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General Election 2024

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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

This has been an unmitigated disaster for the SNP.

One that very few of us saw coming and one that they need to start working to address now.


Most opinion polls saw it coming.  I think most MRP predictions had the SNP getting around 10 seats, give or take.

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When does the internal bloodletting start for the Snp? Some big hitters will be desperate to get back up the road to the holyrood trough. Wonder if the continuity/cover up wrong doing candidate  will survive or the other side of the party make a play 

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

Most opinion polls saw it coming.  I think most MRP predictions had the SNP getting around 10 seats, give or take.

The opinion polls I saw showed SNP and Labour fairly close percentage wise.  I think some of the ones closer to polling day saw the SNP slightly ahead.

Of course I could be wrong; wouldn’t be the first time.

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9 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

They both absolutely did deserve it. 

The fact that the kicking that was given (in Scotland) was in the form of red blue Tories tells a totally different story about what is happening though.  

Big story of the night is Reform.

They got over 3000 votes in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath seat! More than Lib Dems, Greens and Alba. That’s mental.

Apart from the word Reform, like Labour’s ‘change’, what are they offering that 3000 people want? It’s not like Fife has been crazily affected by immigration, unless the Poles are a problem for folk.



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19 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

That’s the spirit!

Both the Tories and the SNP got the kicking they so richly deserved. The SNP can now reflect and try and be more competent and voter friendly before the next Holyrood elections.

What did the SNP at Westminster do wrong?  They were in opposition after all and from what I can see were as effective as Labour on most issues and far more effective on some, such as the genocide in Gaza.

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Bit depressed for SNP this morning though not unexpected. However as previously said FPTP doesn’t give a true picture. Over 800K votes for Labour against nearly 700K for SNP does not suggest the desire for independence is dead.

Most of my friends and family who voted Labour were voting to get Tories out rather than SNP out.

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5 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Big story of the night is Reform.

They got over 3000 votes in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath seat! More than Lib Dems, Greens and Alba. That’s mental.

Apart from the word Reform, like Labour’s ‘change’, what are they offering that 3000 people want? It’s not like Fife has been crazily affected by immigration, unless the Poles are a problem for folk.



Many people are racist. 

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4 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

When does the internal bloodletting start for the Snp? Some big hitters will be desperate to get back up the road to the holyrood trough. Wonder if the continuity/cover up wrong doing candidate  will survive or the other side of the party make a play 

"Other side of the party" - you realise who is DFM and Economics Secretary?

Swinney has attempted to unite the party and has the standard bearer for the "other side" as his deputy. As bad a night as it was, it's hard to pin it on Swinney who's had the job for 2 months out of 15 really awful ones for the SNP.


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Just now, itzdrk said:

Many people are racist. 

That’s all I can really take from it. I haven’t noticed too many small boats in the Forth and there aren’t that many black faces either.

Is there another reason people vote Reform? Pissed off with the main parties and seen as the anti-establishment vote?

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Did not expect the SNP to do as badly as that, although their gain to defeat Ross was amusing.  It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy(!)

Some of those swings to Labour were beyond belief.

In Northern Ireland, Jim Allister in the commons will be a laugh 😆  and I was relieved that Robinson defeated Long well in East Belfast.  Great to see Stephen Farry kicked into touch too.

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2 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

That’s all I can really take from it. I haven’t noticed too many small boats in the Forth and there aren’t that many black faces either.

Is there another reason people vote Reform? Pissed off with the main parties and seen as the anti-establishment vote?

Nah, it's 99% ignorant racism.

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1 minute ago, Scary Bear said:

That’s all I can really take from it. I haven’t noticed too many small boats in the Forth and there aren’t that many black faces either.

Is there another reason people vote Reform? Pissed off with the main parties and seen as the anti-establishment vote?

They believe all the shite about foreigners jumping the queue for housing, benefits and the NHS.


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1 minute ago, Scary Bear said:

That’s all I can really take from it. I haven’t noticed too many small boats in the Forth and there aren’t that many black faces either.

Is there another reason people vote Reform? Pissed off with the main parties and seen as the anti-establishment vote?

would be interesting to see the demographics, if young people are voting reform in Scotland? which would match a european trend


How many votes did reform get overall in Scotland?

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