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14 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Scullion was a dickhead going over, the supporter was a scumbag spitting at him, he was an idiot spitting back.

Hopefully Bonnyrigg fans in the area are able to identify their scumbag and get him banned. If Scullion had spat at him unprovoked I'd say get rid, as he was retaliating I think a few game ban which will likely be imposed is fair.

Was the fan unprovoked or did Scullion go over and provoke him by offering him onto the pitch (which Scullion knows the fan will never do) for a fight? If Scullion isn't there doing that he doesn't get spat on. Really, really amazed at the "ach he was just retaliating" patter. He was looking for a fight :lol:


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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Scullion literally walks over and offers him onto the pitch for a fight then spits back at the guy. He's not some poor wee guy caught up in a situation, he goes over purposefully to start an altercation and by the end of it he's spat at someone. He'll be hammered for it and rightly so. "How many of us would turn and walk away?" is emotional nonsense, spitting on someone is assault whether you were spat on first or not. You're not carrying out "self defence" by spitting at someone 6 feet away. Both fan and player have fucked themselves and I find it mad folk are excusing it.

I did start my post about it by saying he doesn’t need to walk over to their fans, so he’s placed himself in a totally avoidable situation by doing so. I also said he needs to come out and apologise for his actions.

Should he have spat back? Definitely not. Do I get the fact he’s reacted angrily by doing it? To an extent. If it was me I wouldn’t have spat back. But it is Easy for us all to say we wouldn’t react in hindsight the next morning when we weren’t involved in the altercation. Hes hardly Eric Cantona.

Edited by BullyWeeStonehouse
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Scullion will get hammered for this, rightly so. Unless something truly heinous has been said, its moronic walking up to the fans like that in the first place. Hurts to say because he has turned into an important player for us but he let himself and the club down yesterday.

However, I do think spitting on him was an egregious escalation from that fan. Especially given, based on some of our recent match threads, League 2 consensus seems to be that fans should not rise to any baiting from opposition fans or players.

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29 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Was the fan unprovoked or did Scullion go over and provoke him by offering him onto the pitch (which Scullion knows the fan will never do) for a fight? If Scullion isn't there doing that he doesn't get spat on. Really, really amazed at the "ach he was just retaliating" patter. He was looking for a fight :lol:


Walking over and squaring up to the guy is stupid on Scullions part, but it doesn’t really warrant being spat at/on though, does it?!

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Come on, can you imagine the reaction had it been a Clyde fan who spat at a player after getting wound up? There’d be posters on here demanding all Clyde fans be locked in a pen with a tiny wee window to watch our remaining games through.

Both Scullion and the fan are absolutely manky. The fan should absolutely be banned for reacting to Scullion. As for Scullion, he should absolutely be hit with a ban for spitting back (although, I can understand why a person reacts that way in a split second) and hopefully his manager goes through him as well. I’m not interested in Clyde players winding up supporters of other teams either - maybe try it should we stay up at the end of the season. 

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5 minutes ago, BullyWeeStonehouse said:

Walking over and squaring up to the guy is stupid on Scullions part, but it doesn’t really warrant being spat at/on though, does it?!

No it doesn't. I expect the Bonnyrigg fan to be banned for a long time. The fact remains though that if Scullion celebrates with his team mates none of this is being discussed and as such is responsible for a lot of what happened, and will likely also be banned for a long time. 

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Just now, The Moonster said:

No it doesn't. I expect the Bonnyrigg fan to be banned for a long time. The fact remains though that if Scullion celebrates with his team mates none of this is being discussed and as such is responsible for a lot of what happened, and will likely also be banned for a long time. 

Wholeheartedly agree with this.

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I've seen the clip now. No question there are faults on both sides. Scullion doesn't need to go over and argue with the fans, a simple GIRUY gesture would have wound the fans up and avoided the whole thing. 

But that doesn't excuse the fan from spitting at Scullion. Technically he has been assaulted in his workplace. He doesn't have to spit back, he wasn't under any threat, can't argue 'self defence' and should have reported the spitting to Bonnyrigg officials. 

Had Scullion spat at another player, he would have been sent off and banned for 3 games. Not sure how the SFA and Clyde will deal with this but there have to be repercussions for all involved. 

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 I think I could be in the minority of non Clyde fans as I have a degree of sympathy with Scullion if he receives a large ban. I don’t know what’s been shouted at him during the 90 minutes but I don’t ever expect a player to be bulletproof especially with some of the horrible abhorrent stuff fans can shout at players at times. 

What has been shouted at Scullion we will likely never know but he had to deal with it better than he did. If it’s something worth reporting to the clubs and having it investigated then absolutely that should be done.  If he wants to celebrate and give a bit of the GIRUY as he celebrates I’m all for that I am all for him milking the win. He can let his frustrations out with his teammates. 

What he can’t do though is walk over to the fans the at full time and openly verbally abuse them back and then offer them a fight on the pitch if they step past the barrier. I don’t have sympathy for that part as he reacted wrongly 100%. 

That though should have been the end of it. Both supporters and Scullion have to take the decision to walk away and call it a day. I’d assume  they would have after other players came over to de escalate the situation (I could be wrong). Instead a supporter decides to make their way to the barrier and spit on Scullion. There is no excusing that behaviour and that’s an absolutely disgusting act. No justification at all. I don’t know how I nor others would react to that but it’s easy to sit on a football forum and say “i wouldn’t spit, fight, throw a punch back. I’d simply walk away”. In that situation Scullion chose wrong when spitting back of course he did but reactionary behaviour in anger to something like that surely can’t be a surprise to anyone. 

Thats why personally I see no victims in this situation. I have no sympathy with the Bonnyrigg fans who no doubt abused Scullion during the game, no sympathy for Scullion because his actions were wrong from start to finish. No sympathy for the mank who spat at Scullion either. Bad situation from start to finish. My sympathy only goes to Scullion if he gets a long ban that sees him out for the rest of the season. I would want to see him punished by being heavily fined by the club and asked to do something that will show he can conduct himself better on the field whilst accepting fault for his part in the situation. Externally I wouldn’t want him given anymore than a 1 or 2 game suspension. 

Just my 2 cents though. 

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There is not a single person on the planet that would simply “walk away and report it to the officials” after being spat on. 

Genuinely baffles me that the tube that videoed it and posted it on social media, clearly done with the intention of getting Scullion flung under the bus, never thought to crop the video so him being spat on first wasn’t included. 

As I was leaving the ground, I saw what appeared to be a Bonnyrigg official having a right go at Gordon Thomson- I had no idea that the incident had taken place at that point so wasn’t sure what it was about, but I’m assuming it was about this. Scullion will be dealt with internally and by the SFA, but I think the Bonnyrigg official is going to feel very silly this morning, 

Edited by ScottR96
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Statement Following Events Post Match 16th March 2024

We are aware of an incident between a supporter and an opposition player at the end of the game yesterday at New Dundas Park. 

The incident was dealt with at the time and the appropriate action and reports made as is required by the club. The club will co-operate fully with any further investigations, or action, that may be taken.

The club are unable to make any further comment at this time.

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Give Bonnyrigg a break.  While their ground is very basic there is a sort of nostalgia around it and being literally  10 feet from where the keeper stands gives a completely different and interesting perspective on the game. 

Further it is great to see so many people supporting their local team. Bonnyrigg have a really decent support  given the size of the town and far better they are loyal to their local club and not Celtic or Rangers.

Sure there was a very disappointing incident at the end but leaving the ground the vast majority of their guys were decent and while disappointed pretty good humoured.

it was a good game slightly marred by a stupid incident at the end. Clyde have something to celebrate, a real chance now of staying up now against all the odds of a few weeks ago if they ‘keep the heid.’

Good luck to Bonnyrigg so long as it is not at the expense of Clyde!

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Don’t get the hate for New Dundas Park. I much prefer watching a game on a grass park like that rather than a 4G plastic park.

I also really like visiting old fashioned grounds like NDP. Not sure why the portaloo thing is such a big issue. The first time I visited Arbroath in the early 2000s the toilet was a piece of corrugated metal stuck in the ground inbetween the stand and the North Sea.

Annan only have two portaloos in the away end as well, IIRC.

As if half our support crowd wanking wasn’t bad enough they’re now doing it over stadiums, of which we don’t have one of our own.

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