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US Presidential Election 2024


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28 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Not only will Biden not withdraw, he'll probably try to run again in 2028, the daft old sod.

If Trump wins he won't need to worry about that since there won't be any elections again.

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Imagine if we held debates 4 and a half months before the election. Jeez.

Give it time. We'll get there eventually.

Their presidential election campaigns basically start two years in advance. No wonder nobody votes; most people must be sick of it. I suppose that's the point.

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17 minutes ago, Tartan Dave said:

Imagine biden making decisions in 3 years time if he's like that now 

Biden's decisions have been mainly sound, he pushed far more domestic stuff through than Obama ever managed. It's communicating them that's been the problem, and the thought of him negotiating one to one with Putin or Xi is terrifying. He totally fucked up leaving Afghanistan though, telegraphing the schedule guaranteed panic and chaos. 

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29 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Give it time. We'll get there eventually.

Their presidential election campaigns basically start two years in advance. No wonder nobody votes; most people must be sick of it. I suppose that's the point.

You tend to have some excitement in at least one of the primary races. I can't remember an occasion where everyone has been absolutely certain who the two candidates would be so far ahead of the election.

It's been about as exciting as a Scottish title race, if both Celtic and Rangers were given a twenty point start at the beginning of the season.

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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I'm obviously not going to pay this farce of a country any mind but I enjoyed this section of the BBC analysis: Analysis: Biden's incoherent debate performance worsens age fears - BBC News


Trump largely offered a disciplined, nimble performance. He avoided the kind of interruptions and belligerence that undermined his first debate showing in 2020 and turned the discussion back to attacks on Mr Biden’s record whenever possible.

He repeatedly made assertions that weren't supported by facts as well as outright falsehoods, but Mr Biden largely was unable to corner him on them.

When the topic turned to abortion, for instance, the former president repeatedly shifted attention to what he said was Democratic extremism. He claimed, incorrectly, that Democrats support abortions after babies are born.

gg yanks, it's been a good run

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34 minutes ago, Tartan Dave said:

Imagine biden making decisions in 3 years time if he's like that now 

This is probably not too much of an issue since the advisors and his Secretaries will carry him. They are fortunate in a way that the President is stage managed to a large extent tbh - imagine Biden had to tend the daily press briefings rather than having a paid lackie there to deflect everything. He'd have been taken for a walk in the countryside long before now. 

The real fun and games are when he's one-on-one or cannot be stage managed on a public appearance. Getting slaughtered by Donald Trump, for example. How is he supposed to negotiate with China etc. when he doesn't know where he is? Witness also his numerous Ron Burgandy moments.

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I suspect Biden's brain might have got frazzled more than it already was by over rehearsing, he's supposedly been at it full time for 2 weeks at Camp David. 

Edited by welshbairn
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Anyone trying to be impartial would be very worried about Trump’s many blatant lies and his refusal to address certain issues, however Biden’s hellish performance will largely deflect from this.  He effectively gave Trump a ‘get out of jail free’ card.

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2 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

The world looks on in horror and the biggest village idiot in Inverclyde chooses to score cheap points.

This is the Politics sub-forum of the General Nonsense section of Scottish football website. It's not the General Assembly of the UN. 

It says a lot about this sub-forum though that you thought such a laughably sanctimonius rap lecture was wise to post, rather than making you sound fucking demented.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Makes you wonder what's happened to the infamous Democrat machine, men in a Chicago smoke filled room picking a doddery old pensioner as the best hope against Trump. 

The machine already cleared out opposition in 2020 at the South Carolina primary, for Biden to get 'his' turn as a form of continuity Obama. You can't empty a sitting President easily though. 

The biggest problem they face is that younger black/Latino Americans, as well as independent women voters, are not going to vote based solely on identity politics alone. Channel 4's coverage last night showed the liberal consternation that a black voter in their 30s might want to, gasp, vote for tax cuts now rather than vite for who was supporting the Civil Rights movement in the last century.

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