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US Presidential Election 2024


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This is still the US Presidential thread, yeah?  :rolleyes:

Trumps latest uttering on IVF treatment would be causing his supporters to question so many things if they were not as thick as shit and totally myopic.

Seriously the slavish devotion to the man regardless of how blatantly he lies about past ‘policies’ then flips on them in an instant shames these morons.  There must be very low levels of self esteem in amongst the low IQ levels.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

This is still the US Presidential thread, yeah?  :rolleyes:

Trumps latest uttering on IVF treatment would be causing his supporters to question so many things if they were not as thick as shit and totally myopic.

Seriously the slavish devotion to the man regardless of how blatantly he lies about past ‘policies’ then flips on them in an instant shames these morons.  There must be very low levels of self esteem in amongst the low IQ levels.

It’s perhaps more a nasty combination of low engagement/awareness of current events and news, high party identification, a whiff of racism plus a dash of “themism”, all mixed with a slug of “traditional values” and that good old time religion.

The lack of critical thinking on news and current events is greatly due to polarised coverage and echo chambers. This is a wicked mixture when added to the American tendency to holiday within the U.S., the tendency of U.S. workers to not take all their entitlement of leave and a general absence of sick leave that causes many to save their paid days off (if any) to cover sickness (the currently styled “leave bank/personal days” for days off). Tens of millions of Americans get no personal leave and are in jobs that don’t even get the 10 National holiday days off.

Little time off, pay that doesn’t keep up with inflation, the “keep up with the Jones’s” mentality and a major political party whose message has been reduced to “it’s all the fault of those dirty (dark skinned) foreigners” has created a toxic environment where a politician can get ahead by providing the lower income groups someone else to kick around. In doing so, they get to feel better about themselves and find support groups at work where they complain, completely without recognising the irony, about those “lazy Mexicans taking all the jobs” for instance.

Toss on top of that a still quite religious society, one in which an hour every Sunday morning is called the “most segregated time in America”, and you can see the pie we’ve cooked up here. The good news is I’m seeing fewer of the “Infowars” plastered vehicles (the ones with about 50 bumper stickers espousing all kinds of whack-a-doodle theories), the American flag with the Confederate flag pickups and the “Obummer” and “Lock her up” stickers. There are, however, plenty of “Let’s Go Brandon” messages about in Texas.

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8 hours ago, Leith Green said:

I have neighbours who are from Atlanta. He is retired and does running (half marathons etc).

When I have asked about our shitty weather, they both say they love it - they had decades of living in what they described as awful humid conditions, and asked themselves "whats the point" if they cant even sit out on their deck because its so unpleasant.

They travelled a bit, preferred Europe, particularly northern europe and settled here.

Seems odd, I know, but I guess we dont get the real extremes they got over there.

Yeah, heat is great when you’re in your speedos by the pool with a cold beer. If you have to work and do all the other aspects of life in it thrn I could well imagine it would get a bit tedious

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3 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Yeah, heat is great when you’re in your speedos by the pool with a cold beer. If you have to work and do all the other aspects of life in it thrn I could well imagine it would get a bit tedious

As a retired person I’ll take overly warm weather any day over shitty cold rainy miserable weather.

That said any time we are indoors just now the aircon is on, and that includes throughout the night.


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4 hours ago, TxRover said:

There are, however, plenty of “Let’s Go Brandon” messages about in Texas.

I've got more respect for the folk who just come out and say "f**k Joe Biden". Not much more, but some.

"Let's Go Brandon" is the kind of shit that ten year olds say before realising their parents have more to worry about than coded naughty words.

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56 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The Presidential race is definitely being defined as ‘Hope v Fear’.

Hopefully hope prevails.


It's not "Hope v Fear", it's "Evil v marginally less Evil". This current incarnation of the Democrats are to the right of the Tories, and are in the process of actively sponsoring a genocide. Any attempt to paint them as the good guys is WestWingian Sorkinist bullshit. There isn't going to be increased gun control, there isn't going to be increased free universal medical care, there isn't going to be an increase in funding for mental health, there isn't going to be a significant decrease in abject poverty and homelessness, there isn't going to be a discernible change in foreign policy. Kamala Harris doesn't bring change, she doesn't bring hope, she brings the status quo, and the status quo is f**king awful for millions and millions of people both in America and globally. Any thought otherwise is pure naivety in the face of the fascist alternative.

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11 minutes ago, J_Stewart said:

It's not "Hope v Fear", it's "Evil v marginally less Evil". This current incarnation of the Democrats are to the right of the Tories, and are in the process of actively sponsoring a genocide. Any attempt to paint them as the good guys is WestWingian Sorkinist bullshit. There isn't going to be increased gun control, there isn't going to be increased free universal medical care, there isn't going to be an increase in funding for mental health, there isn't going to be a significant decrease in abject poverty and homelessness, there isn't going to be a discernible change in foreign policy. Kamala Harris doesn't bring change, she doesn't bring hope, she brings the status quo, and the status quo is f**king awful for millions and millions of people both in America and globally. Any thought otherwise is pure naivety in the face of the fascist alternative.

Yeah you’re right.  You’re particularly right about the alternative being neo-fascist.

These are the only two choices on offer and I know which one I prefer.

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12 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

Watching NBC news yesterday and someone on it was saying Harris would need to be 6 points clear in the polls to be sure of winning due to the electoral college

There are a few good articles/videos about the electoral college kicking about, but the general gist is that it works as designed; giving the southern/rural states more power than their populations deserve. There may be historical reasons for that, I couldn't say  :whistle

Folk are always talking about the south breaking away again, but a fairer voting system being imposed would be the most likely catalyst. If they didn't do it then, they never would.

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The national polls are an indicator of how things are going but the election will be won or lost in the swing states.  At present they’re maybe marginally favouring Harris but there’s a long way to go.

I’ve read in various places, including on here, that the polling companies have tweaked their methodology so whilst there’s obviously still margins of error to consider they’re hopefully more accurate than in the past.


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55 minutes ago, BFTD said:

There are a few good articles/videos about the electoral college kicking about, but the general gist is that it works as designed; giving the southern/rural states more power than their populations deserve. There may be historical reasons for that, I couldn't say  :whistle

Folk are always talking about the south breaking away again, but a fairer voting system being imposed would be the most likely catalyst. If they didn't do it then, they never would.

The electoral college stops the big population states deciding everything on their own, but means that the Dems currently need millions more votes than the GOP to win the Presidency.

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51 minutes ago, BFTD said:

There are a few good articles/videos about the electoral college kicking about, but the general gist is that it works as designed; giving the southern/rural states more power than their populations deserve. There may be historical reasons for that, I couldn't say  :whistle

Folk are always talking about the south breaking away again, but a fairer voting system being imposed would be the most likely catalyst. If they didn't do it then, they never would.

At the end of the day the Presidential vote should be nothing about the individual states. It should be a straight up national vote on who the majority of the population want as their leader. 

In 2020 we had 6m votes in California, 5.3m in Texas and  Florida etc. for the presidential loser, tens of millions of votes (my own in Texas included) that mean fukk all in these states 

Will we ever see that national vote? Nope. 

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54 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

At the end of the day the Presidential vote should be nothing about the individual states. It should be a straight up national vote on who the majority of the population want as their leader. 

In 2020 we had 6m votes in California, 5.3m in Texas and  Florida etc. for the presidential loser, tens of millions of votes (my own in Texas included) that mean fukk all in these states 

Will we ever see that national vote? Nope. 

Yeah it’s wholly undemocratic, a bit like picking up 63% of seats in Parliament whilst taking just over one third of the vote.

That sort of thing would never happen here.

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2 hours ago, Cheese said:

The people of California and New York should pick the president, no one else.

IIRC in 1993 the Reform Party won most of the seats in Western Canada and the Party Quebecois won most of the seats in Quebec but the Liberals won most of the seats in Ontario (the most populous province) so the Liberals won the election.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

The electoral college stops the big population states deciding everything on their own, but means that the Dems currently need millions more votes than the GOP to win the Presidency.

The electoral college is basically a block for the state (with the exceptions of Nebraska and Maine) on the assumption that nothing is gained from admitting you are a purple state.

Several states have signed up to an agreement whereby their votes will go to the candidate who wins the popular vote but they are not going to do this until enough states are also signed up.

Edited by Fullerene
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No need for elections.  Just let Alpha males run the country, says the guy who wants a role in the Trump government.

Women and men with low testosterone are not fit to govern apparently!


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