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The Pie and Bovril Dead Pool 2024

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3 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Seems like Thabo Mbeki died yesterday but not too many major sites reporting it so not sure. 


Probably best to assume hoax for now until a better source comes along, especially as they have his age wrong which is a red flag. Obviously no idea if anyone had him anyway.


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procedure obituary (readerisprogrammer : boolean; readersage : integer);


    writeln('Computer Scientist Niklaus Wirth, who died on January 1st');
    writeln('was a famous name for computer programmers of a certain vintage');
    if ((not readerisprogrammer) or (readersage < 50)) then
        writeln('He was famous for writing some ancient computer languages');
        writeln('that you''ve never heard of and for advocating a style of');
        writeln('writing computer programs in an orderly fashion that most');
        writeln('programmers use today.');
        writeln('He was most famous for developing Pascal, EULER and variants');
        writeln('of ALGOL, as well as his advocacy of structured programming');

        if (readersage < 50) then
            writeln ('You probably use structured programming in');
            writeln('every computer program you write without even knowing it.');
            writeln('He also coined the famous slogan ''GOTO Considered Harmful''');
            writeln('often misattributed to Edsger Dijkstra');



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Brigadier Frank Kitson, who wrote infamous counter-insurgency manuals advocating tactics such as 'counter-gangs' (using terrorist groups against insurgents) and 'pseudo-gangs' (forming fake insurgent groups to entrap activists), and who seemingly put those tactics in place when he ran the British Army in Northern Ireland during the disastrous early years of the Troubles, has died aged 91.


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1 hour ago, Aim Here said:

Brigadier Frank Kitson, who wrote infamous counter-insurgency manuals advocating tactics such as 'counter-gangs' (using terrorist groups against insurgents) and 'pseudo-gangs' (forming fake insurgent groups to entrap activists), and who seemingly put those tactics in place when he ran the British Army in Northern Ireland during the disastrous early years of the Troubles, has died aged 91.


I watched the film 71 last night, that's all about that very subject.

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2 hours ago, Aim Here said:

Brigadier Frank Kitson, who wrote infamous counter-insurgency manuals advocating tactics such as 'counter-gangs' (using terrorist groups against insurgents) and 'pseudo-gangs' (forming fake insurgent groups to entrap activists), and who seemingly put those tactics in place when he ran the British Army in Northern Ireland during the disastrous early years of the Troubles, has died aged 91.


Kit's aff.

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5 hours ago, JustOneCornetto said:

Glynis Johns dead at 100

I don't have her in my team but I'm sure someone's bound to have her, come on @Miguel Sanchez get those teams posted


Captain of my very first Dead Pool entry back in 2016, relegated to a squad member these days but still points on the board for this year and the threat of being a zero pointer erased early doors.

Edited by Sweaty Morph
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