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Willie Collum; good guy? complete dick? corrupt? / ..and should (Old Firm) clubs "have the power to ban him"?

Two sided poll - Willie Collum's decisions & club control over referees.  

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3 minutes ago, mathematics said:

Ah yes, FIFA, well known for not being corrupt.

Stag beat you to it about 45 minutes ago. Again, it's all theoretical and would be a strong start to cleaning up the game.

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On 04/01/2024 at 10:44, Derry Alli said:

As for Collum, he's shite and teaches religion to children. Sign of a no righter.

Should children not get taught about the powerful social, cultural and historical force that is religion then?

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Can't ban a referee from all clubs, but a suspension for a good while backed up by video evidence, for maybe more than one club

Oh, plus, let's get some East Scottish refs, with West ones down to zero, or a trickle, say every 5 new refs, 4 East, 1 West until it's balanced


Rather have a European Circuit of Referees & VAR teams, refereeing everywhere except their own Country

Higher resolution playback and Framerate too; none of this 15FPS frameskipping garbage, like the Scotland Spain and Motherwell Hearts games, where there was definitely 'issues' with the aforementioned aspects of playback on the video presented to referees and the viewing public

Otherwise, it'll continue to be open to abuse

Also, EVERY Penalty shout reviewed; no override like dickinson V killie at home and muir V Ross County

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4 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Should children not get taught about the powerful social, cultural and historical force that is religion then?

To be fair that is part of his job as an RE Teacher at an RC School so you do have a point

But it's also worth bearing in mind that it is only 4th on a list of 8 objectives 

Religious Education in Catholic schools (catholiceducation.org.uk)

What is the purpose of Religious Education in Catholic schools?
1. To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;
2. To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively;
3. To present an authentic vision of the Church's moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in contemporary 1. culture and society;
4. To raise pupils' awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them;
5. To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life;
6. To stimulate pupils' imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith;
7. To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum;
8. To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture.


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I'm enjoying the fact that Rangers are ignoring that they were actually given an advantage by the incorrect decision.

Celtic were forced to play out from a goal kick, rather than a free kick nearly 10 yards further up.

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I think there are a number of issues going on here that need to be dealt with separately.

1. Operation of VAR. I've never understood why we have referees called to the side of the pitch to look at the video. This puts them under enormous pressure to change their decision as, if their original decision was "correct", why would they be called to review it? I think it would be better if in situations where VAR is needed the decision was taken by the VAR, rather than the referee himself.

2. Quality of refereeing. I've watched Scottish football since the late 1960s. While there have been ups and downs in the quality of refereeing over that period, I do think the quality over the last few years has been by far the worst I've seen. And those of you complaining about the quality of refereeing in the top division should remember that those of us watching nonleague teams have to suffer these guys on the way up. We need better referees, but we are not going to get them if every time a decision goes against one of the big two they are hauled over the coals in the back pages of the Daily Record.

3. Bias. I'm sure that no referee goes out onto the pitch deliberately seeking to favour one team or another. However, I think it's indisputable that the context impacts on marginal decisions. It's only human nature if you had 50,000+ fans baying at you over some of your decisions that the next time there is a marginal one you take the easy way out in favour of a bigger team. Most of the time referees will get away with this, but occasionally the statistics are telling. 

For example, if you apply statistics to the question of how many SPFL seasons would you have to play before there is a better than 50% chance of a team going 70+ matches without conceding a penalty you get the answer approximately 5600. But this is arguably not right since it assumes 50% per session for each team in each game. If you adjust to take account of one team having, say, 75% possession on average, the number goes up to 506,000 seasons. Clearly what's happened over the last couple of seasons in Scotland is so unlikely that you have to question whether there is some bias here.

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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

To be fair that is part of his job as an RE Teacher at an RC School so you do have a point

But it's also worth bearing in mind that it is only 4th on a list of 8 objectives 

Religious Education in Catholic schools (catholiceducation.org.uk)

What is the purpose of Religious Education in Catholic schools?
1. To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;
2. To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively;
3. To present an authentic vision of the Church's moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in contemporary 1. culture and society;
4. To raise pupils' awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them;
5. To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life;
6. To stimulate pupils' imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith;
7. To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum;
8. To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture.

Yes, but that degree of detail wasn't what prompted the initial populist dig.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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To be fair RE teachers seemed to be the more laid back hippier types in school, not really the god fearing types iirc. I went to a proddy school though so not sure if 'them' were any different. I also feel many fans in Scottish football have an unhealthy hang up on Collums main job as if it's some sort of smoking gun. 

Edited by gannonball
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22 minutes ago, gannonball said:

I also feel many fans in Scottish football have an unhealthy hang up on Collums main job as if it's some sort of smoking gun. 

Doesn't Walsh teach PE at a school used by Rangers for their academy kids? Just putting that out there as ultimately it was Nick Walsh refereeing a game involving a club used by his employer.

Edited by FK1Bairn
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44 minutes ago, gannonball said:

To be fair RE teachers seemed to be the more laid back hippier types in school, not really the god fearing types iirc. I went to a proddy school though so not sure if 'them' were any different. I also feel many fans in Scottish football have an unhealthy hang up on Collums main job as if it's some sort of smoking gun. 

Non denominational.

Wasn't an RE class when i went to school, just the odd main assembly, but my daughter had one, and for someone not brought up with any religious beliefs she was shit hot at their exams.😂

Quite liked all the stories when i went to Sunday school, got bored shitless with the church though and used to just spend the collection money on sweets and play outside the church, across the road with a few similar minded mates till the church folk came out and i could go home without my mum knowing i wasn't going. At some point she eventually sussed me out and just gave up trying to get me to go. 

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Fans in almost every country in the world think that their referees are the worst. I've watched referees from countries all over Europe refereeing Aberdeen matches this season, and by and large they are certainly no better than our refs, and probably worse. 

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19 hours ago, Crawford said:

Right. It's all theoretical. It's not happening and probably won't happen. Relax.

I was suggesting the top flight of ALL countries should be payed for and officiated by FIFA. This would globally clear up football in the top flights and cup quarter, semi and finals.

Under that level, the status quo would resume. By all means have a Scottish official team in the championship. It would train the refs for when they are promoted to the big leagues of other nations.

I think it would be financially manageable and not as crazy as you think it sounds but hey, THEORETICAL.

Ok so my theoretical idea is that the SFA invest £3 billion per year to work on an amazing training and development program on Scottish referees to make them the best in the world.

What do you think? 


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4 hours ago, Greenlantern said:

Everyone already knows the refereeing standards in Scotland is poor but its complete deflection tactics by rangers on the holy grail of getting a result against their rivals. 

They’ll do similar for a few results and then, once it gets too much for their fans to take with Clement*, the penny will then drop and suddenly it’ll be Rangers fans going “the board just deflected a these bad resultsdoing this and that”.




*rate Clement quite highly as a manager so I’m not saying he’ll necessarily do badly enough to get sacked but you never know.




This whole situation can just be summed up by saying Rangers are fucking dicks. 

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8 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Fans in almost every country in the world think that their referees are the worst. I've watched referees from countries all over Europe refereeing Aberdeen matches this season, and by and large they are certainly no better than our refs, and probably worse. 

Agree with this as well. I can’t remember what game it was (possibly Aberdeen but maybe Hearts) but a Scottish team got one of the worst ever penalty decisions I’ve ever seen in Europe this season.

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2 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

They’ll do similar for a few results and then, once it gets too much for their fans to take with Clement*, the penny will then drop and suddenly it’ll be Rangers fans going “the board just deflected a these bad resultsdoing this and that”.




*rate Clement quite highly as a manager so I’m not saying he’ll necessarily do badly enough to get sacked but you never know.




This whole situation can just be summed up by saying Rangers are fucking dicks. 

Never agreed with you more than this post.

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