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US Presidential Election 2024


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10 hours ago, GordonS said:


Didn't it occur to you that in a country where it's incredibly easy to get hold of guns, people who want to kill someone are less likely to choose a knife? While in countries where guns are very hard to get, would-be killers have no option but to use something like a knife?

So having a higher knife homicide rate on top of 75% of homicides involving a firearm is really, really bad?

The USA's homicide rate is 6 times higher than the UK's. In 2019 London had one of its worst years in recent times for homicides. The city of St Louis, Missouri had a homicide rate 43 TIMES higher.



I'm well aware of the ease of obtaining a gun in the USA having lived in SF and travelled extensively in the country, in Florida not that long ago gun shows could be set up in fields with little notice next to a major roadway and a driving licence was all it took.


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5 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:


I'm well aware of the ease of obtaining a gun in the USA having lived in SF and travelled extensively in the country, in Florida not that long ago gun shows could be set up in fields with little notice next to a major roadway and a driving licence was all it took.


Yeah but you’re not addressing the question you were asked. 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Swapping "n*gger" out for other terms has been their strategy for decades.


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15 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

The figures are closer than you think, and surprising given the population difference.

isn't it USA 4.96 per million knife murders to the UK's 3.26 per million.

Closer when you think the USA has something like 5 times the population of the UK.

And that was 2016/2017 figures.

Eh?  Quoting a figure per million and then taking it as an absolute number.  You can of course prove anything with stats, including peoples misunderstanding of stats.

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7 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:


I'm well aware of the ease of obtaining a gun in the USA having lived in SF and travelled extensively in the country, in Florida not that long ago gun shows could be set up in fields with little notice next to a major roadway and a driving licence was all it took.


That didn't answer my point.You know that when an American wants to kill someone they can easily use a gun, so why would they use a knife? Here, a knife is usually the best option. Yet the US still has a higher knife homicide rate than we do. Yikes.

I've read the argument you were making before, it's a standard Republican talking point. They want to downplay how much of an outlier the USA for violence and murders by talking up violence in other countries, but it's not true.

I wonder how little they care is related to this: "The most recent race-specific age-adjusted homicide rates are 33.6 per 100,000 for African American persons, 12.9 for American Indian and Alaska Native persons, 6.9 per 100,000 for Hispanic persons, 3.3 per 100,000 for White persons, and 1.7 for Asian and Pacific Islander persons."

And another interesting fact related to gun availability: the suicide rate in the UK is 6.9 per 100,000. In the USA it's 14.5.

On these metrics the USA isn't really a developed country.

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2 hours ago, GordonS said:

That didn't answer my point.You know that when an American wants to kill someone they can easily use a gun, so why would they use a knife? Here, a knife is usually the best option. Yet the US still has a higher knife homicide rate than we do. Yikes.

I've read the argument you were making before, it's a standard Republican talking point. They want to downplay how much of an outlier the USA for violence and murders by talking up violence in other countries, but it's not true.

I wonder how little they care is related to this: "The most recent race-specific age-adjusted homicide rates are 33.6 per 100,000 for African American persons, 12.9 for American Indian and Alaska Native persons, 6.9 per 100,000 for Hispanic persons, 3.3 per 100,000 for White persons, and 1.7 for Asian and Pacific Islander persons."

And another interesting fact related to gun availability: the suicide rate in the UK is 6.9 per 100,000. In the USA it's 14.5.

On these metrics the USA isn't really a developed country.

The biggest problem with the “race-specific age-adjusted” element here is the failure to then adjust for community, opportunity, and other such factors. In much the same way UK knife crime is more prevalent in certain communities (either/both economically or physically), in the U.S. there are wide swaths of poor areas with little in the way of transport links and few jobs available without transport. The results are all too often predictable, and not helped by the ease of access to weapons of all sorts.

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Every time I think Trump and his halfwit followers can’t say anything more stupid/outrageous/lacking in self awareness they prove me wrong.

Claiming that the Democrats need to tone down inflammatory and divisive rhetoric is maybe the best one yet.

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Trump the fool all over the UK print and visual media right now highlighting how a right wing bigot can get to the top job.

Yet nobody mentions that the man/woman with his finger on the UK nuclear button and dictating policies is not elected as Prime Minister by the British people.

Truss is a prime example.

How is that acceptable?

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3 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Trump the fool all over the UK print and visual media right now highlighting how a right wing bigot can get to the top job.

Yet nobody mentions that the man/woman with his finger on the UK nuclear button and dictating policies is not elected as Prime Minister by the British people.

Truss is a prime example.

How is that acceptable?

Cause this is a US Election thread mate 😁

100% agree on Truss btw. 

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47 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Cause this is a US Election thread mate 😁

100% agree on Truss btw. 

Yes you're right the USA is a democratic country where the leader of the country is elected by the populace.

The point I was making is that don't you think we are being hypocritical at criticising their democratic electoral system when democracy doesn't apply in the UK as far as electing Prime Ministers are concerned.

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26 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Yes you're right the USA is a democratic country where the leader of the country is elected by the populace.

The point I was making is that don't you think we are being hypocritical at criticising their democratic electoral system when democracy doesn't apply in the UK as far as electing Prime Ministers are concerned.

Using a very dodgy system which means the views of the majority do not always translate to the result.

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11 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Yes you're right the USA is a democratic country where the leader of the country is elected by the populace.

The point I was making is that don't you think we are being hypocritical at criticising their democratic electoral system when democracy doesn't apply in the UK as far as electing Prime Ministers are concerned.

I don’t know if anybody was being hypocritical (recently) of the electoral process in the USA but… now that you mention it… as a 29 year veteran of living in the USA, I have plenty issues with the electoral college system.

The people are electing the political leader of the whole country, so that should be a straight up popular vote of all eligible voters. Can you imagine the clusterfook that would create if we ever saw something as close as 2000 again? Which we will not btw. Its a minefield of minutia between the states right now, its should be standardized nationwide. 

US system needs plenty reform, its very messed up that one party’s candidate has won the popular vote in all but one of the last eight GEs yet the other party’s candidate has served three terms in that time. And… 2004 would never have been a Republican win had Florida 2000 been properly dealt with, so that would be 8/8 to the Democrats. In that case, The Republican party we see today would be a completely different animal long before it got to 0 and 8, “lost the plot” doesn’t even come close to describing those folks 😁

UK system completely different, the populace at large is never asked who should lead each party, thus you can never really say that the UK PM is ever truly elected by more than the people of his/her constituency. Has its benefits as you vote for party manifesto over individual personalities. 

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1 hour ago, bigmarv said:

I don’t know if anybody was being hypocritical (recently) of the electoral process in the USA but… now that you mention it… as a 29 year veteran of living in the USA, I have plenty issues with the electoral college system.

The people are electing the political leader of the whole country, so that should be a straight up popular vote of all eligible voters. Can you imagine the clusterfook that would create if we ever saw something as close as 2000 again? Which we will not btw. Its a minefield of minutia between the states right now, its should be standardized nationwide. 

US system needs plenty reform, its very messed up that one party’s candidate has won the popular vote in all but one of the last eight GEs yet the other party’s candidate has served three terms in that time. And… 2004 would never have been a Republican win had Florida 2000 been properly dealt with, so that would be 8/8 to the Democrats. In that case, The Republican party we see today would be a completely different animal long before it got to 0 and 8, “lost the plot” doesn’t even come close to describing those folks 😁

UK system completely different, the populace at large is never asked who should lead each party, thus you can never really say that the UK PM is ever truly elected by more than the people of his/her constituency. Has its benefits as you vote for party manifesto over individual personalities. 

is there any genuine apatite for reform or abolition of the EC in the states tho? if your a republican in California or a democrat in Alabama then your vote is effectively worthless.  people can accept that they are heavily outnumbered when voting for a local representative in FPTP, even if its not perfect, but a straight up nationwide contest where only 2 candidates have a realistic chance of winning? does that not piss people off

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Looks like the Polish President is going to do a campaign event with Trump.

Various political leaders have met with him since his nomination but doing an event with him seems quite different and very questionable.

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1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

is there any genuine apatite for reform or abolition of the EC in the states tho? if your a republican in California or a democrat in Alabama then your vote is effectively worthless.  people can accept that they are heavily outnumbered when voting for a local representative in FPTP, even if its not perfect, but a straight up nationwide contest where only 2 candidates have a realistic chance of winning? does that not piss people off

There’s a decent movement where some states will  look at the national popular vote and assign all their electoral college votes to the winning candidate in that national popular vote. 

it will get nowhere in heavily red states as the Republicans know they have no chance without the current system. 



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