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The Kate Forbes thread


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On 11/05/2024 at 05:58, dirty dingus said:

Kate Forbes has quite a lot of support in the SNP groups I'm in from what I'd consider working class women who were angry over the trans stuff.

I don't know any working class women concerned by the trans issue. One is angry at the constant stirring from heidbangers like JK Rowling but none of them see trans people as threats to their safety.

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2 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

If only that were true.

It gets far more media coverage than it really should and even then, most people don't care too much. A very small minority on both sides of the debate really, really give a shit about it.

Indeed the media have decided it's a lot more important than it actually is Hence all the headbanger's going on about it

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I see that Kate Forbes is a member of strange "hands across the water group", The British-American Project. Some interesting members listed including ubiquitous villain, Peter Mandelson. I think she should choose the company she keeps more carefully, but, fortunately, Anas Sarwar is there to represent the cause of Scottish Socialism.



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4 minutes ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

I see that Kate Forbes is a member of strange "hands across the water group", The British-American Project. Some interesting members listed including ubiquitous villain, Peter Mandelson. I think she should choose the company she keeps more carefully, but, fortunately, Anas Sarwar is there to represent the cause of Scottish Socialism.



What an embarrassing mismatch in membership, there’s about 10,000 Brits and 3 yanks. Ooft.


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44 minutes ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

I see that Kate Forbes is a member of strange "hands across the water group", The British-American Project. Some interesting members listed including ubiquitous villain, Peter Mandelson. I think she should choose the company she keeps more carefully, but, fortunately, Anas Sarwar is there to represent the cause of Scottish Socialism.




Despite their website looking like it was made on Windows 95 it is more than a bevvy session.



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13 hours ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

I see that Kate Forbes is a member of strange "hands across the water group", The British-American Project. Some interesting members listed including ubiquitous villain, Peter Mandelson. I think she should choose the company she keeps more carefully, but, fortunately, Anas Sarwar is there to represent the cause of Scottish Socialism.



90% sure that’s the inspiration for one of John Le Carre’s later - and very good -  novels.  

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On 11/05/2024 at 14:32, dirty dingus said:

I don't either but these women say they are threatened by safe space issues and a lot are on the Cherry train.

Can we seriously address the elephant in the room here,  HOW THE f**k IS ANYCUNT EVER MEANT TO ENFORCE SUCH A LAW.


A person enters a ladies changing facility at a sports centre, they don't look as feminine as other people in the room, one person feels uncomfortable and complains to the manager.  The manager then asks that person to come with him( or her I suppose 🤣) and says

" that room there is a women's only space, some of the other customers are concerned you may not actually be a women and are worried that you are there for the purposes of sexual gratification" 

The person replies " well, I am a woman and I have every right to use the women's changing rooms"

Manager  " ok, well in that case may I see your ID please?

Person " Don't have any, I don't drive and don't have a passport either, do I need to show ID to go for a pish in this day & age ffs?"


What happens now, does the manager phone the polis - ( we don't have any available officers right now, we could be anywhere between 2- 4 hours to take this call )  does he asks the thing to leave, does he ask they/them to drop their drawers??

What happens when it turns out that the person is in fact a born cis gendered women with a real fanny who just happens to look a bit masculine and she turns and  says " I've been made to out to be a deviant, a criminal and a complete c**t off for nae other reason than how I look and you better believe I'll be taking this complaint all the way"


behave yourselves

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Can we seriously address the elephant in the room here,  HOW THE f**k IS ANYCUNT EVER MEANT TO ENFORCE SUCH A LAW.


A person enters a ladies changing facility at a sports centre, they don't look as feminine as other people in the room, one person feels uncomfortable and complains to the manager.  The manager then asks that person to come with him( or her I suppose 🤣) and says

" that room there is a women's only space, some of the other customers are concerned you may not actually be a women and are worried that you are there for the purposes of sexual gratification" 

The person replies " well, I am a woman and I have every right to use the women's changing rooms"

Manager  " ok, well in that case may I see your ID please?

Person " Don't have any, I don't drive and don't have a passport either, do I need to show ID to go for a pish in this day & age ffs?"


What happens now, does the manager phone the polis - ( we don't have any available officers right now, we could be anywhere between 2- 4 hours to take this call )  does he asks the thing to leave, does he ask they/them to drop their drawers??

What happens when it turns out that the person is in fact a born cis gendered women with a real fanny who just happens to look a bit masculine and she turns and  says " I've been made to out to be a deviant, a criminal and a complete c**t off for nae other reason than how I look and you better believe I'll be taking this complaint all the way"


behave yourselves

Like it or not, gender-specific spaces have in fact been regulated quite effectively by social protocol since time immemorial.

If you disagree, try your thought experiment of walking into lots of gendered areas and self-IDing your way through any challenge for a week. I'd keep some frozen peas handy and delete your social media accounts first though. 

It's almost as if there was no serious issue to resolve, that ends up absorbing all the political fucking oxygen in a country. 

Edited by vikingTON
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47 minutes ago, virginton said:

Like it or not, gender-specific spaces have in fact been regulated quite effectively by social protocol since time immemorial.

If you disagree, try your thought experiment of walking into lots of gendered areas and self-IDing your way through any challenge for a week. I'd keep some frozen peas handy and delete your social media accounts first though. 

It's almost as if there was no serious issue to resolve, that ends up absorbing all the political fucking oxygen in a country. 

Aye, I know. But I’m not talking about me going in when I clearly am a bloke - that ones easy to deal with  “ excuse me mate, thats the ladies, the gents is round the corner”

talking about someone who either is or looks trans, it could be a bit harder calling that one out

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On 12/05/2024 at 14:35, Crùbag said:

I don't know any working class women concerned by the trans issue. One is angry at the constant stirring from heidbangers like JK Rowling but none of them see trans people as threats to their safety.

I think it's a marginal issue that Rowling and Cherry have blown out of all proportion. Making life harder for the small percentage of trans people. 

A dangerous man isn't going to bother throwing on a wig to attack a woman. 

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On 13/05/2024 at 19:23, virginton said:

Like it or not, gender-specific spaces have in fact been regulated quite effectively by social protocol since time immemorial.

If you disagree, try your thought experiment of walking into lots of gendered areas and self-IDing your way through any challenge for a week. I'd keep some frozen peas handy and delete your social media accounts first though. 

It's almost as if there was no serious issue to resolve, that ends up absorbing all the political fucking oxygen in a country. 

Careful mate, don't blow your cover as a member of the toiletirati.

"quite effectively"

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