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11 hours ago, 2426255 said:

Faddy didn't say anything about current form or struggling. He said in no uncertain terms that Morecambe would not be competitive in Scotland's top division. I think that's being disrespectful (unintentionally) and I don't see a basis for that statement.


If I were a Morecambe fan I might think Scottish fans were arrogant in the same way Scottish fans feel the English are arrogant and look down at our game. 

I think Morecambe & their fans don't have the slightest interest in how they would fare in Scottish football anymore than they'd be interested in how they'd fare in Puerto Rican football . And they certainly wouldn't pay attention to the semi-literate ravings of the idiot McFadden who I doubt many would have heard of in any case.


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2 minutes ago, kennie makevin said:

I think Morecambe & their fans don't have the slightest interest in how they would fare in Scottish football anymore than they'd be interested in how they'd fare in Puerto Rican football .

Good. I couldnt give a f**k about Morecambe either, to the point ive no idea what division theyre even in.

England is over 10 times bigger than Scotland and the EFL suckles from the teet of the richest league on the planet. Youd have to be an absolute moron with a brain sized cavity in their head to not expect their lower divisions to have similar quality to our top flight splattered throughout it.

Theres National League sides down there from larger cities than some of our top flight sides and folk are acting that its some horrendous mark against Scottish football that thet get bigger crowds.

Its neighbour watching of the most pathetic degree and any grown man involving themselves in such shite seriously needs to find another way of dealing with their balding middle aged crisis. 

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9 hours ago, on the bonnie bonnie banks said:

2426255 makes valid points and appears to be the only one in tune with the current situation engulfing the beautiful game throughout Scotland, highlighted so eloquently by the great one.

One thing's for certain, there's no going back now and the game will either improve because of it or fade into obscurity due to its failure to change the way the SPL is set up.



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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

You've missed the point somehow given this thread is 25 pages long! 

The controversy is nothing to do with the assertion that English football is better than Scottish, but that a Div 2 side in England is 100 times better than teams in our top league.  OK, we'll allow him the exaggeration but still it's a nonsense comment and anything but an honest opinion IMHO.

I disagree. Adams is entitled to any opinion he likes, but he is a well know cùnt and no-one likes him, except for Roy McGregor.

He might be right for all I know, but he's an unpleasant character, who's manner of delivery wouldn't persuade you to get out of a burning car.

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No-one is being forced read the contents of this thread or to post in it. The most effective approach is simply to ignore the discussion if it's taken a turn you don't like and leave others to continue. Trying to influence posters to stop the conversation will probably just end up in disappointment.

I think this thread still has a lot more to give personally, so looking forward to that.

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Good. I couldnt give a f**k about Morecambe either, to the point ive no idea what division theyre even in.

England is over 10 times bigger than Scotland and the EFL suckles from the teet of the richest league on the planet. Youd have to be an absolute moron with a brain sized cavity in their head to not expect their lower divisions to have similar quality to our top flight splattered throughout it.

Theres National League sides down there from larger cities than some of our top flight sides and folk are acting that its some horrendous mark against Scottish football that thet get bigger crowds.

Its neighbour watching of the most pathetic degree and any grown man involving themselves in such shite seriously needs to find another way of dealing with their balding middle aged crisis. 

Your ability to spout humourless abuse is to be admired. But why are you so angry ? 




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2 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

Which would be fine if Scottish football was either factually, actually or contractually great. But it's not. It's tedious predictable garbage and the longer that fact is ignored the longer it will stay that way.

Well said that man 👏

It can't survive in its present form, dull as ditch water.

Take a look at the Welsh game, little old Wrexham would be more than a match for any side in the SPL and no doubts the premier league when they get there in a few years time.

We have so much to look forward to

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2 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

Which would be fine if Scottish football was either factually, actually or contractually great. But it's not. It's tedious predictable garbage and the longer that fact is ignored the longer it will stay that way.

You're the one commenting on a Scottish football forum after all.

But if you really was those things, it probably wouldn't have the highest proportional attendance figures in the world. The two things don't compute.

You could say maybe its popular and rubbish, like the big bang theory for example, but even that doesn't work when Scotland blows all competitors (as well as many far larger nations) out of the water in the European coefficient. Not only have we done recently, we have been crushing the competition for decades.

So it's tedious garbage, and yet better than every other nations league on any sort of proportional comparison. Good one.

It's like shagging Emily Ratajowski and bitching because she isn't the mythical Cleopatra.

4 hours ago, on the bonnie bonnie banks said:

He's done you a massive favour and said what most of you deluded folk have been denying,

There are no consequences for him or anybody else who speaks the truth and and certainly not from the likes of you pal

Correct, I likely have no influence.

He's still a c**t though.

Edited by SH Panda
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3 hours ago, 2426255 said:

No-one is being forced read the contents of this thread or to post in it. The most effective approach is simply to ignore the discussion if it's taken a turn you don't like and leave others to continue. Trying to influence posters to stop the conversation will probably just end up in disappointment.

I think this thread still has a lot more to give personally, so looking forward to that.

You are right to be fair. This thread is no longer a serious conversation so I’m checking out. 

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2 hours ago, on the bonnie bonnie banks said:

Well said that man 👏

It can't survive in its present form, dull as ditch water.

Take a look at the Welsh game, little old Wrexham would be more than a match for any side in the SPL and no doubts the premier league when they get there in a few years time.

We have so much to look forward to

You are right in that currently, as a contest, the top flight is about as boring as it gets. From an outside in, you'd wonder what anyone would bother watching a league where only 2 teams can/will ever win it. But, that misses the point. All diddy fans know this and are well aware. We effectively discount them from the league and when you do and look at the competitiveness of the other 10, I think you'd be hard pushed to find as competitive and by extension exciting league in its own right.

That Dundee this season are where they are and that more often promoted teams do very well and it the case of Utd, do exceptionally well when they came back up, shows actually a pretty decent yet horrifically marketed product.

Compare to the EPL. Yes, huge gulf in money, but increasingly a closed shop to the leagues below. Burnley smashed the championship, yet miles off even middle of the road sides. It is English in location only. Clubs aren't English owned, most players aren't and I think 1992 was the last time an English manager even won the top flight. Trickle down those riches and you get what would have top flight players 20/30 years ago playing 2nd and 3rd tier.

So, comparing bigger Scottish teams to big English teams is really no comparison. Comparing bigger Scottish teams to league 1 level teams, maybe is more so because of that pushing down above. However, the clubs at that level are artificially bumped up and if/when the innevitable leaving behind of them happens for some kind of closed EPL or Super League, you will see a lot of clubs struggle and find their true level.

Are Morcambe 100x better than Ross County, no. Can they spend multiple times the amount on players, yes, clearly. Does that mean those players are multiple times better? I'd say not. Adams did what Adams does. Shouts his mouth off and then tries to play dumb or roll it back a bit. 


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22 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

I'm not comparing it to anything. The Scottish top flight is dismally poor. The state of Czech, Moldovan or Baffin Island football is irrelevant. However crap it may or may not be won't suddenly make our game better.

How can you say something is poor without comparing it to anything? You must have a standard to judge against.

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2 hours ago, Pete the Jakey said:

There's an analogy I never thought I'd hear today.

Hope you like it.

The point is that those criticising Scottish football are denegreating something that is objectively great and fantasising about something that hasn't ever existed, and can't exist.

A less fun analogy would be the Israeli armed forces. They spend a lot of money on it, and conscript their citizens, and are objectively strong. They would easily spank any similar sized nation, and many larger ones (and they have). However, they would be easily crushed by the Chinese or American army.

People bitching about Scottish football because it isn't as good as English football, is like Israelis complaining their army isn't as strong as Americans. Correct, it isn't, but there's nothing you can do to match a nation that is many multiplies your size. If Israel conscripted all its citizens, spent all it's money on defence, they still couldn't match the US. In the meantime, proportionally, you are way ahead of everyone else. In your peer group you are absolutely crushing it.

There is nothing Scottish football could do to be as good as the English premiership. There is nothing they could do to be as sustainably good as the English championship. You could tie yourself in knots on whether the spfl is league one or league two, but its unprovable and benefits no one.

Against actual nations our size, we comfortably beat them, and have been way ahead of them for decades. Our near neighbours like Norway, Wales or Ireland could only dream of having a league as good as ours. They will almost certainly never come close to us, and if they do it will be fleeting.

We should be proud of Scottish football, it's excellent by any objective measure. The fact some people will trust to talk it down says more about them than it does the standard.

Tldr ; you miserable fuckers are the problem. Can we send you and Adams to an island to cannibilise one another? I vote yes.

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25 minutes ago, SH Panda said:

You could tie yourself in knots on whether the spfl is league one or league two, but its unprovable and benefits no one.

Why would someone compare the SPFL to a single league? The standard of the SPFL varies massively from the Premiership to League 2, so it's a comparison that doesn't make sense at all.

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57 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

Are Morecambe 100x better than Ross County, no.

That was hypothetical, open to interpretation, driven purely by emotion and extreme disappointment.

Can they spend multiple times the amount on players, yes, 

Erm, NO

Adam's had no budget to work with at Morecambe, bullshitter seen to that by spending it all and leaving him with a squad load of second rate crocks before exiting the building turn-coat style before he was found out, it was a good job because relegation was nailed on thanks to him but Derek turned it round like the King he is.

Morecambe have never ever been in a position to spend multiple times on any player's, Derek had 5 or 6 player's still on the books at the start of this season before adding through the loan system and putting together a very well balanced squad.

He's never been backed and had he been last season, Morecambe would still be in league one and still without a relegation in their long history.

Alas, there's now many off field problem's with the ownership of the club and it could end very badly but Derek Adam's was without question the best thing that ever happened to Morecambe football club and he'll always be seen as the KING around these parts.



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5 hours ago, 2426255 said:

No-one is being forced read the contents of this thread or to post in it. The most effective approach is simply to ignore the discussion if it's taken a turn you don't like and leave others to continue. Trying to influence posters to stop the conversation will probably just end up in disappointment.

I think this thread still has a lot more to give personally, so looking forward to that.

Another 74 posts of your and your sock puppet's pish?

Thanks but no thanks.

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