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Increase in adult ADHD

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8 minutes ago, throbber said:

I had the misfortune of working alongside a guy who had a very clear case of ADHD (and probably several other mental health issues including drug abuse) and if he was the benchmark for adhd nothing that anyone has described on here comes close to it. The guy couldn’t go more than 30 seconds without getting distracted and doing something ridiculous, he had one of these handheld foghorn things and he’d sneak up on people and blast it in their ears, would hide tools so people couldn’t do work and pinch peoples phones and run away with them. I’m getting traumatised even talking about it.

Sounds like a nightmare. Unless you used to work in a Circus tent?

There was a lad in my Primary 6 class like this. Clearly really badly disturbed, but at the time just written off as 'mental'. During class he'd be crawling about under the desk, get pulled up by the teacher, then 2 minutes later make a dive for the belfast sink, jump in it, and turn the tap on. I mind him stapling himself to the carpet. He also got a row because his personal 'tray/drawer' was full of mud. He got the belt with astonishing frequency even though it was obviously futile to bother belting him. He'd sit at the school dinner table in total silence, and when you turned to look at him he'd have custard dribbling out of both nostrils. More often than not he'd try to instigate a food-fight and get chucked oot. He ended up covered in dog shite on the school year trip and the coach driver wouldn't let him on the coach for the return journey. He vanished after he attacked one of the lassies in the year during a PE lesson. The Head (who was an absolute unit) hauled him off, arm up the back, never to be seen again. All this happened over a couple of weeks of utter mayhem.

I wonder what became of him because there was obviously a lot more going on with him than met the eye, but I'd imagine he's either long deid or in prison somewhere.

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

My sister is getting tested for it and is fairly certain she has it - my mum is trying to convince me into being tested for that and autism as she’s fairly certain I’m on the spectrum. I don’t see the point in finding these things out, I’m nearly 37 and it’s not as if finding this out is going to help me in any way. 

I'm waiting on ASD, only because I am back in work place and can see how diagnosis whether that's a stand alone change or alongside BPD will hopefully help change the cycle.


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2 hours ago, throbber said:

I had the misfortune of working alongside a guy who had a very clear case of ADHD (and probably several other mental health issues including drug abuse) and if he was the benchmark for adhd nothing that anyone has described on here comes close to it. The guy couldn’t go more than 30 seconds without getting distracted and doing something ridiculous, he had one of these handheld foghorn things and he’d sneak up on people and blast it in their ears, would hide tools so people couldn’t do work and pinch peoples phones and run away with them. I’m getting traumatised even talking about it.

"How can we deal with mad Davie?"

"Hmmm, give him a foghorn, that should keep him occupied.  Can't see anything going wrong there!"

"Yep a plan with no downsides - lets do it!"


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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

"How can we deal with mad Davie?"

"Hmmm, give him a foghorn, that should keep him occupied.  Can't see anything going wrong there!"

"Yep a plan with no downsides - lets do it!"


We were working in an old building and it was lying about iirc. Nobody supplied him with it.

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5 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Sounds like a nightmare. Unless you used to work in a Circus tent?

It was the closest thing to hell on earth i have ever experienced, like any sort of respect for personal space was completely lost. I lasted about 3 weeks working with him then said I needed a move away which I got for a few weeks and then he came back starting his antics again and I walked off the job after about a day.

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Not professionally diagnosed but have several of the common signs of both ADHD and slight Autism. Never really affected me and I can hide both pretty well in work and social situations although getting to sleep can be a bit tricky when my head can't stop thinking about random shite and doing its own version of going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole. Few people have suggested meditation and mindfulness apps and stuff but I can't just concentrate on my breathing, I start thinking about how I teach the breathing system and how the lungs work, and wonder what my Vo2max is and... and... and...

Edited by Salvo Montalbano
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11 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Not professionally diagnosed but have several of the common signs of both ADHD and slight Autism. Never really affected me and I can hide both pretty well in work and social situations although getting to sleep can be a bit tricky when my head can't stop thinking about random shite and doing its own version of going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole. Few people have suggested meditation and mindfulness apps and stuff but I can't just concentrate on my breathing, I start thinking about how I teach the breathing system and how the lungs work, and wonder what my Vo2max is and... and... and...

I'm very similar to this. I can lie for a good hour or so at night just thinking about random crap like what song u heard in an advert teo years ago or wondering what a particular actor was in to the point I have to get up and check Wikipedia otherwise I can't get it out my head .

There's plenty of other things about my personality that point in the direction of something being undiagnosed but Idon't feel it affects my life enough that I would bother doing anything about it.

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Having 'some' of the symptoms or signs does not mean that you actually have a disorder of either attention deficit or hyperactivity. Here's the NHS guidance on ADHD in adults, weasel wording highlighted:



Adult symptoms of ADHD also tend to be far more subtle than childhood symptoms.

Some specialists have suggested the following as a list of symptoms associated with ADHD in adults:

carelessness and lack of attention to detail

continually starting new tasks before finishing old ones

poor organisational skills

inability to focus or prioritise

continually losing or misplacing things


restlessness and edginess

difficulty keeping quiet, and speaking out of turn

blurting out responses and often interrupting others

mood swings, irritability and a quick temper

inability to deal with stress

extreme impatience

taking risks in activities, often with little or no regard for personal safety or the safety of others – for example, driving dangerously


A pick and mix self-diagnosis from that list would include pretty much every adult in the country. It is also conflating at least three different areas under the same term, as impatience and irritability are patently not the same as attention deficit. 

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1 hour ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I'm very similar to this. I can lie for a good hour or so at night just thinking about random crap like what song u heard in an advert teo years ago or wondering what a particular actor was in to the point I have to get up and check Wikipedia otherwise I can't get it out my head .

There's plenty of other things about my personality that point in the direction of something being undiagnosed but Idon't feel it affects my life enough that I would bother doing anything about it.

Fucksake Bert, look at the shite that gets posted on here. 90% of the forum have heads full of wee motors. People can't expect a Doctor to give you a line just because you're more interested in who was in On the Buses than going to sleep.

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8 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Fucksake Bert, look at the shite that gets posted on here. 90% of the forum have heads full of wee motors. People can't expect a Doctor to give you a line just because you're more interested in who was in On the Buses than going to sleep.

True 😅. Hence why I've never bothered with a doctor. Suppose it's better lying awake trying to think what year Reg Varney died than lying awake thinking about your own slow, impending death 

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