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top 5 worst mp's


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TIme for my left-field hipster choices

John Stonehouse - MP for Wednesdbury and then Walsall, he was a minister under Tony Benn in Harold Wilson's government, holding the posts of Technology and Postmaster General.  He had a fairly non-descript career and would have been forgotten if he hadn't done what happened next.  After leaving ministerial office in 1970, he tried his hand at business, failed pretty soundly but began elaborate creative accounting (ie fraud) at the same time as starting an affair with his secretary.  Trying to kill two birds with one stone, Stonehouse left the country in November 1974 and faked his own death, pretending to have drowned on holiday in Miami, when had actually fled to Australia, hoping to start a new life with his secrtary and illicit money he'd transfered over from his failed companies.  Sadly for him, he was nicked by the Aussie cops for making large cash transfers.  They initially thought he was Lord Lucan but his identity was soon uncovered and was shipped back to the UK, convicted of fraud and sent to prison.  He then resigned as an MP but for a fwe weeks the good people of Walsall had an MP doing seven years in Wormwood Scrubs for fraud.

Nicholas Fairbairn - Flamoyant Tory MP for Perth, Fairbairn was an Edinburgh lawyer who carved out a career as a swivel-eyed right-wing nutter before GB News made it cool.  He would regularly expound good old fashioned common sense views like Nelson Mandela is a terrorist, pop groups are destroying the fabric of society etc.  A highlight of his career came during the debate in 1994 on lowering the age on homosexual consent, where he stood up and described gay sex in the hosue of Commons.  After he died from alcoholism, leaving mistresses and ex-wives aplenty, it came out that he was a prolific child abuser himself, with victims as young as four years old.  Is it hot down there Nicholas?

Jared O'Mara - After triumphantly dethroning Nick Clegg in 2017, it quickly emerged that O'Mara had made numerous racist, sexit, homophobic posts on internet forums in the past.  O'Mara said that Michelle McManus only won Pop Idol because she was fat, called gay men "poofters" and said that Jamie Cullum should be sodomised with his own piano. He also made racist comments on a Morrissey fan forum, calling the Danish "pig shaggers" and Spanish people "dagos".  Morrissey was outraged... that he hadn't come up with those himself, waaay.  Confronted by this O'Mara said that it was because at the time he'd been football fan at the time and had been listening to an Eminem record.  After taking a number of breaks for his mental health, it came out that he had created several false charities to claim expenses for and then spent the money (about £30k) on cocaine.  He was sent down for four years earlier this year. 

Mark Oaten - Oaten won the seat of Winchester by 2 votes in 1997 but the election had to be rerun after a legal challange by the Tory candidate.  Oaten won the second contest by 20,000 votes and then went on to have a solid, unspectacular career as a Lib Dem MP, contributing to the ORange book, acting as Home Affairs spokesment.  He announced he was going to run for the leadership but stood down because a sex scandal came out revealing that he had paid gay prostitutes for sex, including paying one to... don't read if you are eating... shite on his face.  He later blamed a mid-life crisis and the impact of going bald for this.  I'm only really including him because whenever I see bald men I wonder if they too have paid someone to shite on their face.

Jeremy Thorpe - Seems mad now but Thorpe, leader of the LIberal Party and fairly well thought of in the country, conspired with some of his mates to murder an unfortunate young man, Norman Scott, who he had been having an illicit sexual relationship with.  Thorpe asked the chairman of Wolverhampton Wanderers for £20,000 for campaign expenses, took the money and gave it to a fruit machine salesman who met a drunk pilot at a party in Blackpool and recruited him to kill Scott.  "It's a different world after 16 pints" the pilot said later, which I'm sure we can all agree with.  When the plot was put into action, the only thing to get shot was Scott's pet dog, a Great Dane called Rinka, who was shot dead in leui of his owner.  Thorpe lost in the 1979 by-eelction, when Auberon Waugh of Private Eye, stood against him for the Dog Lovers Party.

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Difficult to choose just five, really. For all I know some of them might be decent Constituency MPs, but all I can really go on are their public pronouncements. May as well keep it to the current lot as there's plenty of choice. 

1) Sue-Ellen "Suella" Braverman. There are a lot of politicians I don't like or disagree with, but I can at least accept they are trying to do something positive, even if I think it's totally misguided. This woman, on the other hand, is genuinely evil and quite actively means to harm. 

2) Lee "30p Lee" Anderson. An absolute 'yer da' parody figure. A deeply unserious man who has no place in politics. He's found his true calling in GB News. Also has some very, very weird connections. 

3) Mark Francois. Another pub bore, this time with a French name. After making himself known as a massive pain in the arse and a 'Brexit hardman' under Theresa May, he then did a vanishing act when rape allegations against a Tory MP were publicised. Why was that, Mark? 

4) Nadine Dorries. A complete fruitloop and just abandoned her constituents in the huff because Rishi Sunak didn't give her the peerage Dear Boris promised her for her devotion. Not entirely sure it's right to include a now ex-MP, but she was awful. 

5) Margaret Ferrier. I don't really know what else to say here, other than that she is a complete moron. 




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It was credibly reported at the weekend that senior Tory party members and whips have been covering up for one of their MPs who is a serial rapist - and that he's commited at least one rape since they've known about him - and that the party paid for "medical treatment" for one of his victims (maybe an abortion? I don't know). Obviously this is weak stuff compared to wanting more maternity rights for female MPS, or whatever the f**k the problem is with Stella Creasy.

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Depends how you define “worst” I guess. Is an MP that I hate but actually turns up to do the job and represent their constituents ‘worse’ than one who seems broadly alright politically but doesn’t bother their arse?

Anyway, here’s a few that I dislike who I haven’t seen mentioned:

Lucy Allan (Con, Telford): Doctored an email from a constituent to pretend that she’d received a death threat. Known to be a vicious bully, including repeatedly phoning up ill members of staff to threaten to sack them. Describes herself as a ‘libertarian’, but consistently votes for stricter asylum systems, stricter measures against trade unions and mass surveillance of people’s communications suggesting that her definition of ‘libertarian’ just means I don’t want to pay taxes. Standing down at the next election.

Eric Pickles (Con, Brentwood & Ongar): He’s the chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel, was a cabinet secretary for much of, and an active and keen participant in, Cameron’s austerity governments, and accused the Grenfell inquiry of wasting his time by asking questions. He’s now in the House of Lords.

Kirstene Hair (Con, Angus): There’s very few MPs who I believe to genuinely be complete morons - most of them I think are just bad people - but Hair is one of the few who I think was actually stupid. Found it too difficult to decide whether to back Brexit or not, voted against gay marriage (in NI) and almost immediately after getting elected she attempted to make sure her family farm could get out of paying the minimum wage. A total worstcunt. She later became an advisor to Douglas Ross.

Joanna Cherry (SNP, Edinburgh Southwest): A horrendous bigot, who also repeatedly threatens or takes legal action to force people into giving in to her demands. Pretends her transphobia is rooted in concerns about women’s safety, but turns the other way when her close friend was accused of, and admitted to some (though not illegal) sexual misconduct. She’s also another who made up threats against her. Just a deeply odious human being. Still an MP, although hopefully she’ll f**k off to Alba soon.

David Davis (Con, Haltemprice and Howden): alongside negotiating a brexit deal so bad that he himself felt the need to resign over it, he is also an avowed homophobe who enthusiastically supported section 28. He did oppose bombing Syria, so fair play to him for that I suppose. 

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25 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Eric Pickles went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.

I’m sure there used to be something online where Ricky Tomlinson called him the worst human being to ever live or something like that. Can’t find it now though. 

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I thought that there are bound to be genuinely awful MPs in history. Criminals, traitors and the like. So I had a look and Chris Bryant had written this article.

The next hit on Google was from Stephen Liddell. 


a writer and traveller with a penchant for history and getting off the beaten track. With several books to my name including several #1 sellers. I also write environmental, travel and history articles for magazines as well as freelance work. 

Published two days later. It's the same list. Stevie boy should add plagiarist to his bio. 

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3 hours ago, Johnny Martin said:

Mate, they are utterly awful people.

I'm genuinely curious what Stella Creasy has done that you think she's worse than, say, Peter Bone? Or whichever Tory MP we're discovering this week has sexually assaulted someone?

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Nigel Farage ought to be on here, surely. Couldn't find any evidence that he's ever even bothered to turn up to parliament or attend a surgery for his constituents.

Just as well he's so popular with the media or he'd never have been elected.

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12 hours ago, BFTD said:

Nigel Farage ought to be on here, surely. Couldn't find any evidence that he's ever even bothered to turn up to parliament or attend a surgery for his constituents.

Just as well he's so popular with the media or he'd never have been elected.

never elected as an MP

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35 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

never elected as an MP

No way that one of Britain's most heavily publicised and quoted politicians could have failed to be elected to Westminster on seven different occasions. You're clearly mistaken.

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14 hours ago, BFTD said:

Nigel Farage ought to be on here, surely. Couldn't find any evidence that he's ever even bothered to turn up to parliament or attend a surgery for his constituents.

Just as well he's so popular with the media or he'd never have been elected.


1 hour ago, Caledonian1 said:

never elected as an MP

You've both whooshed yourselves. Farage served 4 terms as an elected member of Parliament.



Edited by Boo Khaki
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