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Reform UK going from strength to strength.

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He's now gone running to the Electoral Commission claiming C4 are guilty of "electoral interference".

Boycotting the BBC because of a "hostile" audience. FFS, they fellate him almost weekly on QT, and to be honest I thought the audience last night was remarkably gentle with him. After the nonsense about that guy being a C4 plant, nobody asked him to explain the Jones/Bates/Gravett conversation. Apparently he has waved it off as them being a bit pissed after watching football. So, in vino veritas eh Nigel? When your boys get a beer in them, they can't prevent their true selves from rearing their ugly bigoted heads.

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He's smart enough to realise he's Nick Griffining his reputation every time he is asked even the softest of questions, so he's taking the cowards way out, as he  always does. The same reason he's too feart to set foot in Scotland.

His fanbase will lap up the conspiracy nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Reform UK candidate disowns party and backs Conservatives following racism row.

A gentle reminder for people with delicate sensibilities that Reform and the Tories are one and the same and we need large Labour majority to make change.

A large Labour majority will change nothing. They don't want to change anything. They are happy being in the right of centre the Tories vacated.

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5 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Reform UK candidate disowns party and backs Conservatives following racism row.

A gentle reminder for people with delicate sensibilities that Reform and the Tories are one and the same and we need large Labour majority to make change.

Change what? Their platform is less progressive than the Tory platform that got Cameron elected in 2010. That's not an exaggeration btw, that's just reality. 

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22 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

A gentle reminder for people with delicate sensibilities that Reform and the Tories are one and the same and we need large Labour majority to make change.

What exactly do you think Labour are going to change?

Be very specific please. I get most of my information from P&B.

Edited by The Other Foot
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3 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

What exactly do you think Labour are going to change?

Be very specific please. I get most of my information from P&B.

Absolutely begging for a Jedi megapost about minor changes that even he doesn't believe they'll implement, with a random side plate of SNP BAD.

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17 hours ago, GordonS said:

Change what? Their platform is less progressive than the Tory platform that got Cameron elected in 2010. That's not an exaggeration btw, that's just reality. 


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18 hours ago, GordonS said:

Change what? Their platform is less progressive than the Tory platform that got Cameron elected in 2010. That's not an exaggeration btw, that's just reality. 

I think Labour can take credit for the non dom thing, even though the Tories put it through. They only did that to steal it from Labour. 

Expecting changes to capital gains tax, particularly on private equity manager carried interest. Not a massive fund raiser, but a significant step towards some limited fairness. 


Limited re-introduction of employment protection. Scope and extent tbc. 

The hollowed out husk of an aspiration for an environmental industrial / energy policy. 

I agree with @Jedi2 that it's better than the Tories.

It's thin gruel though. 

Not nearly enough to make it worth ignoring the toxic xenophobia and small state neoliberalism. 

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16 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I think Labour can take credit for the non dom thing, even though the Tories put it through. They only did that to steal it from Labour. 

Expecting changes to capital gains tax, particularly on private equity manager carried interest. Not a massive fund raiser, but a significant step towards some limited fairness. 


Limited re-introduction of employment protection. Scope and extent tbc. 

The hollowed out husk of an aspiration for an environmental industrial / energy policy. 

I agree with @Jedi2 that it's better than the Tories.

It's thin gruel though. 

Not nearly enough to make it worth ignoring the toxic xenophobia and small state neoliberalism. 

It’s a noble attempt, sir. But as you point out, it’s tepid.

This might just be the first time I vote for… “shudder”… the Greens. 


If I can get a fucking emergency proxy sorted. Fucking Rishi. Fucking Royal Mail. 


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13 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I think Labour can take credit for the non dom thing, even though the Tories put it through. They only did that to steal it from Labour. 

Expecting changes to capital gains tax, particularly on private equity manager carried interest. Not a massive fund raiser, but a significant step towards some limited fairness. 


Limited re-introduction of employment protection. Scope and extent tbc. 

The hollowed out husk of an aspiration for an environmental industrial / energy policy. 

I agree with @Jedi2 that it's better than the Tories.

It's thin gruel though. 

Not nearly enough to make it worth ignoring the toxic xenophobia and small state neoliberalism. 

"Better than the Tories, surely" should be Labour's slogan at this election.

Actually, when was the last time it wasn't their unofficial slogan? They could've stood silently with their suits on in 1997 and still won, people in England were that feart their Tory MP might try to shag their spouse/child/dug again.

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1 minute ago, The Other Foot said:

It’s a noble attempt, sir. But as you point out, it’s tepid.


This might just be the first time I vote for… “shudder”… the Greens. 

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If I can get a fucking emergency proxy sorted. Fucking Rishi. Fucking Royal Mail. 


Might be digging out a vote for the malnourished aromatherapists myself. Was going to go for Plaid but they've decided to stand a youth in my constituency. So it's vegans or some fringe commies. 

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32 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I think Labour can take credit for the non dom thing, even though the Tories put it through. They only did that to steal it from Labour. 

Expecting changes to capital gains tax, particularly on private equity manager carried interest. Not a massive fund raiser, but a significant step towards some limited fairness. 


Limited re-introduction of employment protection. Scope and extent tbc. 

The hollowed out husk of an aspiration for an environmental industrial / energy policy. 

I agree with @Jedi2 that it's better than the Tories.

It's thin gruel though. 

Not nearly enough to make it worth ignoring the toxic xenophobia and small state neoliberalism. 

“Yes our gruel is thin, but Tory gruel would be even thinner”.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

“Yes our gruel is thin, but Tory gruel would be even thinner”.

Fully expect a detailed analysis of the differences between Labour's proposals and Fathers Ted and Dougal's "Careful now" and "Down with this sort of thing".

It may be a very short list.

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The fact that the City, the bond markets and the corporations have become increasingly relaxed about the prospect of an incoming Labour government tells us everything we need to know about what lies ahead.  These guys know a good PFI deal when they see one.

Anyway, let's talk about Gaza and Brexit... 

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