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General Election 2024

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39 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

He took bribes with a Tory (Robert Pullar) to fix who got a Tayside Council contract.

Saw Bob Pullar not long after he got out.  I commented on his weight loss (he had been a ‘big’ guy).  He wryly responded ‘that’s what a diet of porridge does to you’.


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52 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

He took bribes with a Tory (Robert Pullar) to fix who got a Tayside Council contract.

Stuff like that probably happens all the time. There was definitely something dodgy about D&G council and a certain construction company recently


(This is a satirical post and is NOT actionable) 

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19 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

It's nice to see a man with at least 12 chins campaigning for healthcare reform.

Reminds of a quip a friend of mine made back in the day.  We were watching a clip of the Tory Party conference during Thatcher’s reign.

Observing the delegates, who were a sorry looking bunch, my mate said “It’s easy to see that the Tories don’t belief in equality, some of these c***s have three chins, some don’t have any”.


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Survation's MRP forecasting Labour with 484 seats. Tories on 64, with Lib Dems on 61 and the SNP falling to 10.

The exit poll is going to be hilarious. I am genuinely looking forward to Tory figures having meltdowns on TV and social media throughout the night as the results are announced. 

I was reluctant to vote SNP given the last 18 months, but I am now very likely to default to them because of Labour's campaign and the fact the Tories are getting routed regardless. 

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7 candidates this time in our boring constituency compared to the usual 4. A plethora of leaflets coming through the door each day. Considering the apathy amongst voters the parties seem awfa keen.

Still haven’t decided whether to actually vote or if it will just be a bunch of willies scribbled on the ballot paper*.

*Besides the candidates.

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I see that some bloke called Boris Johnson has joined the front line of the Tory campaign. Boris Johnson.... Boris Johnson.... didn't a bloke with a name like that used to be an MP? Didn't he leave parliament after some kind of scandal? Surely they can't be wheeling back into front line politics a guy who was found by a committee with a Tory majority to have lied to the parliament and the country?

Nah, can't be the same bloke 

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15 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's in waste water management.

Left school without being able to read or write, and haven't gained either skill since.

On the Survation Poll, still can't see the Tories as low as that, or the SNP.

There will still be that 'can't admit to voting Tory in polls' element. Chance of them still being over 100.

SNP could be anywhere from 15 to 40...polls in Scotland have been all over the place Reform...probably 2 or 3.

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I reckon the Tories will still do better than the polls predict. Partly because "It's all over" has been the message for weeks, so many Labour leaning folk might stay at home. Also because people tend not to admit to pollsters that they are voting Tory. 

There is a huge hardcore of people in Englandshire who vote Tory, always. It's like a religion. 

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