune past two days, fair milked that job".

"The jobs price work mate, youve been charged for 4hrs. You win some you lose some."

"Yeah but, you've fair milked that job eh!"

"Not really mate, I needed to go hire some burning equipment because your asset register doesn't tally up with what you've actually got on your property"

"Still think you could have got it done a bit quicker!! Hahaha!"

He had been sat at a desk for most of his day waiting on a building to go on fire or rescue a cat from a tree and the cheeky c**t thought he has the right to question what we were doing with our time.

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2 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Not really mate, I needed to go hire some burning equipment

Zippo no any good?


2 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

He had been sat at a desk for most of his day waiting on a building to go on fire or rescue a cat from a tree and the cheeky c**t thought he has the right to question what we were doing with our time.

Should have greased his pole, steady, or one of Normans other tricks from Fireman Sam.

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17 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Tremendous that the top cop was in charge for years and did f**k all about the failings of the organisation he ran. Now he's stepping down and with an eye to politics, he announces Scottish Polis are institutionally fucked.


What's needed is a task force to investigate, spending years and millions of taxpayer's money to prepare a report. And gosh, who better to lead such an enquiry? 

It might also be the case that the whole force is so institutionally corrupt that the only safe time to call it out is on the day you retire from office. 




I may be playing the devil's advocate card here. 

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16 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Took two days to do a job it should have taken half a day to do a few weeks back. It's priced and the wrong materials were ordered. Upon completion I told one of them it was done and I'd be on my way. 

"You've made a fortune past two days, fair milked that job".

"The jobs price work mate, youve been charged for 4hrs. You win some you lose some."

"Yeah but, you've fair milked that job eh!"

"Not really mate, I needed to go hire some burning equipment because your asset register doesn't tally up with what you've actually got on your property"

"Still think you could have got it done a bit quicker!! Hahaha!"

He had been sat at a desk for most of his day waiting on a building to go on fire or rescue a cat from a tree and the cheeky c**t thought he has the right to question what we were doing with our time.


16 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Took two days to do a job it should have taken half a day to do a few weeks back. It's priced and the wrong materials were ordered. Upon completion I told one of them it was done and I'd be on my way. 

"You've made a fortune past two days, fair milked that job".

"The jobs price work mate, youve been charged for 4hrs. You win some you lose some."

"Yeah but, you've fair milked that job eh!"

"Not really mate, I needed to go hire some burning equipment because your asset register doesn't tally up with what you've actually got on your property"

"Still think you could have got it done a bit quicker!! Hahaha!"

He had been sat at a desk for most of his day waiting on a building to go on fire or rescue a cat from a tree and the cheeky c**t thought he has the right to question what we were doing with our time.

You've fair milked that story mate.

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On 30/05/2023 at 20:19, Cosmic Joe said:

I don't (obviously). I'm just astonished at the rate of scandals mounting up. And more so, the scandalous denials of anything untoward going on. They are embarrassing themselves on an almost day to day basis Scotland and UK wide. 

Something needs to change. 

That's the problem. For as long as most of us say "something needs to change" about any issue, nothing will. Remember how everyone assumed there was going to be a sizable societal shift after the credit crunch because something needed to change? We're still waiting.

I can't see it changing much; a job with the polis is always going to be appealing to criminals. Politicians and their backers have to play it careful as they can't afford to piss off the people keeping them safe from the barbarians. Thankfully I don't think we're as badly off as America, where police unions openly threaten to have their members refuse to do their jobs if any of them suffer investigation or consequence for illegal actions.

For what it's worth, almost all of the cops I've dealt with have seemed decent sorts, although I've never been in a vulnerable position around any of them, so that doesn't mean much.

Edit: I've remembered one example of polis being arseholes. I lived in London about thirty years ago, and had a violent upstairs neighbour for a short time. Regular screaming tantrums, with his wife obviously being knocked about. One day was particularly bad, and their very young child was screaming the place down as a result, only to be very obviously silenced by being slammed against the floor, so we called the polis. They came to our door, listened to what we had to say, then told us not to call them again or they'd arrest all of us and we'd spend the night in the cells  :mellow:

Edited by BTFD
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6 hours ago, BTFD said:

That's the problem. For as long as most of us say "something needs to change" about any issue, nothing will. Remember how everyone assumed there was going to be a sizable societal shift after the credit crunch because something needed to change? We're still waiting.

I can't see it changing much; a job with the polis is always going to be appealing to criminals. Politicians and their backers have to play it careful as they can't afford to piss off the people keeping them safe from the barbarians. Thankfully I don't think we're as badly off as America, where police unions openly threaten to have their members refuse to do their jobs if any of them suffer investigation or consequence for illegal actions.

For what it's worth, almost all of the cops I've dealt with have seemed decent sorts, although I've never been in a vulnerable position around any of them, so that doesn't mean much.

It isn’t even the “attractive to criminals” aspect, as much as the attractive to people who enjoy some degree of power or control. Then, you put that person in the position of dealing, generally day in and day out with repulsive, bad and evil behavior. It tends to warp the perspective of some individuals, and then results in the cases we’re seeing. In my recent interactions with some cops, they were helpful and understanding, but I wasn’t the one dragged off in handcuffs either. I suspect that some cops get nudged toward sociopathic behavior as they start telling themselves “those people deserve it.”

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5 minutes ago, TxRover said:

It isn’t even the “attractive to criminals” aspect, as much as the attractive to people who enjoy some degree of power or control. Then, you put that person in the position of dealing, generally day in and day out with repulsive, bad and evil behavior. It tends to warp the perspective of some individuals, and then results in the cases we’re seeing. In my recent interactions with some cops, they were helpful and understanding, but I wasn’t the one dragged off in handcuffs either. I suspect that some cops get nudged toward sociopathic behavior as they start telling themselves “those people deserve it.”

How come these conditions don’t spawn more Batman types among the polis? I suppose Bat Caves cost money. Could they not do it on the cheap?

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A fairly well known polis used to drink in my old local. Was shady as f**k. Eventually got done for corruption/assault or some such a few years back. 

Mind you at least he never threw a spit hood over a 91 year old woman and threatened to taser her. 



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11 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

I can vaguely mind of a parody by Billy Connolly about polis corruption. It was originally a Rolf Harris song (Thatcher  loved it - the Harris version, obviously). 

Unsurprisingly no longer available on YouTube. 




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I know one bobby fairly well and he's pretty sound.  Non-uniformed, but I don't know how much of a difference that makes to a bobby.

I got stopped the other day for speeding by a non-traffic one, so I got away with a warning,  and he was a cheeky cunt, despite me being polite to him.

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I'm sure we've had a similar thread in the past, but the gist of my post there was this:

The vast majority of police are good people. They have to deal with some stuff that I am glad I don't have to.

Very, very rarely when my dad opened up about some of the stuff he saw, the stuff that upset him invariably revolved around dead kids and teenagers. He spoke openly once about a car accident he attended and there were two dead 17-year-olds in the car. Years and years later that could still bring him to tears. He was first on the scene there. Or the motorcyclist who was decapitated - he never, ever let me ride a motorbike growing up. 

He once was the only emergency services person on site when a woman went into premature labour. He delivered the baby and it was stillborn. For weeks he barely spoke to us, or anybody. 

These are some of the very few stories I got out of him. But knowing him and others he worked with, they do stuff most of us could never do - dealing with abused kids, victims of domestic violence, and more. 

But there are also a minority of bad ones. The guy who robbed his mother of all his money, who worked with my dad. The guy whose job was to check on the prisoners every 15 minutes and simply didn't as he was a lazy f**k, also worked with him. Some of the stories coming out of the Met are truly horrific. 

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

A fairly well known polis used to drink in my old local. Was shady as f**k. Eventually got done for corruption/assault or some such a few years back. 

Mind you at least he never threw a spit hood over a 91 year old woman and threatened to taser her. 



A 95-year-old woman with dementia was tasered here in Australia. She had a knife in her hand, was tasered and died a few days later. 





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32 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I'm sure we've had a similar thread in the past, but the gist of my post there was this:

The vast majority of police are good people. They have to deal with some stuff that I am glad I don't have to.

Very, very rarely when my dad opened up about some of the stuff he saw, the stuff that upset him invariably revolved around dead kids and teenagers. He spoke openly once about a car accident he attended and there were two dead 17-year-olds in the car. Years and years later that could still bring him to tears. He was first on the scene there. Or the motorcyclist who was decapitated - he never, ever let me ride a motorbike growing up. 

He once was the only emergency services person on site when a woman went into premature labour. He delivered the baby and it was stillborn. For weeks he barely spoke to us, or anybody. 

These are some of the very few stories I got out of him. But knowing him and others he worked with, they do stuff most of us could never do - dealing with abused kids, victims of domestic violence, and more. 

But there are also a minority of bad ones. The guy who robbed his mother of all his money, who worked with my dad. The guy whose job was to check on the prisoners every 15 minutes and simply didn't as he was a lazy f**k, also worked with him. Some of the stories coming out of the Met are truly horrific. 


Maybe. But I worked in the death industry for years and met no one - whether they were funeral directors, mortuary staff, or the people who pick pieces up after things like train crashes - who were as odd, uptight and controlling as policemen/firemen. 

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The 'good majority/bad minority' line no longer cuts the mustard when set against the extensive records of misconduct carried out by these 'bad apples' while on duty. Where is the good majority when needed to call out their colleagues for completely unacceptable behaviour and maintain the integrity and public trust in their service?

How many whistleblowers emerge in the police force to highlight wrongdoing compared to other large institutions like the NHS - which is itself an extremely hostile environment for scrutiny? 

The reality is that police forces in the UK (and likely most other countries too) generate a toxic culture of circling the wagons against internal accountability never mind pesky 'civilians' challenging their misconduct. And that only persists because almost everyone in that institution is on the same side, covering inadvertently or openly for the wrong 'uns.  

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8 minutes ago, virginton said:

The 'good majority/bad minority' line no longer cuts the mustard when set against the extensive records of misconduct carried out by these 'bad apples' while on duty. Where is the good majority when needed to call out their colleagues for completely unacceptable behaviour and maintain the integrity and public trust in their service?

During the Wayne Couzens trial it came out that he showed up to the leaving do of one of his colleagues accompanied by a prostitute (the other policemen brought their wives/girlfriends).  He also had a prostitute show up at his station saying he owed her money - he went to a cash machine and gave her some money.

None of his colleagues ever reported concerns about him due to this.  Even if hiring a prostitute isn't technically illegal then it is definitely something that a police officer shouldn't be doing.  If anyone had done that in any of the jobs I've had in my life then they'd have been sacked or faced a serious disciplinary.

You'd hope that this sort of thing would be a big part of the Mets follow up but I wouldn't hold out much hope.

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