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Dumbarton vs Stranraer

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Firstly, a reminder that this is a 2pm Kick Off.

Stevie Farrell's former club visit the rock with the chance to heap more sorrow on The Sons. While a Sons defeat to Stranraer will not cost him his job (as it once did to his former colleague and another former Stranraer manager), it will seriously turn up the heat from the Sons fans, and that playoff spot will be looking ever more precarious. At the time of writing, by 5pm Saturday Bonnyrigg could've closed the gap to just TWO points and East Fife to four. Even Stranraer themselves would fancy a crack at 4th, with a win that would take them to within seven points of Sons. Without any disrespect to Stranraer, Farrell won't get many easier games on paper the rest of this season (at home to 9th place, who have managed just one league win away from home all season). Fail to win this, and you would would really struggle to see where many more points will come from.

Tough run of games to come after this, too.



Edited by FifeSons
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9 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Seen as it's only a fortnight away, will Stranraer TV be streaming the midweek game next month for those of us who don't have access to a helicopter/half day from work?

We will indeed, all being well - think we're thin on the ground that night but should be confirmed nearer the time 🤝

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4 minutes ago, Moonball said:

We will indeed, all being well - think we're thin on the ground that night but should be confirmed nearer the time 🤝

Excellent. I'll be happily paying my money!

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So scunnered with this balloon of a manager , his negative tactics, bizarre team selections, very narrow and shortened coo field I am seriously considering repairing my storm damaged garden fence than pay £17 to watch more of the same crap that’s been served up for the last 2 seasons. 

Edited by Laurie Williams Loyal
Wrong spelling
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13 hours ago, Laurie Williams Loyal said:

So scunnered with this balloon of a manager , his negative tactics, bizarre team selections, very narrow and shortened coo field I am seriously considering repairing my storm damaged garden fence than pay £17 to watch more of the same crap that’s been served up for the last 2 seasons. 

I've made my mind up that I'll give this game a miss.

Would a couple of hundred less bums on seats provoke a response from our Board?


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6 minutes ago, Silverton End said:

I've made my mind up that I'll give this game a miss.

Would a couple of hundred less bums on seats provoke a response from our Board?


They might respond but I doubt it'll be the response you want. 

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The club is skint and the Rangers money is probably long gone.  We have a Manager and I presume a backroom team contracted to the end of next season.  To break that contract and hire a new management team would cost money.  Money the club doesn't have.

I assume the banker of last resort is the club ownership, which would effectively make them the decision makers.  I might be wrong but I don't imagine they would view the manager's situation as any sort of pressing decision, despite their recent claim to be Dumbarton supporters.

All of which leaves genuine Sons supporters to make their own decisions, the evidence of which we will see over the coming weeks and months - possibly good news for fencing suppliers.  And these decisions will perhaps also continue into next season, as I very much doubt that the 'good recruitment' of the last two seasons will be repeated - possibly bad news for season ticket suppliers.

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1 minute ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

And these decisions will perhaps also continue into next season, as I very much doubt that the 'good recruitment' of the last two seasons will be repeated - possibly bad news for season ticket suppliers.

Yep, and bullshit will we ever see the plastic pitch.

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It's a tough ask right now. The football on the park isnt good enough and it's near impossible to describe an afternoon at a Dumbarton game as an enjoyable experience. I think that better leadership and communication from the club would help. Not because it would make the football any more enjoyable - clearly the only thing that will help in that regard is for us to start winning games and playing better. But more to give fans a bit of insight into whats happening behind the scenes. Or, more pointedly, that something is actually happening behind the scenes.  There is an air of negativity around the club. We've got owners who are pursuing their own plans for their property development. We've got a club that's struggling on the park. We've got a club board engaging in radio silence as far as meaningful communication with supporters is concerned. 

Would proper engagement and communication from the club board solve all our problems? Far from it. But at least there would be some kind of indication that the board understood what was happening around the club and was actively trying to improve things. So fans see the owners pursuing their property development, the club struggling on the park and the board steadfastly refusing to have a meaningful dialogue with fans and the negativity not only sets in, but flourishes. Because lets be honest here, what is there at Dumbarton FC right now to be positive about?

I fear that our disappointing midweek crowd against Spartans will not be the last poorly attended Dumbarton game this season. I doubt if any Sons fans are confident of securing a result on Saturday, much less of witnessing a decent performance. It makes the lack of fan engagement even more concerning because all fans can see is a team struggling on the park and a club that looks incapable of driving any kind of improvement.

Something has to change, both on the park and off it, or we're going to see more poor attendances between now and May and an even bigger struggle to shift season tickets over the summer.

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7 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Something has to change, both on the park and off it, or we're going to see more poor attendances between now and May and an even bigger struggle to shift season tickets over the summer.

Haven't you been telling us for the last two years that we can't afford to sack Farrell? Despite what it would do to attendances. Why should that change now?

Edited by FifeSons
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12 minutes ago, George Parr said:

Absolute madness.

Throw in Durnan and Young, too. Two guys that we've no idea will be able to kick a ball again at this level.

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31 minutes ago, FifeSons said:

Haven't you been telling us for the last two years that we can't afford to sack Farrell? Despite what it would do to attendances. Why should that change now?

I have. And that's still the position we're in. If you ask our chairman about club finances then he'll give you a 1 word answer - grim.

That doesnt mean that we don't need change.

If it's Farrell until the end of the season then it's Farrell, but I'd expect his performance to be subject to a discussion and his future to be in doubt.  If we've got any money left from the Rangers game then dismissing him becomes a consideration. If we don't then that doesnt allow the board to sit in their bubble and refuse to engage with fans. Finances in the grubber? What are they doing to try to improve things?

So something has to change. We need to improve on the park. If Farrell can't achieve that then the club needs to find a way to pay for a change in manager or they need to come clean to fans, set out the club's position and be clear on what they're doing to try to change things. What we can't have is Farrell limping on as Dumbarton manager, the club saying and doing very little and fans becoming increasingly angry with the situation. All that achieves is driving fans away when people eventually reach the point where they've had enough.

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